
@malikaehindustan /

“Your job — as students who are receiving an education — is to be aware of your privilege. And use this particular privilege called “education” to do your best to achieve great things, all the while advocating for those in the rows behind you.”

this is ‘the villain helps the heroes take down a more evil villain’ trope come to life

*looks outside to see if pigs are flying*


if you told me a few years ago that I’d be reblogging a gifset of Mitt Romney, agreeing with every word he said, I would NOT have believed you.


“There’s a feeling. It's my favorite kind of feeling in the whole word.It's when you turn the last page, and you're hit with a wave of emotions. The day, night-whatever the time- stops for a few minutes. You can't do anything but think, digest, and absorb the magnitude of the beauty in the words you just read. Your heart feels full, even though you know its not biologically possible. Love seems to emanate from your fingertips to the pages as you caress the last couple pages. You know its just dopamine and norepinephrine stealing the show, but for a moment you push it to the back of your mind. Because right now, it doesn't matter. You are happy and safe, curled up in your blanket, and right now, the story lives in you. It's filling you up with joy and makes you smile to yourself, in a way people can't reach you. The high slowly fades. You are left feeling despondent. You want more people to read it, to experience this--perhaps in ways and interpretations completely different. That doesn't matter to you. That's the beauty of narration and that's the beauty I want to impart.”

-an original by yours truly
Follow a new bookgram I made with a friend if any of this resonated with you :)
can we just agree that hermione doesn’t give two shits about throwing rocks in the water. she knows exactly what she’s doing bless her
#anyone else love how he taught her the muggle version of it and she taught him the magic version #even though he’s a pureblood and she’s a muggle born (via saffythegeek)

List of Medical Documentaries

History of Medicine Ancient Egypt: Medicine and History (History Channel, “Where Did it Come From?) Forbidden Knowledge: Ancient Medical Secrets (Discovery) Getting Better: 200 Years of Medicine (New England Journal of Medicine) Human Anatomy and Medicine (Discovery) Lost Tomb of Imhotep (Ancient Egypt Documentary)

Business of Medicine The Business of Being Born (Barranca Productions)

Health Care Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare (Lionsgate; @stayingmedicallyinspired)

Pioneering Physicians Present and Unaccounted for: Black Women in Medicine (URU, The Right to Be, Inc.)

Medical Dramas Boston Med, Season 1 (ABC) Emergency Room: Life + Death at Vancouver General Hospital (Knowledge Network) Hopkins (ABC) NY Med, Season 1 (ABC) NY Med, Season 2 Episode 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, and 8 (ABC)

Medical Education Doctors’ Diaries: Part 1 and Part 2 (PBS NOVA) “I am a Medical Student” - The Motivations and Interests of 5 Future Physicians (Mauch Scott)

Surgery & Surgical Procedures Surgery’s Dirty Secrets (BBC) The Lobotomist, Walter J. Freeman: Part 1 and Part 2 (PBS) Extracting a Deadly Brain Tumor (University of Miami School of Medicine; @medicine-nerd) The Human Face (BBC)

Please note: This list is updated regularly. If you have any documentary suggestions, please share!


at the end of the day it’s you. it’s you who has to make sure that you’re okay. it’s you who has to hold yourself. it’s you who has to decided to keep going. sure making some tea will make you feel okay but you really do have to make sure you’re okay. you have to keep holding on and keep trying, it’s hard out here, I know that. it’s you and you can do it. you can do whatever you want to do because you are strong and you’ve made it so far


Different Sides, Same Story

Her hair bobbed as she walked into the room, her eyes locking on mine.  Her hands were already clasped tightly together and a nervous tension emanated from her.  I smiled.

“Hi, I’m Kari, I’m working with him today… Are you family?”  I said as she hovered in the dead space between the sliding door and the bed.

She nodded quickly and began speaking in rapid tones.  She tried not to but she cringed as she looked at the bed.

I couldn’t blame her.  The large man laying there was wasting away. A week of laying in the ICU in multi-system organ failure had created a pin cushion in the shape of a man.

In report that morning I had heard all about how he had cancer consuming his body.  Terrible, awful cancer. The kind that mocks chemo and turns its nose up at radiation. He had been doing well and then suddenly he wasn’t.  The family was shell shocked.  By all accounts, he was the sweetest and kindest man you could ever know. He was encouraging to strangers and family alike.  

I’m always curious about patient’s I meet on death’s door.  Were they funny? Were they happy?  Where did they work?  What was their laugh like? 

The wife continued talking about their life together and how neglected things had been since he had gotten sick. 

“I have so much to do.  I just don’t want to do it.  Not without him…not without him.” Her voice wavered.

I looked away from the wife’s soulful brown eyes rimmed with tears and looked at my patient.  I couldn’t see it.  The man that was described so lovingly, was gone.  His likeness remained.  A likeness that was becoming more jaundiced as the day went on.  His body, so swollen with fluid, that even the continuous dialysis I was running didn’t help. A likeness whose kidneys, lungs, stomach had quit.  A likeness whose skin bruised with touching and weeped with fluid.

It was all I could see. The dying body. Even as I struggled to see it through the wife’s eyes.  To imagine someone I loved in that bed.  I couldn’t see the smile they described or the sparkling eyes.  I saw the cracked bleeding lips and swollen sclera. I saw the lab values and endless string of medicines pushing chemical life into his body.  I saw the machines filtering, breathing, reviving what little life they could. 

I saw the body. 

She saw the man.

One of the most amazing things I’ve ever read.


Legitimately Free MCAT Resources

Source: /r/mcat’s wiki page

Free Resources:

AAMC Resources:


Other Subreddits to take note of:

  • /r/premed: Very chill pre-med community, but isn’t afraid to be really blunt on things. I feel like they give rather honest/realistic opinions on things, with the exception of STUNNAGUNNA45T, the most magnificent bastard on the sub. 
  • /r/AskHistorians: the most lengthy, driest forum posts I have ever read on the internet. Also generally agreed upon by pre-med redditors to be most effective way to study for the verbal section. 

Get your butt into gear:

Other Sites to Consider:

  • Orkanizer
  • Study Keeper
  • There’s a ton more but they’re on everyone else’s studying masterposts (plus I like these two the most)
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