
fic blog

@cuddlephan / cuddlephan.tumblr.com

I write phanfiction // fic tag: aimfic // i track the cuddlephan tag if you want me to see anything // feel free to send me prompts/talk to me/feedback on a fic // ~phanfic mobile link~
Anonymous asked:

Sorry I don't mean to be a bother but I don't think your mobile phanfic link works? Maybe I'm just being stupid sorry x

ur not a bother at all !! i didnt realise the link was broken but its fixed now ^.^


To all the fic writers out there that are not currently writing. Either it's because of RL, health, writer's block or something has happened that have disheartened you. Thank you for what you've written, and don't ever feel pressured or stressed - fanfic should be something good for all of us; both reader and writer. You're more important than what you do, but thank you for what you've done!

Thanks jenniferjuni-per I needed to see this today. 

Wow. This came on my dash exactly when I needed it, thank you.

I know I really needed this. So passing on the love.


ive neglected this blog recently, im sorry :( i have actually written a fic a few days ago, idk if im gonna post it yet bc im not sure if i like it enough.....i dont think ill be that active on here tho bc ive kind of lost interest in writing phanfiction oops

Anonymous asked:

I freaking love your fanfics they are all so good! They're so well written, so sweet, and so so cute. Keep doing what you do, babe.

tysm :))

Anonymous asked:

You write really good butt secks Sobody needs to tell you that, so...

haha ty :’)

Anonymous asked:

I just wanted to tell you that your writing is incredible! Please never give up writing because you are excellent at making beautiful stories with very detailed imagery and I love every one of your phanfictions. Especially fluff, they are all so cute (and i rly like your smut phanfics but lets not get into that haha) You're so good at making all of your fics realistic and all of them are so good! love you :)

thank u so much !! ♥


hi hey hello! so I just hit 4k (whAT) which is so crazy since I only started this blog at the start of march! I never thought I would even make it past 1000 followers, let alone 4000?! you’re all so wonderful I love your faces (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚ ((((i follow nearly 200 people, so this is going to be a fairly lengthy list))))








!! special bonus shoutouts to my dads !!


credit to whoever drew the art in my picture thing, I found it on google images so I’m not sure of the source, but if it is you or you know who it it, please message me ^.^


to anyone who’s sent in prompts: i have exams atm but ill have loads of free time after they finish so hopefully ill be able to write them then ^_^

good luck for your exams!! I hope you are not too stressed out :@ Exams are tough but you can do it! ^_^

thank u ❤️❤️


to anyone who’s sent in prompts: i have exams atm but ill have loads of free time after they finish so hopefully ill be able to write them then ^_^


We're diving in, there's nothing left to lose

Genre: smut (a bit of fluff ??)

Warnings: masturbation, grinding

Word Count: 1,926


A/N: wtf i actually wrote a fic ??? after something like 4 months...ive had so much writer’s block im actually surprised at myself for getting inspiration for once. have this shitty fic i wrote i hope u enjoy (btw i might be on hiatus until july bc exams)

Anonymous asked:

hi, i noticed you haven't been active for awhile. are you okay?

yeah im fine, thank u for asking

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