

@phdna / phdna.tumblr.com

88% random MCU and 616 feels, 12% rambling about other random things   ||   Lenore   ||   31   ||   she/her/hers
sambucky + you’re welcome: a thrilling saga

What’s hysterical is Bucky took that first you’re welcome so personally and he’s such a petty bitch that he has now in two separate contexts found a reason to say ‘you’re welcome’ after doing something super soldiery.

He’s gonna do this for the next twenty years, Sam.

Sam: *saves Bucky’s ass*

Sam: You’re welcome, by the way.



Whenever I see someone refer to "Victorian era-" for places outside the UK I'm tempted to start saying shit like "Han Dynasty era Rome", "Soviet era Australia" etc

“Welcome to Soviet America, home of the McDonalds and Cocaine Cola. Long live Comrade Reagan.”

The Civil War, or as I like to call it, Late Tokugawa Period America


I rewatched Captain America: The Winter Soldier recently, and I remembered a good part of movies and tv shows is making sure the home sets reflect the characters. A lot of thought goes into the decorating and props of a character's home in order to seem believable and make the scene work. What this means for me is that whatever is in Sam Wilson's DC house/apartment is canon information about Sam in the MCU, and I thought I would compile and share with you all what I found in case there are any other fic writers and such who would love to use this information. So here goes:

✨Canon Information and Interests about Sam Wilson✨

He doesn’t refrigerate his mustard. I mean, you don’t technically have to refrigerate mustard, but it is recommended in order for it to last long/taste as good. So what can we gather from this? Sam is a mustard heathen. He doesn’t care about the flavor at all. He’s a mad man who eats so much mustard he doesn’t need to refrigerate it because the bottle won’t last long in his house. I can only imagine he puts mustard or barbecue sauce on everything.

Sam has a baseball trophy. So sometime ago, maybe in high school or college, he used to play baseball. Apparently he was pretty good too, or at least proud of his playing, if he has a trophy sitting on a shelf in his kitchen. Is this why he's so good at throwing the shield? Or he could have also been playing baseball with his fellow Air Force members. Do you think he tried to get the Avengers to form a company baseball team?

Also I don't have it pictured, but you can see an example of one in a screenshot three below, Sam also has several golf balls sitting around his apartment. Now either Sam just likes to fiddle with golf balls or he also likes to play golf (just like Mackie). So if you want to write about Sam being a sports person, he canonically plays baseball and golf.

He likes wine. Maybe loves wine. As we can see in this shot, he has a fancy wine rack hanging on his wall. Yes, it’s just wood, but who would go through that much effort to hang a wine rack instead of getting one to set on a counter or something (just my personal thoughts). I feel hanging the wine rack is supposed to show off his wine collection, because he loves his wine.

Also in his dining room, he has a huge bowl/vase full of wine corks. Again, I feel only wine fanatics would do something like that, because when I’m done with wine I just recycle and call it a day. Conclusion, Sam loves wine.

Sam loves music. I know we figured that with his whole Marvin Gaye obsession (understandable). But I really need to point out how much he loves music. His entire table is filled with stacks on stacks of CD’s (and also that golf ball I was telling you about). At least 30 CD’s. Not only that he also owns a record player. Not only that but he has several speakers.

At least four small speakers scattered throughout his kitchen and dining room, and also one very large speaker in his dining room. The man not only loves music, he makes sure he can listen to it well wherever he is in his house. That takes dedication.

Other small things I wanted to point out:

He likes the smell of coconut.

He keeps a 50 lb (?) dumbbell on his kitchen counter. wtf Sam


He likes Cookie Crisp cereal. Now one could argue this is for his nephew Cass when he visits (who is probably like what 3ish when the events of CA:TWS take place? i'm not good with guessing child ages), but I like to fully believe Sam digs Cookie Crisp cereal.

