
Laugh, love and be happy

@alwayskhushinevergham / alwayskhushinevergham.tumblr.com

Happiness is what we make it. You can look at the world and frown and find so many things wrong with it. Or you can look at the world and smile and see all the great things that are in it.


School sucks. I’ve never been good at it and I never will. But i’ve never let school bring me to the place I am at right now. I work my ass off every single day, I study, I work, I do my homework, offer my help to others, I am involved, I do everything an average kid does and more. Yet I seem to be just barely making it. I’ve recently been to the point where when i begin thinking about school (every day) I just break down in tears. I don’t want to be social, I want to stay in and be antisocial, but I want someone to be there and comfort me when I am in this place. I feel alone, I feel like I am the only one who is feeling like this. Even though in the back of my head I know it’s not true. It’s just been such a shitty semester. I don’t have a future anymore, I don’t even know what I could even possibly do. Was all this a mistake? Should I not have even come to the university? Was it stupid of me to think I could even make it in the health care field. I don’t know. All I know is I can’t handle this failure anymore, and I don’t know what more I can do. I am still studying for my finals, still trying to do well in whatever finals I have left, but I don’t think i can do it. I can’t, and no matter what I do, it won’t happen, because I am not fit for this kind of lifestyle. Learning is no longer my passion, i have deviated away from being the optimistic one, and now I am just a different person and I hate it. 

Sorry it’s all scrambled I just needed to let off some steam and to just vent and have no one say anything back. This is just for me, Im not looking for help/sympathy/anything. I just wanted to let it all out. 



"Nina, Ringo has malignant lymphoma, and we are gonna put him down soon"

wow. what a start to one of my favorite months. To think things couldn't get worse, all day today was filled with depression.

First class of the day we talk about cancer, then I get a snapchat of Corgis, and now, in my last class, we're watching a video of people who ask their PA to help them die. 

I cry, then I stop, then I cry, and then I stop. It's literally a roller coaster of emotions, and I hate it. 

This month sucks.


things to start doing:

  1. drink more water
  2. carry a camera everywhere i go
  3. read more books than i already do
  4. go for walks
  5. do yoga more often
  6. go to bed earlier
  7. enjoy the little things
  8. go outside more
  9. stop comparing myself to others
  10. stick to my goals n stop putting things off
  11. write down my feelings
  12. smile more, especially at random people

Hilary Duff at Marqueen Nightclub tonight.

Omg from now on every photograph she looks like a mixture of Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian

*Beyonce voice* this is so crazy

She’s perf

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