
Not a Smut Queen . . . A Smut Khaleesi

@lodessa / lodessa.tumblr.com

Your source for " realistic but fantasy-fulfilling" fanfic
Multifandom. I don't break up with fandoms; I just take breaks. Apparently this most recent season of Stranger Things was dissatisfying enough to make me finally become fannish about it. Still in an on again off again relationship with the Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire fandom (Jaime/Brienne, Dany/Jorah [show only], and Jon/Sansa amongst other ships), Star Trek (mostly Voyager [Janeway/Chakotay OTP] and current series, but I also enjoy the other 24th century shows and AOS), Veronica Mars (I live a Weevil appreciation life). I cannot possibly list everything I might reblog or write fic for, so enjoy the ride.
Testimonial by wakeupgreat:
"lodessa is an amazing human! she can be recognized in the wild by her inara icon and is known across the land for star trek rpf and for being into a song of ice and fire long before it was a tv show. she is a fellow fandom oldie and we relate on many levels. also once she wrote me cersei/brienne so basically she is the BEST."

when i say i wish people started using the reblog button more i don't mean it in a 'i want more notes' kind of way i mean it in a 'i want to read about your thoughts on this particular thing' and 'i want to have conversations in the tags' and 'i want this to feel like a community again and not like any of those boring social media platforms where artists are content creators and interactions never goes beyond a like'

i am a big proponent of talking in thr reblogs bc i miss when we did that more in the 2010s.

all those heritage posts are long form conversations. ans that's what makes tumblr kinda great. it's a unique aspect to this social media platform. a foundational one. we should continue to use it. because it 100% fosters community.

like, please engage with me. i posted bc i wanted to talk or share about it. or wanted to hear others' thoughts on it.

yes, there will be missteps, but let's be gracious with each other.

idk when the culture changed. assuming after the purge bc i took a quasi-vacation where i was more active on other platforms.

this is also why i comment of fanfics and fan art. and use replies and dm my mutuals. that might be a bit weird now, but i only mean to foster a community on here. that's what makes social media worth it.

it shouldn't be a "weird" or "embarrassing" thing to do. takes some effort to get bold about it, but it's totally worth it.


i can't wait to be 30+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 40+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 50+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 60+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 70+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 80+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 90+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to look back on my life and know that i loved things deeply and passionately and was inspired to create and was part of communities with incredible people from all over the world brought together by the stories that touched us


Fun fact: the anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews having lots of money/being greedy/cheap began in the Middle Ages thanks to Christian laws.

The Christian church began forbidding Christians from having professions that involved lending money, banking, or pawn work. It was because the church believed that money was ultimately unclean so although it was considered a necessity, Christians were instructed to deal with it as little as possible.

But someone still needed to run all of those money-based businesses. So these societies which were already run by Christian leadership basically made it a rule that these businesses had to be run by Jews since they were already “unclean”. Furthermore, due to other restrictions on Jewish people in these areas, these money-based positions were pretty much some of the only jobs Jews could legally hold.

This eventually led to numerous stereotypes involving Jews and money. And the acidity of these stereotypes grew when Christian people and leaders became resentful of the livelihood Jews were able to achieve for themselves with these jobs.

So to sum up: Christian society forces Jews to hold down money-centered jobs since, according to the church, Jews were already going to Hell. Then, once they made lives with these roles they were forced into, Jews were mocked and hated for being successful.

The “Jews run Hollywood” stereotype has a similar origin.

Jobs in showbusiness were seen as low-class, immoral, and beneath the dignity of proper Christians. But people still needed their entertainment, and someone needed to provide it, so who better than the Jews, who were already considered low-class, immoral, and beneath the dignity of proper Christians?

And once again, Christians have the nerve to resent Jews for being successful at jobs that they effectively forced us into for lack of other means to make a living.

  • Btw, as a Jew who works in Hollywood, I can tell you from first-hand experience that being Jewish has never been an advantage to me in this industry. Not even once. At times, it’s been an active detriment. And I suspect that most other Jews in the business would tell you the same thing. We don’t “run Hollywood” in any meaningful way.

The other key thing re: entertainment is that they were new industries.

If you were a smart, ambitious working-class Jewish kid in the 1920s and 30s, traditional paths to success were often barred to you. Colleges had quotas, realtors redlined, professional associations wouldn’t admit you. But there was no one to gatekeep the new forms of media that were springing up: film, radio, comic books, Broadway. You could succeed on your merits. Otherwise, the quickest ways up the ladder were professional sports and organized crime. If you couldn’t be Sandy Koufax and you didn’t want to be Meyer Lansky, you could try to be Mel Brooks or Stan Lee instead.

