

@gonnagiveallmysecretsaway / gonnagiveallmysecretsaway.tumblr.com

now at justasmalltownpig.tumblr.com

i have moved blogs! i’m leaving this one up for posterity but i’m now at justasmalltownpig.tumblr.com


Rick Riordan and Diversity

People complain about Rick Riordan “beating a dead horse” but HE CAN BEAT ALL THE DEAD HORSES HE LIKES.

Rick Riordan has actively added diverse characters in all of his books to represent more kids. Characters in his books include:

  • a Arab-American Valkyrie (Magnus Chase)
  • a mute elf who uses sign language (Magnus Chase)
  • a Hispanic son of Hephaestus (Heroes of Olympus)
  • a half-Cherokee daughter of Aphrodite (Heroes of Olympus)
  • a Chinese son of Mars (Heroes of Olympus)
  • a bisexual God/Teen (Trials of Apollo)
  • a happy and loving gay couple, Nico and Will (Trials of Apollo)
  • a male dwarf that loves fashion and design (Magnus Chase)
  • a black daughter of Hades (Heroes of Olympus)
  • a genderfluid, transgender warrior of Odin (Magnus Chase) 

and that’s just off the top of my head! 

When Rick Riordan first revealed Nico, a son of Hades in his best-selling Heroes of Olympus series, as gay people asked him “why?” and he said because he wanted kids to see themselves in his books and that all kids need to be able to see themselves in literature and find reassurance that they’re fine just the way they are. 

So unlike some people who beat dead horses and don’t even try to be diverse (*cough*JKROWLING*cough*) at least Riordan is constantly adding more and more young heroes and heroines that are diverse, well-rounded, and important. 


ALSO, Rick Riordan is heading up his own imprint now of more mythology books for kids, and he’s not writing the books himself, but finding diverse authors to write books about the mythology of their own cultures. Apparently he was getting tons of letters all, “Do Indian mythology next! Do something about Polynesian myths!” or whatever, and he was like, “Those aren’t my stories to tell, but let me find people who CAN write those books for you, and make those books exist,” and that is fucking awesome in every way, you go Rick Riordan, 4 for you, Rick Riordan. 


Oh I forgot to add that the (ever forgotten) Egyptian Series had two biracial main characters and a relationship that could arguably be classified as healthy polyamory.

if I remember correctly, the ENTIRE REASON he originally wrote the demigods in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series to have ADHD and dyslexia was to give his son (who is also ADHD and dyslexic) a hero like him.


He also recently mentioned on GoodReads that Artemis’ hunters are aro ace. While I wish it was on page, it certainly feels a far more authentic addition then just an after thought.

remember when rick riordan single-handedly saved literature

i love this man


As we've gotten a couple of asks from young teens (13/14) this one goes to my lgbtqipa+ kids

🌸 you’re never too young to start thinking about your gender and sexuality.

🌸 But don’t stress yourself out about it. It’s not a race. There’s no time limit.

🌸 There’s nothing wrong with you I promise. I know your family or religion may say otherwise but please trust me.

🌸 I know it’s hard but please remember you’re not alone. You’re not alone among your peers. And those of us who have gone before you are here to help you along the way.

🌸 There will be people who cannot stand you. I’m sorry. The world is changing but so very slowly.

🌸 Support one another. Spread love and acceptance. Don’t fall into the traps of division in the community. We’re stronger together.

🌸 It gets better. It does. It gets better. Please don’t give up yourself.

🌸 We love you.


why do you have a vendetta against him? he's not too bad. i liked him


You’re totally entitled to your own opinion. However, since you asked, I know Ross to be the worse human being since the creation of time because that phrase applies to people who:

are terrible friends: possibly my most hated Ross moment happens in 4.02 when Phoebe finds a cat that she believes is her mother reincarnated and Ross is a totally asshole about it. Believe what you want, but when your friend is clearly grieving over the loss of her mother, perhaps give being supportive instead of a condescending fuckboy a try. Or after the infamous Ross and Rachel we were on a break thing, he guilt trips the other friends for hanging out with Rachel. Breakups are shitty, but why he would drag their MUTUAL friends into the middle of it always baffled me

are judgmental: literally it never ends. It hasn’t been a Friends episode if Ross doesn’t make a condescending comment to at least someone. I dare you to find one. It can’t be done

make everything about themselves: it doesn’t matter what your issue is. It’s happened to Ross and it’s been worse. He is so egotistical it is almost impressive

