
Made of Fire and Gold

@withfireandgold / withfireandgold.tumblr.com


Maybe we could hang out tonight? Yeah, that’d be great. I don’t think I want to have sex yet. We don’t have to have sex ever again. I just miss talking to you.


Geralt meets Jaskier and is like *sniff sniff* ‘yeah this guy’s part elf, I’m not going to comment on this because it’s a very personal thing to bring up in mixed company and also none of my business’ & never once questions that Jaskier knows this bcos like, that’s the kind of thing people know about themselves, right? and it’s a touchy sort of subject so it’s understandable that Jaskier doesn’t really talk about it, w/e

& then years later Yennefer comments on how improbably youthful Jaskier is and Geralt’s like ‘yeah he’s part elf’ (cause like, we’re all ambiguously-human friends here, nbd)

but Jaskier is like ‘what the fuck? are you talking about?? no I’m not???’ and Geralt is like ‘…..fuck.’

Geralt: never mind

Jaskier: no, what are you talking about? what made you think that??

Geralt: I thought you knew.

Jaskier: what do you mean, you thought I knew??

Jaskier: listen, I know the names of all my family going back to my great-great-great-great grandparents, and none of them were elves? 

Geralt: ….well. one of them’s lying.

Jaskier: I don’t like what you’re implying

Geralt: I’m not implying anything

Jaskier: yes, you are? you’re implying that one of my ancestors committed adultery with an elf? which is patently absurd?

Geralt: are you on speaking terms with your parents at the moment

Jaskier: what does that have to do with anything

Geralt: it’s just I don’t know if you should hear this from me

Jaskier: well, I AM hearing it from you, aren’t I????

Geralt: I shouldn’t have brought it up. I thought you knew.

Jaskier: where are you even getting this from? oh, what can you just, sense that somebody’s part elf with your magic witcher powers?

Geralt: …………….

Jaskier: ………………………… *entire sense of identity crumbling* fuck

Jasker: do you have ANY IDEA how much money I have spent on skin care products over the years???? FOR NO REASON, APPARENTLY???

I just love the idea of jaskier later finding out that his grandmother was just as much of a slut and he is and she had a string of lovers and nobody really knew who fathered her children so for convenience sake they were all just ascribed to jaskier’s grandfather and considered legitimate

Jaskier: so I found out why nobody told me I’m part elf

Yennefer: oh?

Jaskier: it turns out my grandmother fucked so many people that the paternity of all of her children is up for debate

Jaskier: so they just sort of had to guess which of them were the half elves and in my mother’s case, they were wrong.

Yennefer: that’s hilarious

Geralt: I’m starting to see where you get it from

Jaskier: quite

Jaskier: anyway my mother says please will you come and smell everyone else on her side of the family just in case

Geralt: …hm

he’s a mercenary innee

how much is she offering

this is GOLD


toss a coin to your ancestry.com witcher


thinking about how the concept of percy jackson and the olympians was like initially created out of a bedtime story & so much of this is tailored to “well i just like it” even the fact that percy is a child of POSEIDON simply because it’s… cooler rather than making him a son of zeus which would be, you know, expected……..feeling very tender…..this is the missing ingredient in the rest of every other book he’s ever written i truly believe

is there anything more magical than a father building a world through bedtime stories to reach his child with learning disabilities that has been abandoned by the institutional school system and succeeding not only in reaching his own child but in pulling in millions of other children from all around the world. i literally am emotional….the only way i could possibly put this emotion into words is saying: that is truly the best kind of art


During one of Birds of Prey’s fight sequences, Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) identifies a teammate’s vulnerability and provides a critical assist — by lending her a hair tie. This small act of sisterhood is as familiar in an everyday context as it is surprising in the DC Extended Universe. It’s one of the many ways that Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) differs from its superhero movie forebears: It not only stars women, it was made by them, too. “There’s more women in front [of] and behind the camera than any movie I’d worked on, which is pretty incredible,” says Robbie, who also produced the film. “It was partly a conscious decision, but it also always felt like the organic, right choice to make.”

Entertainment Weekly: How the R-rated, women-powered Birds of Prey flips the bird — and the script — in high-flying style


This is extra cool because it addresses a long-standing habit with women in action roles having their hair down, and never acknowledging how completely impractical and unsafe that is. It isn’t just sisterhood, it’s commenting that women in these roles should be fighters first, pretty second.


Thinking about how the cinematography and lighting in the scene where hungover Harley Quinn buys an egg sandwich, and goes through the heartbreak of losing it, is better and more moving than 99% of cinema

The fact that Cathy Yan and Matty Libatique hit with that short focal distance, high frame rate and centre framing for this shot that was so dramatic that when they put it in the trailer I thought she was screaming over the Joker leaving her and not an egg sandy flyin through the air… academy award 2021

Remember when we went to Germany? and you pay-per-viewed a video in your room? they didn’t list the title but I could tell by the price it was an adult film at the front desk? and didn’t know how the hell I knew.

yknow i saw an article that was like “robert pattinson standing strong against the batman hate! :)” and im like. you fools. you absolute clowns. don’t you know who you’re dealing with? you realize this is the man who waded through all of the twilight hate? with stride? basically brushed it off of his shoulder immediately? even as a non twilight fan in the early 2000s i knew this man would never succumb to the words of the simple minded. batman criticism means nothing to him. he cannot be defeated now. youve cast the perfect impermeable wall. he’s too powerful and we’re at his mercy


the birds of prey teaser starting off in theaters pretending to be the opening to it: chapter 2 right after the joker trailer with harley quinn interrupting still amazes me sometimes


Max is one of the most relatable characters in Stranger Things because when a girl she barely even talks to just showed up at her door asking for advice, girl went so hard. Not only did she give her advice, she was like “babe we’re gonna go get you a whole new wardrobe, get ice cream and do a photo shoot. Fuck your man.” She was literally the equivalent of a drunk girl finding another girl crying in a bathroom

You and I are two oceans apart We’re on earth to break each others hearts, in two And it’s hard, with you When I’m too far from you I look at the stars, do you?
It was, he thought, the difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high. Some people, perhaps, would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but Dumbledore knew - and so do I, thought Harry, with a rush of fierce pride, and so did my parents - that there was all the difference in the world.
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