
The NotABlog

@jalopyrustbucket / jalopyrustbucket.tumblr.com

I haven't been on Tumblr in a few years. I see it hasn't improved at all. This is legitimately one of the worst large cesspools I've seen on the internet. Trust me, I've looked around. Many of you are legitimately evil and psychopathic people, and you think it's *cute*. Stop glorifying mental illness, for everyone's safety.

pandemic episode of malcolm in the middle: malcolm struggles to reconcile his commitment to quarantine safety measures with the fact that all the girls his age are so lonely and isolated that they're suddenly willing to go on dates with HIM, of all people. reese discovers that egging neighbors' houses still counts as a "socially-distanced" activity and has the time of his life. dewey does some mental calculus and realizes that he gets fewer wedgies per day from his brothers than he does from the school bully and decides he'll keep these lockdowns in effect at all costs, so he starts calling in fake pandemic data to local health districts to bump the numbers up. lois gets in a physical altercation with a non-masker at the lucky aide and starts duct taping people's mouths shut, which craig finds both alarming and oddly alluring. (craig then immediately gets infected from licking his hand to slick back his hair in a bid to impress her.) hal works from home but, after slacking off on the family computer all day, is driven to obsession by the thought of becoming the digital solitaire world champion.

This sounds like a fantastic idea.


The Irish Potato Famine was a genocide

The Armenian genocide was a genocide

The Holodomor was a genocide

The Holocaust was a genocide

What’s happening right now in Wuhan is a genocide

It’s mind-boggling that I know people who would attempt to debate me on this

I had once a tankie discussing with me about the Holodomor and he went out of the blue saying “if you think the Holodomor was a genocide then the potato famine in Ireland was a genocide too (like that was some kind of own) and I’m sure I gave them a second if thought when I went like “yes, of course it was a genocide too… your point?”

Literally had a tankie argue with me that IPF was not a real genocide when we were debating Holodomor

I had someone tell me about how Holodomor never happened and was just propaganda by nazis…

Whenever I’m reminded that genocide deniers exist:


Armenian genocide 2.0 is happening too.

Some people are legit arguing “if china is really commiting genocide, then why do so many counties still are allies with them huh?” As if

1) countries genociding and having perfect relationships with other countries isn’t literally a millennium old concept

2) they don’t have some countries under one-sided trade deals

3) stopping doing trade isn’t a war slippery slope even if you don’t have a actual deal with them


Like…how delusional are these people were in one breath they believe their state is god like and above everyone else and then the next they act like they can’t be punished for wrong doings ina way that won’t bring everyone down with them

Oh, and don’t forget about the genocide happening over in South Africa right now.


In Elmo’s voice: “I only had three lines!”

Okay but please watch the whole video. It’s just over a minute.

1. Robin Williams making off-the-cuff jokes that are definitely not Sesame Street appropriate.

2. The slow zoom in on Elmo’s face at the end.

3. Robin Williams

[working link]


How to know you’re talking to a Nazi

“Let’s just clearly define what exactly being a “baby eater” entails in your opinion. Just so we’re all on the same page here, okay?“

You joke but there are, right now, ON THIS WEBSITE, people who call relationships between two fully grown adults ‘pedophilia’ because of age gaps.

We have to get a definition of terms, because sometimes people LIE in order to make the people they hate sound worse.

But no, Obviously that’s not an issue, right? So I can dub you a nazi baby eater for reasons only I understand, and to question why I claimed you’re a Nazi Baby Eater just proves that you are, in fact, a Nazi Baby Eater.

I don’t need to justify it, and any attempt you make to prove me wrong just shows you to be more of a monster!

Also while I’m at it, I suggest you look up the term ‘Kafkatrap’, you Nazi Baby Eater.


“Let’s just clearly define what exactly being a “baby eater” entails in your opinion. Just so we’re all on the same page here, okay? 

Meanwhile, in Veganland….

“Baby eater” could technically apply to someone who eats baby carrots. Or veal.

