

@resipsausa / resipsausa.tumblr.com

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We are excited to announce the opening of our newest store, and our first in New York City. The store is located at 259 Elizabeth Street in NoLIta. Thank you to @wwd and @forbes for giving our launch a boost with great media coverage. #ResIpsa #OurBrandisTravel (at Res Ipsa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqJmoFOsHr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Our signature kimono made from vintage handwoven cotton fabrics that we hand-select in the souks of the old Marrakech Medina. Each handwoven blanket is repurposed into a lightweight kimono perfect for a layering piece. #ResIpsa #OurBrandisTravel (at Elizabeth Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSsiLUOObw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Our crochet bomber hoodie is made by hand in our Marrakech atelier. It takes up to one week to crochet enough material to make one hoodie. We organized a co-op of twenty women (and growing) who make our beautiful crochet designs. #ResIpsa #OurBrandisTravel (at Aspen, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmR1vlau8T2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


As we contemplate this season of gratitude, we take stock off our blessings and assess how well we have been living up to our core beliefs. We recognize that we truly have much to be grateful for in 2022. It has been a joyful year of growth and constant improvement. We believe that you should do something with joy, or not at all. We focused tremendously on creating spaces and products with love. We believe that beauty is not trivial, and that every product should have a story. We are grateful for our customers for your enthusiastic embrace of new products. We believe that retail is not dead. In June, we opened a new location, in Larchmont Village, Los Angeles (our seventh overall and third in the LA area). In October, we moved our Malibu store to a new permanent location (just a few doors to the left from our previous spot). We are grateful for your support for our creative brick-and-mortar explorations. We believe makers of well-made products deserve to make a fair profit & living wage. This year we expanded our Marrakech atelier. We now have more than a dozen full time craftsmen who make the beautiful products we design. We employ a co-op of women working exclusively for us who make our crochet and embroidered goods. We believe that small businesses are the bedrock of a strong economy. We have big ambitions and a very specific vision for the future. We have resisted outside investors because we don’t want people watering down our dreams or forcing us in a different direction. Our customers make everything possible because you literally make our growth possible. Wait til you see what’s next… #ResIpsa #OurBrandisTravel (at Aspen, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClL5Q-BLXBG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


As we contemplate gratitude, we stock off our blessings and how well we have been living up to our core beliefs. We recognize that we truly have much to be grateful for in 2022. It has been a joyful year of growth and constant improvement. We believe that you should do something with joy, or not at all. We focused tremendously on creating spaces and products with love. We believe that beauty is not trivial, and that every product should have a story. We are grateful for our customers for your enthusiastic embrace of new products. We believe that retail is not dead. In June, we opened a new location, in Larchmont Village, Los Angeles (our seventh overall and third in the LA area). In October, we moved our Malibu store to a new permanent location (just a few doors to the left from our previous spot). We are grateful for your support for our creative brick-and-mortar explorations. We believe makers of well-made products deserve to make a fair profit & living wage. This year we expanded our Marrakech atelier. We now have more than a dozen full time craftsmen who make the beautiful products we design. We employ a co-op of women working exclusively for us who make our crochet and embroidered goods. We believe that small businesses are the bedrock of a strong economy. We have big ambitions and a very specific vision for the future. We have resisted outside investors because we don’t want people watering down our dreams or forcing us in a different direction. Our customers make everything possible because you literally make our growth possible. Wait til you see what’s next… #ResIpsa #OurBrandisTravel (at Aspen, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClL3ezxLQFz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=


Introducing crochet mules for men and women. Each pair is handmade in our Marrakech atelier from crochet squares created by Marrakshi craft women. #ResIpsa #OurBrandisTravel (at Res Ipsa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEJNTBPieT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=

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