


Old Enough| Agender | Aroace | AuDHD | Chaotic Neutral


Before you hit send on that ask, reblog, or reply, remember to stop and PROOFREAD!

  • am I Pissing on the Poor?
  • did I Read the post in bad faith?
  • could I be Overexaggerating?
  • am I Out of line for saying this?
  • is it kind of Fucked up to say that to a total stranger?
  • is what I said Rude?
  • am I being Egotistical?
  • am I Angry at words that weren't in the post?
  • did I Dream up a pretend person to get mad at?



Penguin falls down resulting in best sound ever [x]

oh my god



they all gasped like OHHH



Having a bad day? push play, and within six seconds all you will feel is tears of laughter streaming down your face and the stomach cramps of laughing too hard.

This is one of the finest things ever captured on film.

I’m so happy this is back

Pingu is real


I've been dead in the ground for long enough.

It's time to try living again.


perhaps some will disagree, but i think the world got worse when we changed the colour of the night

this is what i mean

To be clear, THIS is how nights of the future should be lit

This is bat friendly street lighting, which not only looks sick as fuck but allows bats to pass through without disturbance, as they cannot see red.

orange and especially white lights deter bats and prevent them from reaching feeding grounds at nighttime. Please if you can, write to your local council and encourage red street lights!!!!


Red lights are the best

Gaiman: " If you really can't figure out which political party or which politician to vote for, just ask if they're on the side of libraries. Are they voting to fund their libraries? Are they voting to keep them free? Then vote for those guys. They're probably the good guys. And by the same token, the book burners, the book banners, they're probably the bad guys."

The Joker’s violent attention-comedy bullshit would 100% just not work if his main opponent was John Constantine. Both because John is funnier than he is and just does NOT care. Joker would be bouncing around like “look at me, I’m so EEEEVILLLL” and John’s just bored because this isn’t even in the top ten evil things he’s seen this morning

John, casually purifying it by dropping a charm no bigger than his pinkie into the water and then walking away: call me again when you’ve turned an orphanage into inside-out land sharks or something
Joker: *splutters*
Joker: you’re TOO LATE, Hellblazer! Now you have to choose between rescuing this civilian… or your PARTNER! Hahahahaha!
John, who specifically chose this partner because he was a serial killer and therefore expendable, and was also planning to feed him to Dagon tomorrow anyway: aw thanks mate, you’ve saved me an arseload of trouble
Joker: what the fuck is wrong with you
Joker: I am going to murder your ONE TRUE LOVE! AHAHAHAHA
John: haha I’m dating King Shark so good bloody luck

every time i see those posts like ‘what food from a show did YOU always wanna try’ i go lol none? but i just remembered im a liar

i always wanted the fucking soup brock made in the pokemon anime


Hello OP, i don’t have anyway to prove this is the same recipe they make in the shows but i make this to calm my inner kid from wanting the fictional soup:

  • 300gr bacon, beef or chicken. A meat of your choice. These go specially well. I prefer chicken tights. Diced
  • 1 medium onion, diced.
  • Garlic minced (i used 2-4 pieces depending on size)
  • 300gr carrot, cleaned, peeled and diced.
  • 3 sticks of celery, washed and diced.
  • 800gr potato. Washed, peeled diced in quarters.
  • 1 head of broccoli.
  • 8 cups of stock of your preference. I recommend using the bones of the beef or chicken, but veggies stock works too for a vegetarian or vegan version.
  • 3 tablespoons all purpose flour.
  • 1 cup whole milk. (Almond or rice milk work fine for a vegan option)
  • ½ cup heavy cream. (Skip it for a vegan option)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • ½ teaspoon paprika, use the spicy one to get the warmth up a notch in winter.
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chopped coriander. Optional.
  • 1 cup diced gouda or manchego cheese. Optional but really ties all together.

Make sure you have all your ingredients ready and at hand for this one to make sure it comes out nice and tasty!!!

  1. In a pot put water and the bones to prepare your stock (chicken, beef, veggie) You can use premade or bouillon cubes, just make sure its 8 cups worth of broth. In a different pot boil the potatoes until soft.
  2. In a big pot put some butter or olive oil to fry the onion, when it turns a little transparent add the garlic, move constantly.
  3. Add the celery and diced carrots, moving constantly.
  4. The carrot will get a little brighter in color, add the diced meat. Salt and pepper to your taste.
  5. Meanwhile, blend the potatoes with enough stock so your blender wont have trouble blending. If you have a food processor, it’ll be easier.
  6. Ad the remaining stock to you big pot with the veggies and meat, add the broccoli chopped in bite size pieces. Add the paprika and taste for salt and pepper. Let over a medium fire for 10 min.
  7. Separate 3 tbsp of the stock to mix with the flour, set aside. This will be a thickening agent.
  8. Pour the potato mix on the big pot, move to integrate and taste for salt and pepper.
  9. Add the milk and heavy cream. Move with a laddle. Have a final taste and let over low fire for 5 min.
  10. Serve hot and decorate with a pinch of coriander and some cubes of cheese.
  11. ENJOY!


