

@megs-ster-420-blog / megs-ster-420-blog.tumblr.com

It is what it is . Live in Georgia. I do me. Never trust anyone. Live day by day. Stoner! Fwm! Follow! Share! Like!

Every day conversation with myself

Me: I can't just kill myself because there are people who'd actually miss me. What about my family? My friends? My death would destroy their lives as well and I can't let that happen.
*something bad happens again*
Inner Me: You know what? Nevermind. Nobody cares about me and I'm just a burden to everyone and can't seem to do anything right anyways. I'd be better off dead byeeee
Hiding your hurt only intensifies it. Problems grow in the dark and only become bigger and bigger, but when exposed to the light of truth, they shrink. You are only as sick as your secrets. So take off your mask, stop pretending you’re perfect and walk into freedom.

Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life Book (via wordsnquotes)

I don’t regret loving you. But your love came with a lot of pain and a lot of hurt. I lost count of all the times I cried myself to sleep. I lost count of all the time I made you upset. We made wonderful memories together but we also caused each other a great deal of heartache and headaches. Along the way we lost each other in the twists and turns we were not expecting. If I could go back to the day I met you, I would never have crossed the street to say hello, not because I regretted meeting you or loving you but because I would have saved us from a great deal of suffering this loved caused us.

Letters to my ex

I want you to touch me, feel me. Caress the part of me which are broken and bruised. I want you to plant kisses and leave marks that resembles galaxies in reddish hues. Hold me tightly, and do not let me go. Just hold my hands and Let us take this slow.  Breathless, panting, and Whispering abundance of “I want you’s”. All you need to remember is Baby, I got you.

lm // sext pt. 5 (via a-confusedwriter)

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