
Chapter 22

@thefowlest / thefowlest.tumblr.com

Female. 22. California born. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I like to keep it that way.

Is Posting Online Making Me More or Less Vulnerable? 

Do we do anything just for ourselves anymore? Is anything, truly, just for us? In the age of sharing every moment online for everyone else to see, is there a way to do something for yourself or someone else without feeling the need to tell everyone about it? Just writing this I think about how I am writing it for myself but also for anyone who resonates with the topic. But to get my writing out…

Yoga Learnings: Breathe into the Tension

It seems everywhere I look in Atlanta, there is free yoga in the park, yoga Groupons, yoga retreats, businesses offering yoga sessions to their employees and so on and so on. This is both incredibly great and concerning to me. Great that everyone seems to want to deepen their understanding of themselves or even just take up a great form of exercise, but also concerning because this may mean WE…

10 Things To Talk About Instead of How Much You Hate Millennials

We drink cold brew in the middle of winter. We drool over men with man buns and beards. We go to brunch every Saturday. And maybe also Sunday. We take pictures of our food. And our cats. And our cats jumping on the table and eating our food. And ourselves. Sometimes we have 50 snaps of the same selfie on our phone that may never get deleted. We are the Millennials. We are the many. We are either…

A Visit to The Local Cat Cafe

The first thing I want to do after I have had a long day or a bad day or a day that is both, is to hug an animal. Growing up, I have always had at least two cats and one dog, so the animal hugs and cuddles were easily accessible. After moving out and not being able to adopt an animal, the animal cuddles are non-existent. And the long, bad days sometimes are far too frequent. So when I heard about…

Why Love Isn't Ever Enough

I am a romantic in the worst way. When I was younger, my favorite movies always needed a romantic story line. Of course, females grow up hearing about how Prince Charming will gallivant into our lives and save the day. Luckily my parents always reminded me I was the hero of my own story, but unluckily I still bought into the knight in shining armor because at the end of the day, I always fell…

Your Chinese Zodiac Year: Why 24 May Suck

Do you know your Chinese Zodiac? Well, you’re going to need it to before starting this post. Here is a good place to start the discovery: Chinese Zodiac Calculator. I know my every kind of zodiac. Astrological, Chinese, the random Buzzfeed quiz that assigned new zodiac signs based on my favorite pizza toppings – I know mine. I am a planner and a self-discoverer, so I like to know anything and…

Strive to Fail

Failing scares most people. I don’t think anyone really starts something in hopes that it will all come crashing down in the end. And why would you? We are told being a failure is the worst thing you can be. In all of those movies, the failure that dropped out of college gets shunned by their family. The failure that doesn’t make their marriage work is looked down upon by their children. The…

I Know I Am a Bad Friend

I love people. When I was younger and got over my dream of growing up to be Britney Spears, I actually wanted to be a manicurist. No, not a cosmetologist, just a manicurist. Yes, I enjoyed nail polish like many 7 year olds, but I wanted the interaction. That idea of doing something for someone and making them feel good. I wanted to be around people all day, everyday. Now, when I go to the nail…

Battle 2017

It is possible 2016 is the topic we will soon only discuss in hushed tones and wordless, mouthed phrases. We are split into two groups: some believed 2016 had a curse of bad luck as others scoffed at the idea of blaming a period of time for unfortunate events. Either way, I think we can all agree that plenty of discouraging things happened in the time period that was January 2016 – December 2016.…
It’s like when someone says, ‘How are you?’ Do you say, ‘Well, my head hurts and I’m lonely and depressed and I’m worried about everything and the world is collapsing and full of evil’? Or do you say, ‘I’m fine’?

Sara ShepardThe Visibles (via wordsnquotes)


Everyone Would Be Fine Without Me. And That's Fine.

How utterly heartbreaking it is to realize everyone would be fine without you. You could disappear today, and tomorrow everyone would still wake up and start their day. They would go to work or the store or the gym and maybe not even notice you were gone yet. It might take them a few days to realize they haven’t heard from you. Perhaps, if you live with someone they would notice sooner, but maybe…

You're Not Listening. That's The Problem.

When someone talks to you, how often do you listen to them? Really LISTEN to them? How often are we just waiting until they are done speaking just so we can answer? For me, I don’t think I really listen sometimes. My parents will of course will disagree with my use of the word “sometimes,” but let’s just let me have this one okay? Sometimes, I don’t listen to what people actually say. Oh, I am…
boy: I really hate it when girls--
me: I have literally never cared less about the ending of a sentence in my entire life.

My Farewell to Pizza and Other Extremely Difficult Things

Never in a million years did I think I would be in the situation where I would need to say goodbye, but here I am. This isn’t a forever goodbye, but even a small absence from someone you love is going to hurt. Sometimes you have to back away from something you love to figure out what is wrong. Or perhaps figure out what isn’t working. Sometimes it isn’t what you love; sometimes it is you. Yes, I…
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