are possessive/jealous: Mark, Pablo, any male that looks that any woman. In 2.16 Rachel feels the need to hide her plans to get a tattoo from Ross because he wouldn’t like it. Why Ross feels like he has the right to make any decisions about RACHEL’S body is beyond me. In 3.05 he makes a LAMINATED list of celebrities he would have sex with (they should be so lucky). Plus in 2.08 he writes the world’s grossest pro/con list about Julie and Rachel (HUMAN BEINGS) as if he was deciding what car to buy, not which woman to grace with his presence

are horrific boyfriends: well since you brought up Ross and Rachel, that relationship is the most toxic thing I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. The way Ross treats/yells at Rachel when she is getting ready for his gala in 3.02 gives me heart palpations. In 3.15 Ross is so grossly un-supportive of Rachel’s job at Bloomingdale’s, it’s laughable. She tells him that it “is the first time in [her] life [she’s] doing something [she] actually care[s] about.” His response? He is “tired of having a relationship with [her] answering machine.” Ahh, nothing like making your girlfriend feel guilty for being successful. And then, when Rachel stands up to him (you go gurl!) Ross has the gall to accuse her of cheating on him with Mark. Which, somewhat hypocritically, actually brings me to my next point…

are cheaters: Phoebe’s friend (the bald girl), Julie, and basically Emily all get cheated on by Ross (maybe even Rachel, but they were on a break so I’ll give Ross the benefit of the doubt on that one)

are sexist: in 9.06, Ross gets angry at Rachel when she hires a male nanny. He uses the phrase, “That’s like a woman being a…”. BEING WHAT ROSS. PLEASE FINISH THAT THOUGHT. In 3.04 Ross loses his mind when Ben opts to play with dolls (a girl toy) and basically forces his young son to confirm to gender norms with the G.I. Joe. Also, episode 3.01 The One With The Princess Leia Fantasy exists

are homophobic: Ross literally never once misses the opportunity to remind anyone listening that his ex-wife left him FOR A WOMAN. The fact he doesn’t see himself as having anything to do with why Carol left him speaks to how flawed of a character he is (never mind that she makes it super clear it wasn’t about her sexuality alone). On top of that he constantly belittles the importance of Susan’s and Carol’s relationship. In 1.02 when he, Carol, and Susan, are at the doctor for the sonogram, he literally tells Susan it’s “not her baby,” and that she “can’t be the mother of the child.” In the same episode he plays the “sperm card” implying he’s (or at least he thinks he is) more valuable in this situation.

Honestly, he acts like Carol’s acts lesbianism was something she choose to do to spite him

are shitty parents: he brings up Ben to win an argument or to avoid helping his friends move, like in 6.06. He basically uses his son solely a prop to suit his own needs. Which is actually for the best because when he does see his son, he spends his time explaining the whole we were on a break thing to the poor kid. And oh yeah, he does this to his daughter as well (way to shit talk your daughter’s mother Ross….)

are terrible siblings: Monica essentially grew up being verbally abused by her mother and I think it’s so tragic that her own brother continues this pattern of abuse into her adulthood. Ross constantly tries to undermine Monica successes, and never misses an opportunity to define her by her current or previous weight. Friends is pretty problematic with the ongoing “Monica used to be fat!” jokes anyways (but I mean it was the 90s and nothing is perfect), but Ross is by far the worst of them. He jokes about how she never had a boyfriend because FAT and how she threatened to sit on him (never mind that skinny Monica could still totally whoop Ross’ terrible ass). Any time he feels like he is losing an argument, he immediately brings up her weight. Aside from all of this, he is grossly unsupportive when Monica and Chandler start dating (which is why they try to hide it from him for so long I am sure)

In addition to all of this:

  2. He doesn’t annul his and Rachel’s wedding AND LIES ABOUT IT
  4. He didn’t read the letter
  5. WE WERE ON A BREAK (if Ross thought he and Rachel were on a break and he did nothing wrong, why did he hide the girl from the copy place behind the door? Urgh, brb rage spiraling)
  6. He kept track of how many times he and Rachel had sex
  7. He is whiney
  8. He constantly belittles the accomplishments of others
  9. He has anger management issues
  10. He suffers from the Nice Guy Syndrome (NGS); fun fact, Friends coined the term the friendzone, this is no coincidence
  11. The whole turkey sandwich thing
  12. When he got caught getting high in highschool, he throws his oldest friend under the bus
  13. Unagi
  14. He dates a student
  15. He’s never been in a relationship where he hasn’t lied
  16. The “We Hate Rachel Club” and the rumor that he and Will started in high school

This list is by no means comprehensive or exhaustive. I think Ross is an extremely troubled human being. Granted, I do think a lot of his trust and self-esteem issues stem from his failed relationship with Carol. A lot of Ross’ personality deficits come from his own fear of his own crushing inadequacy. However, that doesn’t give him carte blanche to be shitty guy.