If you’re so insecure you’ll say anyone who questions your definition of [bad thing] must be a proponent of [bad thing], you’re just proving you shouldn’t have power.

>We have to get a definition of terms, because sometimes people LIE in order to make the people they hate sound worse.

And sometimes they don’t know what the term actually means. I don’t mean they have an incorrect definition, they just use it as a vague buzzword. 

I have literally seen people called fascist and pro-Nazi for supporting free speech, which is not something either of those groups are known for. Heck, I’ve been called pro-Nazi for doing so. The logic is that fascists only want free speech until they have power, and then they’ll shut it down.

The obvious question is “so you’re saying the people who want to silence ‘hate speech’ have all the power?”

I’ve spent literal years of my life learning Spanish and Vietnamese.

I’ve worked for years with Hispanic and Asian immigrants to help them with learning English, navigating immigration law and finding employment.

I am Hispanic and I’m partly Asian, people still try to claim that I hate Hispanics or I’m a White supremacist because I’m pale and I occasionally say things like “Free speech is a human right” and “prejudice is evil regardless of its form”.

Some of those baseless accusations might have stuck if I didn’t have such a history of not being racist at all.

Point being, anyone who makes any claim that anyone is automatically a Nazi, is probably being dishonest.

Bro I’ve seen jewish people on this website called neo nazis for pointing out actual anti-semitism as opposed to the “symbolic anti-semitism” that everyone fucking loves


NeoLibs keep stanning for open, blatant anti-semites like Nick Cannon and Louis Farrakhan and then have the fucking audacity to call you a Nazi for having a problem with Antifa’s politically motivated violence that might as well be fucking brownshirts considering how often they go after minorities.

Anonymous asked:

you have a problem with minor making boundaries on who they want to interact with? like seriously the purpose of carrds is to establish boundaries, like cranky that you couldnt interact with someone?

i have a problem with minors willingly placing so much incredibly personal information in a single place on the internet where literally anyone can see it and especially with the culture that has normalized this to the point where it is expected and anyone who doesn’t want to share that information is automatically viewed as suspicious.

you have 13/14-year-old kids listing all sorts of information that makes them vulnerable to predators (including the fact that they are 13/14!!! that makes them vulnerable!!) and that can make it easier to narrow down their real life identity. that specific tweet didn’t talk about location but i have seen children list their location and what school they go to, and that genuinely terrifies me. i’ve seen lgbt teenagers making public tweets about how they’ve been kicked out by their homophobic parents and need a place to stay in a specific city—you are literally broadcasting the fact that you are young and vulnerable and your family isn’t looking for you!! ANYONE can see that! that’s fucking dangerous!!!

and the idea that you should list your triggers all in one place is also incredibly dangerous, like i know the point is to let people know what to avoid but what you’re actually doing is giving potential bullies or predators a ready-made list of things they can use to hurt and harrass you. all of the things that that person listed as “basic info” is stuff that can be used to target you. it lets other people know you’re part of an in-group, yes, but it also puts a target on your back. i’ve gotten racist hate messages, homophobic hate messages, rape and death threats, and i’m fine because i’m an adult and i’m not online that much, but it still takes its toll and i cannot IMAGINE being 13 and opening yourself up to those things online because everyone is now expected to list their race and sexuality and fucking trauma and medical diagnoses for everyone to see as soon as they click their profile.

the problem with saying “xyz people dni” is that only the polite and respectful people will actually listen and not interact with you. the people who you should actually be worried about, the people who actually actively want to hurt you, will use the information that you have willingly provided them to target you. do you think putting “terfs and fascists dni” on your carrd is actually going to stop terfs and fascists from interacting with you? if they want to hurt you they will hurt you, expecting them to respect boundaries just because you have publicly stated them is leaving yourself extremely vulnerable.

make boundaries by using the block button liberally, or like i don’t know setting your fucking profile to private. protect yourself by valuing your own privacy and not actively providing people who might harm you with the exact tools and ammunition they can use to do so.

the idea that i could only be upset by this trend because i ??? want to disrespect people’s boundaries???? is so fucking bizarre. i made that post because i am legitimately terrified for these children’s safety. not to be all kids these days, but LITERALLY kids these days are sharing their face, their identities, their entire lives, with the entire internet on a public platform without a second thought, and expecting their peers to do that as well, and it has real repercussions.