I personally prefer to use chicken, love how it goes with potatoes and veggies. Also the tight is very tender and flavorful. With beef you have to be careful not to overcook it or it’ll get gummy and hard to bite, so make adjustments.

VEGAN: could also skip the meat, cheese and heavy cream for a vegan option.

I make it for my younger sister and she loves it. Instead of meat i add some diced, toasted nuts when served. Cashew, pecan and pistachios work nicely.

You’ll have to use 5 tbsp of flour to thicken up the broth a tid bit more without the heavy cream but you can still use a vegan milk.

You can totally skip the coriander, but it adds another dept of flavor.

Do try it with the cheese tho, i promise it’s GODLY. Gouda and manchego are my fave, the melt nicely and have a strong after taste, but i guess any cheese that melts could work.

Finally, if you are like me and like spicy food you can add chopped chili. Serrano and arbol chiles are my go to’s, freshly chopped sprinkled just after serving my bowl.

Hope y'all give it a try and if you have any doubts do ask!


this is literally the best addition i’ve ever gotten to any of my posts thank you so much


Hey I tried this recipe out and I can confirm that it tastes heavenly!!

Can confirm this soup is absolutely divine!

Substituted spinach for broccoli because my partner is not a fan of the latter and used chicken and bacon. Gonna try it again with a nice Italian sausage in place of the chicken next time.


i hate seeing people now making fun of those who care about privacy online. i've seen people saying things like "well they already have your data. what are companies going to do with it" and it's like, that's not the point. it's that companies /shouldn't/ be able to have my data and sell it. am i aware they probably already have my data? yes, absolutely. but i'm still going to try and keep them from monetizing it any further, why are we defending companies selling data they shouldn't have to begin with though?

adding this to the post because, 100%, just there's a fire doesn't mean you should pour gasoline on it

I have like ten different ad and/or tracking blockers on my PC and phone... just out of pure spite

Can link it? I wish to hop aboard that train.


Intellectually, I know this bird is real. But I’ve never seen a photo or video where it looks real. Like this video just doesn’t look real. I will never be convinced this bird is real. Even if I saw this in person I would still think it’s fake, even though I know it’s real.


In case you aren’t familiar, Michael Scott Moore and David Rohde are both journalists. Moore was held by Somali pirates for 977 days. Rohde was held captive by the Taliban for 7 months after being abducted in Afghanistan.


it's so wild when people complain about religious inclusion like "oh so you think THEY should get special privileges/accommodations to do x, y, or z??"

and the things they're talking about are like. exceptions to rules or norms that in themselves shouldn't exist. yes Richard, we actually should have diverse meal options at work events to accommodate people with different diets. yes, people should be allowed to take time off to be with their family during whatever holidays or life events they so choose. yes, people should be able to wear clothing that makes them comfortable. nobody should be happy about these restrictions existing. stop bitching about the singular jewish or muslim person in your workplace and realize that everyone deserves better.


I had an interesting experience recently, which I feel like culturally Christian people might benefit from hearing about. I've been recently in the process of helping to plan an event. Many attendees at this event keep kosher. Since kashrut is a very specialized dietary restriction, which I know not all venues can accommodate, my first question to all of the potential venues I've looked into has been "do you allow outside kosher catering vendors, or otherwise have some way to allow for kosher catering?"

One of the venues I reached out to replied that they were "capable of providing for our dietary needs." Now, since I'd asked about several possible catering options, and since they'd only replied generally and without actually specifying which they were saying they could do, I was a bit suspicious. So I followed up, and asked what exactly they meant by that: did they allow outside caterers in general? or did they have a specific kosher catering partner? or could they actually cater kosher food themselves? what?

Their answer was – and I swear I'm not making this up – that they didn't allow any outside caterers, and couldn't cater any food which was actually kosher, but that they could provide us with a menu that included "knishes" and "potato, pancakes" [sic], and so hey, that was basically the same as providing for our dietary needs, wasn't it?

