

@willgrahamscock / willgrahamscock.tumblr.com

31 | she/he | hungarian

a lot has been said about this incident but i think we should never forget the time a prominent hungarian anti-gay conservative politician was caught at a gay orgy in brussels that got busted because it was held against quarantine regulations, and he tried to escape the cops by climbing out of the window and down the drain pipe, with drugs in his backpack. i just think we should talk about this more.


I had a really bad migraine last night, but I've run out of everything except these hungarian pain killers my dad gave me 9 years ago, anyway I don't remember anything and I can't feel my tongue and the only thing in my search history is this

anyways can someone drive me to the hospital

what state are you in?

pretty bad


don't worry I just found out that I've been eating moldy bread for like 4 years because cutting the 'top off' doesn't get rid of the mold, it has roots that spread out so I think I'm part mold and will survive anything


like the return of the r slur and horrible fatphobia and gay jokes and the misogyny oh my fucking god can we talk about the misogyny. we have culturally regressed to the eary 2010s but when you try to call people out they’re liek ohhh it’s just a joke 😂. i’m sorry but i don’t want to hear jokes about pedophilia or about rape or about racism that is not funny and it never will be. everything is ironic and if you get offended it’s cuz you’re a crazy femnazi who cares too much. because it’s apparently uncool to take anything serious or do anything with actual sincerity anymore

Anonymous asked:

miss cock,

i regret to inform you that straight men on tiktok have found hannibal and are now making sigma male edits of him to phonk music and claiming he was in love with alana the whole time

its alright if you need time to process

are they not aware that will graham was bouncing on it exercise ball style the whole time


I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.

Exactly! It's freaking annoying when I want to watch movies but I would have to subscribe to like 24 different services . Just to watch the shows that I like.

Oh and wouldn’t it be nice for cartoons? Just anything animated. I just wanna stream things without getting conned. Must I be cartoonless forever?

i like using streaming apps but there are waaaay too many and they're all stealing my data .i wish there was a secure and organized way to have millions of shows and movies available one one app. but alas. we've truly gone full circle back to cable + now it spies on you. its a real shame. i dont want to fill my device storage with tons of boring and stupid cash grabs.

i know, it's so annoying for everything to be paid nowadays, especially movies and tv shows. it would be perfect if i could watch them without getting infected by some virus or some shit. i'm fine with ads, they gotta run themselves somehow, but i want to watch stuff and .live! if they have to use different domains i'm okay with that too, because free media is .top dog either way.

for mobile users, it especially sucks, because you can't just use websites and you have to not only pay, but you have to download a billion apps just to find what the thing you wanna watch is on. it doesn't help that the streaming services take up...so much space. so much.

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