contra mundum?

@diotimas /

svea / twenties / germany / literature enjoyer / theo decker apologist

let me end the sex scene discourse right here and now: sex scenes are not allowed when im watching tv with my parents in the room but sex scenes are allowed when im watching tv alone - i hope this clears it up


"ooooh I don't listen to rap but it's not because I'm racist it's because [unironic statement painting the entire genre of rap as a monolith]" shut the fuck up. @ my fellow whites you have 24 hours to find a rapper you fuck with or I'm hunting you for sport.

"I've never looked into rap or found artists I clicked with" kosher, fine, room for growth

"I don't listen to rap because [justification that hinges on all rap being exactly the same]" boo!!!! booooooo!!!! unleash the hounds!!!

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