
Truly Rabid Bunnies

@darthrose / darthrose.tumblr.com

This is Darthneko's blog. I am a simple cat - I post art, I reblog pretty/cute/funny things, I write fanfic, I play games.

do i love you enough to pay for damages to your door tho


Dear everyone - please don’t even worry about damages to the door, it’s totally fine.


Hey! To any artists who are having trouble with drawing heights of multiple characters together, this website is very useful and can help you! It can compare heights between two people, which helps me a lot with illustrating multiple OCs together. Hope this helps anyone! http://www.mrinitialman.com/OddsEnds/Sizes/sizes.html (If the link does not direct you to the website, please comment!)


Drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra.

The thing that is getting to me the most about news of Carrie Fisher’s autopsy report is not the results themselves, but the way the media is handling it. Like it’s a Gotcha moment—like somehow we were tricked into thinking she was a better person than she actually was.

And that is profoundly bullshit.

Carrie was open about being an addict. Her opening line from her iconic stand up show (and book by the same name) “Wishful Drinking” was quite literally, “Hi, I’m Carrie Fisher, and I’m an alcoholic.”

She talked at length and in often brutal depth about her problems with substance abuse, her compulsive self destructive tendencies, and her dependencies to both illegal and prescription drugs. She wrote about it in her books, she talked about it on talk shows. She made an entire comedic stand up performance out of it, detailing the lengths she went to in order to try and regain some semblance of safety and normalcy in her life. 

She was brutally honest that every single day was a struggle for sanity after years and years of attempting to self medicate a mental illness that for most of her life was mistaken for feckless lack of self control. 

You know how they way “Religion is the opiate of the masses?” Well I took masses of opiates religiously! -Wishful Drinking

She was bright, and beautiful and bold about it. And she didn’t have to be.

Carrie Fisher didn’t have to stand there and take the shitstorm of criticism people launched at her for decades, let alone turn it into humor. She didn’t. She didn’t owe anyone outwith her immediate family an explanation for her erratic behavior over the years, nor the flack she caught for it. (Think of all the male actors in Hollywood who are in and out of rehab centers so quickly they could harness the revolving doors as a wind turbine. Then tell me the media press about her life and now her death are fair.)

But she did it anyway, because she knew it was important. And she took those bright lights of Hollywood shining down on her like a ruthless, malevolent child holding a magnifying glass under the sun—and she turned that merciless heat and pointed it at things that mattered, often at the expense of herself, opening herself up to ridicule and the severe cruelty of others who lambasted her for everything, ranging from her weight, her mental illness or her audacity to simply grow old.

Is it tragic that her addiction likely cost her her life? Yes, of course it is. Does it invalidate any of her achievements? The strength and vibrancy with which she lived her life and touched the lives of millions around her for the better? 

“I call people sometimes hoping not only that they’ll verify the fact that I’m alive but that they’ll also, however indirectly, convince me that being alive is an appropriate state for me to be in. Because sometimes I don’t think it’s such a bright idea. Is it worth the trouble it takes trying to live life so that someday you get something worthwhile out of it, instead of it almost always taking worthwhile things out of you?” 
-The Princess Diarist

Carrie Fisher mattered, her voice mattered. The things that she said and did, mattered. They still matter. And they are no less true and poignant in the light of these revelations.

Addiction is a disease. It’s a dysfunction of the brain’s reward system which requires constant management and care and often goes hand in hand with other mental health disorders. It is not simply a question of willpower or the perceived lack thereof. And while sobriety is to be praised and encouraged—of course it is, of course it absolutely unquestionably is—you cannot possibly know what may cause a person to slip or to feel like they can’t cope without that crutch. And shame on anyone who says it was therefore deserved. 

Shame and my heartfelt wishes that you never go through the things that can lead to serious addiction. Or that you are ever abandoned, derided and regarded as less than human because of it and your death turned into a smear campaign against your memory for the sake of a sensationalist headline.

Yes. Carrie Fisher was an addict, she had drug dependency problems related to her mental health. There was a time she kept it hidden, but after she made the decision to come out about it, she stuck by that decision and became a champion, for herself and everyone like her who struggles. Because she never wanted anyone to suffer like she did in order to get help. And she did it with as much grace and humility as she could manage—and a whole lot more indignity, immodesty, crass humor and love as well. Because that’s who she was and she cared. 

And that’s a hell of a lot more than can be said for those crowing over her death like it’s just deserts.

Fuck you.

People do not exist to stand up to your demands of a perfect ideal of humanity. You do not get to place that burden on the shoulders of someone then tear them apart when they fall under that weight—famous or otherwise.

Fuck you and your whole pretense at moral piety and the horse you rode in on.

Carrie Fisher was not your unproblematic fave. She was in fact extremely problematic, and no one knew that better than she did. 

“I heard someone say once that many of us only seem able to find heaven by backing away from hell. And while the place that I’ve arrived at in my life may not precisely be everyone’s idea of heaven, I could swear sometimes—if I’m quiet enough—I can hear the angels sing. Either that or I fucked up my medication again.” 

-Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking.

New group of people I’m liable to get aggressively protective of: mentally ill celebrities whose struggles therewith lead to their deaths (whether directly, as in Robin Williams’ case, or more indirectly as in this one). 

Especially the older ones, the ones who had to start their struggles in a void hellscape where even the best-intentioned professionals doing the best they could with what they had … couldn’t do much, because they had fuck all to work with, didn’t even have a half-decent medical-scientific framework to work with

You think psychiatric medicine is “problematic” or inadequate now? Sure. Gods know I will tell you at length how fucking inadequate what we can do for those of us with mental illnesses. But you wanna know what? 

In comparison the 70s, the 80s, even the early 90s will give you fucking nightmares. 

And that is where Fisher got to start her fight with this. In that shitshow. With a disease that has among the highest mortality rates, and the highest negative impact on quality of life. While being in the pressure-cooker of that Hollywood and all the bullshit associated. 

And now you want to fucking say she deserved to lose her lifelong battle? You think you get to stick your fucking nose in the air and smugly say “well, addicts”, or anything fucking like that? 

Take your nasty, vicious, ablist toxic bullshit and get out of my space. Now. And take a long hard look at yourself, because you have become what is wrong with the world. And if you have any pretense at caring about the social justice so many harp about then have a hard look at your hypocrisy, because gods and fucking demons know that everyone else can see it. 


tfw ur trying to write plot but ur brain only provides you with out-of-sequence snippets built on vague ideas and an endless number of potential outcomes that develop and branch out unnaturally over an unspecified timespan

*sideeyes Empress in Iron*




Why would you just post screenies and not share the vid too??!?!?!?!?!?!?


Embarrassment of riches from the Chameleon Pen kickstarter just arrived... my marker skills are really super old, but these things are pure magic. Tested one of the color cards that came with it, mine on left, their color key on right (I used other colors because hey, I have them!) ^_^


big cats playing

This isn’t just tigers obviously but I think it’s amazing how even though they aren’t the same species they recognise each other as a part of the cat family and play as they would with their own kin! So cute

This is the best thing I have ever seen in my life.


I like how you can see the difference of a jaguar and an African leopard right next to each other *_*


I love how that one lion just walks right on in and flops into the pile

Heaven is real

Cats is magical


Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.

I’m curious!


Reblog if you’re over 40 and still read/write fanfiction!

Yes, I still provide quality material.

I turn 34 in less than a month, have been writing fan fiction since I was 10-ish, and I feel like I am probably not going to stop ever? I remain confused by the people on Tumblr who seem to think that fandom has a use-by date.


Over-40 crowd representing.


Mesmerized 😃

Are those blades???

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