types to avoid

- ross from friends  - ted from how i met your mother - drake from hotline bling

These are all actually the same type of man…the polite guy men think women should want because he’s “nice”, intelligent, fake cares about what is best for her (it’s really about controlling her), persistently refuses to be let her be, has crushed on her for years and refuses to stop chasing/pressuring her because “romantic”. he’s really a Grade A asshole

Anonymous asked:

have you realized yet that they weren't even ON a break?? rachel said "a break from us" and ross gives her a dirty look, walks out, and slams the fuckin door. nothing was even discussed. he just left. and then later he just hangs up on her, again, without discussing anything. WHAT A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!

no joke. this makes me furious. like the ross and rachel we were on a break thing is a rage trigger for me. if ross legitimately thought they were on a break, if he legitimately thought that hooking up with chloe (or as he so callously calls her, the copy girl) would not an be issue because he and rachel were no longer (temporarily or otherwise) together, then he simply wouldn’t have hidden it from rachel. someone who feels they are truly in the right wouldn’t bother to expend the engery to lie about it.

but he does.

he literally hides chloe from rachel behind the door the morning after. some would argue that this was a poorly thought out, spur of the moment decision, which happened only because he was trying to spare rachel (his ‘ex’) from an awkward enounter. i don’t buy this, but fine, whatever. 

but then. he spends the rest of the episode frantically racing around, doing everything in his power to stop rachel from finding out he slept with another woman. his deception is calcuated because, whether they were actually on a break or not, ross felt like what he did was wrong and he didn’t want rachel to find out. daresay, ross felt like he cheated and wanted to hide it. maybe ross felt like they weren’t actually on a break and he betrayed rachel.

so what. in ross’ perfect world, he gets away with his plan and he and rachel ‘get back together’ and she never finds out about his indiscretion?!


ross is a scumbag, who knew, at the time, and the morning after that sleeping with someone other than rachel was not a cool thing to do. but he did it anyways and then spends 7 seaons whining because he got caught. 

i fucking hate that guy.

Anonymous asked:

What Ross sees as a "con" of Rachel: too conceited, just a waitress, spoiled (i think) What Joey sees as "con" of Rachel: she made him switch to light mayo

joey is such a good friend! and honestly while rachel probably had his best interests (health) at heart, light mayo does leave something to be desired. omg can you imagine what a list of ross’ cons would look like:


  • cons:
  • makes pro/con lists of women he wants to date
  • is mean
  • isn’t a great father
  • isn’t a good friend
  • has untreated anger management issues
  • makes rachel get off the plane
  • is a homophobe
  • is a misogynist  
  • is a mra
  • talks super slowly and takes, uh, forever to get a sentence out
  • is manipulative 
  • emotionally bullies and belittles his sister 
  • you know what, i could literally go on forever. just please refer to the rest of my blog for the rest of the list :)
Anonymous asked:

WHO IS WORSE ross geller or ted mosby??? (i can't decide they're both pretty bad...drunk ross is funnier than drunk ted, but ted isn't quite as much of a *ross*.)

personally, i believe that ted mosby is a derivative of ross. ross was the ross of the 90s and ted the ross of the 2000s. characters like ted would never be allowed to exists, if we, as a society, had banded together and made it known that we despise everything about the original ross, ross. 

or, if ross derivates kept appearing in pop culture, it would be a more accurate portrayal, i.e. as the villain they truly are, instead of a nice guy who isn’t a sack of burning garbage who is terrible, but just a guy, trying to date a girl who doesn’t want to date them and the world is mean.


coffee drinker: would u like a cup of coffee? me: no thanks,  coffee drinker: oh you don’t drink coffee? me: well, i- coffee drinker: i can’t get enough of the stuff. i am always itchin’ for me next fix. i love a nice hot cup of joe, i even drink it black as well. the stronger the coffee the more i enjoy it. i consume more cups daily of it than most people, which is how much i enjoy coffee 


Tropes that are totally overused and I love them to death

  • grumpy jerk and actual ray of sunshine are BFFs
  • mutual unrequited pining
  • character A falls fast and hard for character B
  • character A slowly falls in love with character B over the course of several years, realization hits them that they’ve been in love with B for a long time hits them like a truck
  • cool badass is actually a giant fucking nerd
  • The Power of Friendship ™
  • flat “what” reactions
  • sweet adorable characters with horrible tragic pasts
  • villains-turned-heroes becoming the Weird Uncle
  • characters that aren’t actually related having a parent-child relationship
  • characters that aren’t actually siblings having a sibling-like bond
  • “I can’t stand this person but I would die for them
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