
Jack Of All Fandoms, Master Of None.

@fiction-enthusiast-blog / fiction-enthusiast-blog.tumblr.com

My type is fictional • pls ignore my dp • side ho- blog : youngsoulbigdreamer

“Has the library outlived its usefulness in the age of Internet?”

“How do libraries stay relevant in the age of Google?”

“Do we still need libraries?”

“What can libraries offer that Google can’t?”

Brooklyn Library is going through it rn

I’m on my library’s Teen Advisory Board (TAB for short). Lets talk about what libraries do and why they are important af:

- Encourage literacy in children. My library and most other libraries have huge sections entirely for children as well as a ton of programs to encourage children to use the library. I would probably not have the same love for reading that I do today, if not for the amazing library near my house.

-Builds communities. My library and most other libraries will frequently sponsor community events to bring people together and make their city a more friendly place. Some of the things my library does it: organise a marathon; participate in parades; two used book sales each year; host local documentary showings; etc.

-free books and resources for anyone to use. I can read any book I want for free!!!! It’s awesome. And anyone can do it.

-seriously, I see homeless people at my library all the time reading books, and enjoying the free resources. Without the library, they would not have access to those books.

-awesome study spot. Seriously, great. As someone who lives with a very large, loud, busy family, the library is awesome for providing a productive peaceful place to study and get away from my hectic house.

-Librarians. are. the. greatest. Really, these people are so nice, and cute, and so hard-working, and I just love and want to be friends with them all, because they are awesome. 

-What are you gonna do when you need help with your English paper, and the internet isn’t working? Google it?

@bklynlibrary, you were the one who started the post, do you have anything to add to this?

Spot on points! We’d like to add that the library is more than just books and literacy! We offer programs and resources for:

  • Immigrants studying for the citizenship exam, trying to find jobs, and looking for English conversation groups.
  • Those who are incarcerated – we bring books to them but also allow incarcerated parents to read to their kids via a live video feed.
  • Amazing cultural events that feature everyone from Pulitzer-prize winning authors to flamenco groups to art critics to teenage metal bands.
  • Job-seekers who need one-on-one resume help and interview prep.
  • Senior citizens who want to stay active – we have dance classes, a bowling league, and all kinds of activities.
  • For artists, we offer free Photoshop, Illustrator, photography, and art classes taught by professionals.
  • Every summer we provide free lunches to kids in low-income families.
  • All kinds of language classes for those looking to learn, and of course, all classes are free!

So yeah, the library is pretty bad ass.

Here are a few other things libraries around the world can offer:

* 3D printing services.

* Internet access - it’s not just for research these days, it’s for applying to jobs. Yes, even fast food jobs.

* Cake molds and cookie cutters.

* Energy meters so you can work out how much juice various appliances use.

* Scientific equipment - for that science fair. Another library has telescopes, and works with the local astronomy club to teach people how to use them.

* Gardening tools and even heirloom seeds (you return what you didn’t use).

* Toys and dolls.

* Artwork that you can borrow to keep in your home for a bit.

* Audio production studios.

* Fully equipped maker spaces with all kinds of DIY tools.

* Musical instruments - maybe yours is damaged or you want to try a new one real quick without outlay (instruments are expensive).

* One on one research sessions with trained librarians. In at least one rural area they do house calls.

* Digital media labs with all the software you need to do your design project. Some even have green screen walls.

* Technology instruction, especially for older adults.

* Santa suits.

* Nurses. Seriously, there is actually a library in Arizona with a public health nurse - remember those homeless people who hang out at the library?

* Naturalization assistance

* A karaoke machine.

* Portable exercise equipment.

* Reading magnifiers

* Kids’ fishing tackle

* Workshops, craft workshops, seminars, etc.

* Yoga and exercise classes.

* Museum passes

* Sports equipment, particularly if the library is in a park.

* Coupon exchange/donation.

And I found those in five minutes.

Libraries are very important for books, but they go far, far beyond that.