Now here's the thing:

The dietary restriction shared by the most people at this event is keeping kosher, but one of the attendees, who doesn't keep kosher, has a severe peanut allergy. If we had done what we were planning to do and simply specified "peanut free", and if the venue had decided, like they were apparently willing to do for the kosher food, "well ok, it's not actually peanut free, but it's mostly peanut free, and that's basically the same thing"? They could have literally killed her. And if I hadn't specifically asked, in detail, about kosher catering first, I might never have known about how lax they were about providing for dietary restrictions in general.

Now could we have explained the nuances of kosher restrictions to this venue and tried again? Yes, possibly. But their unwillingness to even try on the first pass made it abundantly clear that they were not a safe venue to work with on allergy grounds. We crossed the venue off our list immediately, and I reached out to other people in the area who I knew might be planning similar events in the future, and warned them to never use this venue, either.

Accommodations like this are instances of the curb cut effect. If you don't personally have a diet or a family obligation or clothing needs that need accommodating, it's easy to get annoyed at the people you see who are loudest about asking for those accommodations. But having those options available helps everyone, and the fact that some workplaces and and businesses and event vendors refuse to accommodate these needs should be a red flag to everyone.

Maybe you don't care about kosher or hallal food. Maybe you've never had reason to take off work at an unusual time of year, and maybe you've never wanted or needed to wear anything unusual. But today it's your Jewish or Muslim coworker, and tomorrow it could be you or someone you care about – with a surprise medical diagnosis that limits your diet, or with a sudden family emergency at an inconvenient time of year, or with a sensory problem you've struggled with your entire life but can no longer mask, or who knows what else. We all deserve better, and the people who are openly saying so are not your enemies.


a person online: i hate it when adults act like childish little freaks in public, smh. you’re an adult, you should be able to order your own food without help. get over yourself. also, why are some people, like, waaaaaaay too into the stuff that they like? omg, and the people who CLEARLY can’t even have one (1) normal conversation without acting Weird??? it’s embarrassing, u guys are embarrassing, get help

the same person five seconds later: we gotta remember to love and support the autistic community u guys <3

you know, in hindsight this reminds me of something

when i’m at work, people get mad at me for not hearing them the first few times. like, openly agitated. they’ll assume that i’m stupid, or rude, or careless. sometimes they will indirectly chastise me for ‘not paying attention.’ at which point i say “i’m sorry, i’m hard of hearing. you were on my right side and i’m severely deaf in that ear,” and they go “oh my god i’m so sorry i didn’t know.”

yeah. you didn’t, did you? the only available information you had about me was… that i didn’t hear you say something. the thing you hated enough to comment on was that i couldn’t hear you. you don’t get to backpedal once you find out that i have can’t-hear-well disease. i shouldn’t need to present a diagnosis to expect decency from you

if you attach negative characteristics to “didn’t hear what you said,” that will affect how you treat d/Deaf and hard of hearing people. if you attach negative characteristics like “weird and childish” to utterly harmless and well established autistic traits like “doesn’t make eye contact,” that will affect how you treat autistic people. it’s not rocket science


FLAPPER FANNY SAYS, by Anericn cartoonist, Ethel Hays (1892-1989).


I do not understand why Flapper Fanny has turned into a Lovecraftian Elder God in the Sugar Daddy cartoon.


Facebook deleted this almost immediately. It's almost like the ultrawealthy don't want us knowing or talking about what's at stake.

Just want to add one thing:

In countries with universal healthcare, this is a non-issue during a strike. Our access to healthcare isn't tied to working. It's an unconditional right for each and everyone of us.

The US system screws workers over in oh so many ways.

This is exactly why US companies fight so hard against universal healthcare; even if single payer healthcare is cheaper on a per-person basis and takes the cost away from the employer, it also takes POWER and leverage away from the employers... and they don't ever want to give that up.


Like now that I am awake I need to reiterate how huge this is. It was presumed harvested to extinction by the Romans. It was a favorite flavoring and according to historians one of the best contraceptives ever known. True or not it would be fantastic to study that but it being extinct made that impossible.

This is such a huge deal! I hope they get it figured how to grow it.


The first couple are rough, I won't lie about that.

But if you can stick it out, they improve fast, and I've been lucky enough to get the kind of scope that lets me really dig into my premise, experiment and expand, and roll around in my folklore background like a dog in elk.

You want queer characters? We've got your queer characters. You want a love triangle resolved through polyamory? Yup, that too. You want really irritated lesbians raising impossible adopted children? Yeah. Dudes who turn into cats? Dogs who turn into dudes? So many merfolk? Enough Tam Lin and Shakespeare references to make an English teacher weep?

Come. Enter.

We have such sights to show you.

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