
Follow Your Heart


Just a girl trying to be herself in this plastic world. Follow your heart; Follow your dreams. Stay Strong and never give up. ♥

this won’t get 1% of the women’s version of this post. 

the world we live in, and people in general don’t care about men. we are pretty much robots who aren’t allowed to show emotion. we’re taught from a young age that boys don’t cry. 

fact is women are sexualised, men are idealised. because men can’t be raped because they’re big and strong right? right? yea, pretty much the idiots view of living. 


dont yell at me

dont yell at me

dont yell at me

dont yell at me

dont yell at me

  • dont
  • yell
  • at
  • me
  1. instead of yelling try not yelling

if you ever yell at me, i promise you i will cry no matter who you are or what i did

i thought that im the only one that cries when people yell at me

me during an exam: lol imma ace dis bitch
me during an exam: the fuck did you just say
me during an exam: alright focus
me during an exam: pffffttt i got this
me during an exam: I'M A GENIUS
me during an exam: whats 5 x 8
me during an exam: lol fuck this
me during an exam: be our guest be our guest be our guest put our service to the test
me during an exam: oh exam right
me during an exam: yeah hear me flip that page
me during an exam: i am better than all of you
me during an exam: peasants
me during an exam: what if everyone can read minds except me
me during an exam: i bet theyre all thinking to each other 'dont tell her you can read minds'
me during an exam: cough if you can hear me
me during an exam: COUGH IF YOU CAN HEAR ME
me during an exam: was i doing something
me during an exam: right test okay
me during an exam: lol i bet i can finish before this bitch
me during an exam: did we learn this
me during an exam: stop breathing so loud
me during an exam: is that really necessary
me during an exam: wow that post on tumblr last night is suddenly the funniest thing i have ever seen
me during an exam: i will kill all of you
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