Thanks for reading 💖


don't think about Tony babysitting his teammates kids

  • okay but the thing is, everyone sort of underestimates how good tony is with kids
  • it’s not their fault. whenever the news publish anything regarding tony and children, it’s always those politician-type pictures that kind of look posed
  • plus tony is like, internationally known for only barely knowing how to manage trivial life things, like sleeping or showering at appropriate times, so it’s always like “dude can’t even take care of himself, let alone a kid”
  • one day, the avengers have to babysit. and the kid (WE’LL CALL HER LEIA AND SHE’S THOR AND JANE’S CHILD FOR REASONS archibanfkimble and janefoster) wON’T STOP CRYING BECAUSE SHE MISSES HER MOM AND DAD
  • everyone has tried everything to distract her. toys and stories and diaper changing and TV and evERYTHING and it’s like. MY GOD I WISH THOR WERE HERE, HE’S LIKE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS TYPE OF CRISIS
  • (thor is amazing with kids)
  • and then tony goes, takes the kid to the balcony
  • (everyone’s like “tony be reasonable you can’t stick a four-year-old in a mini-suit and toss her out the window. she might laugh but that’s not safe”)
  • (everyone thinks tony would do this kind of risky devil-may-care stuff with kids when lol really there’s literally no one who’s more pathologically paranoid about keeping the kid safe)
  • anyway he takes the girl to the balcony and asks her to look at the moon and the stars
  • (he has already assessed this situation, this is thor and jane’s kid so mom and dad probably talk about the stars a lot)
  • he asks if she knows where stars go when it’s daytime. she answers that mommy already said that the stars don’t hide, but when the sun comes up the light is too bright so they fade out
  • tony says that if mommy told her, then it must be true.
  • and isn’t it interesting? how stars are always there even when you don’t see them? he has a special theory — and he’s very smart, he’s a scientist, so his theories tend to be true — that the people you love are just like stars. they’re there even when you can’t see them.
  • and he knows it hurts when mommy and daddy have to take one of those super long trips. but he also knows that if stars can exist that far away from us but still be visible, and if they can disappear during the day but still be there, it’s only logical to assume that everything mommy and daddy ever told her — “i love you,” “you’ll be safe”, “we’ll see you soon” — still hold true even when they’re not right here
  • “and you know what else?
  • maybe mommy is looking at the same stars, right now, right as we’re having this conversation
  • so here’s what we’ll do: we’ll go to my bedroom, i’ll help you use my telescope
  • (people are kind of in awe because tony is a dick about who gets to touch his personal telescope cough best guess is that his mother was watching him when he assembled it for the first time)
  • then we’ll choose your favorite star. and then we can write a message for mommy and daddy, and we’ll use that star to relay it to them”
  • and everyone’s kind of surprised tbh because tony’s capacity for cheesiness is always grossly underestimated
  • and in the end of the night people are like “heck i had no idea you  knew how to do this stuff”
  • “i’m not that good at it” he says while fucking combing his fingers through the hair of the child sleeping with her head on his lap
  • (i’m never gonna let that marika panel go)
  • but deep down, even if he doesn’t think he’d be a good father, he knows he would 100% love being one
  • but he never will be one
  • so when he says “nah i’m not that great” what he actually means is
  • please don’t press on these wounds because i will never have any of this
  • ow
  • and it’s a dirty comparison, and he hates himself for making it, but he can’t help but to think that babysitting other people’s kids kind of feels like the times he has to go to important galas, and everyone around him is drinking and he has to smile and pretend he is perfectly okay with sparkling water or apple cider. he’s always pretending he’s fine and content and like he’s not pining for the life he knows he’ll never have

..... Can you guys believe I still fully intend to at least answer my asks if nothing else? I swear every time I decide to be online my work just disagrees with me and ruins my every plan. But hang in there, I'll get to it!


so someone on twitter said this is the only picture we have of the cap quartet and i-


That's because this is too perfect to follow up with another attempt


Tony Stark is the person who could wield Thor’s hammer in one hand and the Infinity Gauntlet in the other and still be like ‘lol this is fake I’m a terrible person Actually’

Tony Stark: *donates millions into a women’s shelter, reveals his Top Secret identity as Iron Man because a puppy was In Danger, anonymously rehabilitates criminals who’ve fought him, literally just goes into orphanages to holds babies to make them feel loved* 

Also Tony Stark: I’m irredeemable! Can’t save my soul! Awful person, remember thirteen years and four days ago when I was rude to that lady?? 0/10 stay away. What a waste of oxygen. 


ok but this is great bc the dark elves are too far way to even hear him at this point so there’s no reason he has to say this. I mean obviously from a Doyalist perspective it’s bc the writers wanted the audience to think Loki betrayed Thor so they decided to use a kind of dumb and cheap writing trick to do it. But that means from a Watsonian perspective Loki is a method actor who really is just THAT committed to the drama. 

Loki: If I’m going to take this role-

Thor: Role? What role? This isn’t a play Loki. 

Loki (more loudly): –then I’m going to do it right and stay in character from the moment the performance starts.

Thor @ Jane: Sorry about this. He’s very passionate about the theater. 


Loki: It’s…what…my character…would have done.


What a good day to remember that one time Namor wanted to pursue the escaping villains du jour and Steve said no because Bucky was feeling cold

Like, intellectually, I know that Bucky had just been in freezing water, hypothermia is really dangerous, and Steve was being sensible, but “Let’s stop the mission, Bucky needs blankets” is just an objectively hilarious thing to happen

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