(yes, sports. I once read a passage in a book about baseball from the 1930s that claimed Jews had an unfair advantage due to our ‘natural athleticism.’ You could swap out the nouns and it would have been indistinguishable from a racist complaint about black basketball players.)


We’re fanfiction writers, of course:

  • We’re going to use song lyrics as titles.
  • We’re going to check for comments 30 seconds after we post something.
  • We’re going to have more WIPs than days of the week.
  • We’re going to use any excuse to post snippets.
  • We’re going to use ask box games to procrastinate.
  • We’re going to hype up our writer friends.
  • We’re going to scream, cry and throw up reading our friends’ work.
  • 26% of hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants; top reason for negative bias is belief Jews have too much power and control
  • 26% make assumptions about whether a candidate is Jewish based on their appearance
  • 23% say they want fewer Jews in their industry
  • 17% say leadership has told them to not hire Jews
  • 33% say antisemitism is common in their workplace; 29% say antisemitism is acceptable in their company
Additionally, 29% say they know of colleagues who are negatively biased against Jewish applicants. When asked how they come to believe that an applicant is Jewish, 56% say it’s because it was directly stated by the applicant. However, many also make assumptions based on the applicant’s educational background (35%), last name (33%), past or current experiences with Jewish organizations (28%), and even their appearance (26%). Respondents also wrote in a number of derogatory comments regarding how they identify an individual as Jewish. These write-in responses included: “voice,” “mannerisms,” and “they are very frugal.”

Survey methodology and dates belong on the post, I think. This is recent. This is 2023. This is real life antisemitism. For all y'all who think Jews are white, Jews aren't a minority, etc etc.

Just want to highlight that the survey was from November 2022. It was already bad then, and it's undoubtably worse now.


Romanticizing your life sounds so stupid but it will help you cope. Taking extra time to make a yummie coffee in the morning, sitting outide observing the wind in the trees, writing poems, going to old book stores, watching your childhood favourite movies, listening to romantic jazz, writing in a coffee shop, making sure you have moody lighting in your room, putting on asmr rooms as a background noise while you work. It's not a solution, but it makes things a bit better.


I just...I just...Eowyn slew the Witch King of Angmar.

Eowyn married Faramir.

Faramir was made Prince of Ithilien. One of his duties was rehabilitating Minas Morgul.

Minas Morgul which was once ruled by the bloody Witch King of Angmar.

There's just too many thoughts there. Like, was Aragorn thinking, Eowyn did a bloody good job destroying the Witch King, let's see her get rid of the remains of his evil.

Eowyn riding into Minas Morgul, knowing that the monster who ruled there had died at her hands. The land itself, the remnants of the Witch King and the life that is choked by it, responding to her presence, the Maiden of the Shield Arm. Eowyn's wounds affected by riding into the land where the Witch King's evil still lingered. Eowyn fighting to see the land torn down and rebuilt, healing herself by healing the city.

Eowyn's endgame, her married life, fighting to reclaim the land from the hands of the monster who killed her uncle, but couldn't kill her.


3.26 Scorpion, Part 1

Scorpion is just great storytelling from top to bottom, with excellent character work and a winning introduction for Seven of Nine. It’s also the perfect example of everything I find captivating about the Janeway/Chakotay relationship.

The two-parter demonstrates that their trust and respect borders on visceral need, and that the lines between professional courtesy and personal affection are decidedly blurred. It proves that Chakotay, often criticized as a doormat, is willing and able to vigorously disagree with Kathryn’s judgment and give orders contrary to hers. We see Kathryn repeatedly taking professional disagreements with Chakotay as personal betrayals. It shows Chakotay’s discomfort with Kathryn putting her life on the line when safer options exist. Even the twist ending exploits other characters underestimating Janeway’s and Chakotay’s ability to work past disagreements to find common ground. This is all in addition to the touches and meaningful looks and the “I can’t imagine a day without you” and “Are you with me?” “Always” of it all.

Most notably: it demonstrates that, for two people who never openly explore their feelings for each other because they don’t want love compromising their judgment in a dangerous work environment, they are already compromised. Deeply so. And that’s not conjecture – the actors have admitted that they worked with each other and the director to put that subtext there on purpose.

What we get is a personal and professional relationship that feels real, in all its unglamorous glory. And it’s why J/C, in my opinion, is the most beautiful love story in TV history. Which is astonishing for a couple who never even hugged onscreen during Voyager’s original run.


I hate that I keep getting videos aiming to "teach millennials how to dress cool" (ie like gen z/alpha) like. I'm sorry but if you're thirty and you're genuinely worried about getting the approval of teenagers then that is a thousand times more embarrassing than having a side parting or wearing skinny jeans. we're not The Youth anymore, and that's okay. embrace it. move on. you don't need to try and desperately emulate them. just style yourself how you like.

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