I try to stay away from a lot of fandom discourse, but since I’ve been seeing this on my dash again and in tags, I feel the need to make a statement on this, particularly for any young fans who follow me that might get drawn into this mindset.

Stay away from purity culture. Warn your friends away from it too, if you see them starting to fall for it. It’s very easy to get drawn into it

Almost always, it starts with one of three roots, pedophilia, incest and/or abuse. Usually it’s pedophilia. Funnily enough, that’s also what congress usually uses to try to justify passing bills that undermine online privacy & security. Because it’s an easy, extreme target, and when people attempt to argue against it, it’s nice and easy to say “Oh so you like pedophilia” rather then actually engaging with their argument.

The logic goes like this, although there’s many forms of it.

  1. “Pedophilia is bad.” -> Obviously, you agree with this. You’re a reasonable person, and the idea that anyone would do something like that to a child is horrible. This is a normal human reaction.
  2. “Because pedophilia is bad, all fictional explorations of it must be equally bad.” -> Here you might hesitate, but it adds up, doesn’t it? The thought of pedophilia in any context probably gives you a bad feeling, that makes you inclined to go along with this logic. 
  3. “Anyone who creates content with a fictional exploration of pedophilia is also bad.” -> Maybe you pause here, or maybe you don’t. But still, it adds up, it’s a very easy flow. After all, we’ve decided that that is Bad, so why would anyone Good want to create something like that?
  4. “Since people who create content with a fictional exploration of pedophilia are just as bad as people who engage in pedophilia in real life, it’s okay to harm them.” -> Here’s where you might pause again. The argument might not win you over entirely, you might not be willing to do harm yourself, but you may be a lot more willing to turn a blind eye to harm being done to someone. Or to consider it ‘justified’.
  5. The pattern now repeats for anything else that’s considered “morally impure”, and “pedophilia” is expanded and expanded, often to ridiculous points, such as merely shipping two underage characters. “Abuse” becomes any ship that the person pushing doesn’t like, for any reason. And so on and so forth.

This is the foundation of “anti” culture, and it’s important to be aware of it so you can catch this false equivocation. Fictional explorations of something, are not the same as the thing itself. Fictional explorations are fiction. The characters are not real people. There is no actual harm being done. Equating fake harm and real harm is a dangerous, slippery slope, which leads us to fundamentally flawed ideas of moral purity. It’s a form of controlling people & making them feel guilty for their very thoughts, rather than holding people accountable for their actions. 

A very handy trick for when you encounter this sort of argument, is to replace whatever the selected purity term is with murder. After all, we can all agree that murder is bad, but at the same time, we understand that a murder in a book =/= a murder in real life.

Let’s see that argument again, shall we?

  1. “Murder is bad”
  2. “Because murder is bad, all fictional explorations of it must be equally bad.”
  3. “Anyone who creates content with a fictional exploration of murder is also bad.”
  4. “Since people who create fictional explorations of murder are just as bad as the people who commit murder in real life, it’s okay to harm them.”

Hopefully, it’s now easy to see why the above argument is fundamentally flawed.

Keep your eye out for purity culture in your fandom spaces, and when you see it, refuse to engage with it. Warn your friends if you see them falling into the same traps, although try to be kind about it; this is a very easy thought pattern to fall into. I don’t recommend trying to argue/debate anti’s. The attention only feeds them. Block them instead. Don’t let people control or shame you for what you create or consume, and don’t control or shame others for what they create or consume.

Also, as a note, let me be clear about something. If you are uncomfortable with any of the above discussed things, or anything in general in fiction (ie, underage ships, murder, incest, abuse, penguins, needles, etc), that’s perfectly fine (it’s also called a squick, for those that haven’t heard that term before). Absolutely control your fandom experience by blocking people, filtering tags, unfollowing, etc. However, just because you are uncomfortable with something, does not give you the right to control other people. Other people have no right to control what content you create or consume, and you have no right to do that to them either. 