Also, as a writer, I want my books in libraries, where people will take a risk on an unfamiliar name.


I would also like to point out: in adverse and extreme weather, libraries are warming and cooling stations for local populations. When Chicago had the polar vortex in 2014 that dropped the temperature down to -16 Fahrenheit, Chicago Public Schools were initially reluctant to close in part because of the hundreds of kids who get free breakfast and lunch each day. They were finally able to give the go ahead, because resources like the Chicago Public Libraries stayed open, providing services for kids and their families.


And librarians fight and fight and fight for your privacy and your intellectual freedom.

Google: The opposite of that, really.

Google’s search algorithms have been gamed by tech savvy rightwingers Unless you know how to evaluate sites, you are gonna be led astray. And Google gives no fucks. They care about money, QED. As long as they can get your information and sell it and uses it in ways that end up being detrimental to you. Libraries are usually on the side of defending your privacy and have little to no financial stake in your privacy. I trust libraries as an institution way more than I trust google.


2016’s Top Books

How many lists can Dan and Phil appear on? Here’s another.

1. The Harry Potter series     by J. K. Rowling 2. Percy Jackson & the Olympians     by Rick Riordan 3. The Raven Cycle series +1     by Maggie Stiefvater

4. The Mortal Instruments series     by Cassandra Clare 5. The Captive Prince Triology     by C. S. Pacat 6. A Song of Ice and Fire Series −3     by George R. R. Martin 7. A Court of Mist and Fury    by Sarah J. Maas 8. The Foxhole Court    by Nora Sakavic 9. The Amazing Book is Not on Fire −3    by Dan Howell and Phil Lester 10. Pride and Prejudice −1     by Jane Austen 11. The Throne of Glass series −1     by Sarah J Maas 12. The Trials of Apollo series     by Rick Riordan 13. Carry On     by Rainbow Rowell 14. The Warriors series +2     by Author Collective 15. Six of Crows     by Leigh Bardugo 16. The Infernal Devices series −8     by Cassandra Clare 17. The Lunar Chronicles series     by Marissa Meyer 18. Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard     by Rick Riordan 19. Lady Midnight      by Cassandra Clare

20. Wreck This Journal    by Keri Smith

The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.


·Percy is the kind of guy to smile at a baby and they will always smile back and giggle.

·Annabeth is the kind of girl who stares at babies thoughtfully, imagining a future with Percy and children of their own where they are safe and happy.

·Grover is the kind of satyr to see a wailing baby and an exhausted mother in the park and play a sweet melody on his reed pipes to calm the baby and relax the mother.

·Piper is the kind of girl to offer to help change the diaper of the baby of a confused first-time mother.

·Jason is the kind of guy to see a baby drooling on a teething toy (and have a war flashback about staplers).

·Hazel is the kind of girl to coo at babies and let them hold her finger and play with their wittle feetsies.

·Frank is the kind of guy to see a baby staring at him and smile shyly and wave, mouthing “hi” at them.

·Leo is the kind of guy to make faces at a baby til they laugh or leave.

·Nico is the kind of guy to be annoyed if a baby is crying loudly in public, but stare longingly and wistfully at a happy family with doting parents playing together. But then he feels the stare of Will on the back of his head and quickly turns his head away, blushing.

·Will is the kind of guy to offer to help a stressed mother with a crying child and hold and calm them while the mother relaxes for a few moments.

·Magnus is the kind of guy to be stuck on a subway with a crying baby and try to awkwardly avoid eye contact with the mother as she tries to calm them down.

·Alex is the kind of person to catch a baby staring at her and stare them down (not to intimidate, mostly out of stubbornness).

PJO queer characters: we're here you just don't know we are.
HOO queer characters: I'm gay and angsty
KC queer characters: I don't even know
TOA queer characters: Bi gay gay

every time one of his books is banned from a school library, rick riordan adds a queer character to the universe and an angel gets their wings

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