“It’s a form of controlling people & making them feel guilty for their very thoughts, rather than holding people accountable for their actions. ”


There’s definitely modern parallels that would allow one to argue that Veidt’s plan wouldn’t work, but they’re not complete analogues.

Veidt’s plan exists in a society that is geared up for war and eyeing each other as targets, and his plan for creating the threat has three basic aspects:

-The threat is extra-terrestrial and therefore cannot be blamed on anyone or anything on Earth, making it an excellent “them” to create a unified “us”

-The threat is sapient, intelligent, and malevolent. It is an obvious, in-ignorable, active, thinking and powerful threat intent on destroying us that requires proactive measures on our part

-The threat is vague and perpetual, there is no way to know how many space squids there are or when they’re coming or how long they live, so the threat has the potential to never die

Covid and Global Warming don’t meet all of these. In fact, they don’t meet any, and this is because we have reasonable metrics to observe and measure these issues, and methods to actually combat them.

The Space Squid is something that seems really out of our depth, since Adrian poses it as something that used technology really beyond our current understanding. We don’t know anything about the Squid other than it exists. It’s a mystery where it come from and the true extent of the species’ capabilities.


I’ve figured out why the entire idea of a “cruella devil as the rebellious antihero” movie rubs me the wrong way in comparison to stuff like joker and maleficent

It’s because you can’t reinterpret “steals literally 99 puppies to kill and skin them for a coat” which is her entire character motivation.

With malelificent and joker there was a lot of wiggle room to work with because there was no motivation already set as a core for the character besides “I’m evil because I’m evil”

With joker you can play around with him being some form of a nihilistic anarchist revolutionary or as someone who was driven too far by society’s failures or whatever and it works because it makes what he does understandable outside of an overly simple “good vs evil” story and may even create sympathy until he pushes back too hard. Same with maleificent. I have my issues with that movie but it does a good job of creating a setting where we can understand, relate to and even sympathize with her.

Meanwhile cruella’s motivation leaves zero wiggle room. She wants to murder puppies for a coat because she’s vain and greedy and has no regard for life when it gets in the way of what she wants. It’s incredibly hard to misinterpret that. It’s like making a rags to riches story about a BP executive.


full offense but none of you would have ever survived fanfiction.net in 2009


remember when writers had to be all like: “omg omg lemon starts HERE” y’all are lucky that ao3 has tags and filters you can set

Sometimes shit was marked “lemon” and it’d just be them making out, and sometimes they’d just start pissing on each other

No rules, no laws, you took your life into your hands opening fics


A/N: this contains SLASH, that means TWO MEN, if that makes you uncomfy, DON’T READ!

A/N: please don’t sue me, o anime overlords, I’m not making any money off of this! I’m just a broke student! I don’t have any money!

A/N: I totally wrote this while high off 10 Red Bulls wheeeeeee!!!!!

A/N: COMMENT if you want me to continue the next chappy!!!


No, no, no

remember when there’d be interactions with the author and the characters?

InuYasha: I don’t get why I have to be here for this

A/N: Because it was in your contract!!1!1 *revs chainsaw*


god those were lawless times. 

Remember finding a story, getting a little bit into it, realizing it was crap, but reading it anyway? If it was spelled correctly and had decent formatting, it’s still interesting to read a story and really start to understand why it was bad. Or maybe it wasn’t bad, it just had a really, really simple plot structure.


Don’t call me queer.

Many members of the lgbtq community actually use the term queer to themselves, but my question is, if you don’t want to be called queer or faggot, or other “slurs” then why do you constantly talk about your sexuality online? Straight people don’t always talk about their sexuality online (sorry maybe they do on porn sites) but you have to consider this is the fucking internet, if you push an issue, or something that isn’t a issue out people will joke about it and make up terms for it, that usually the peop,e who started it don’t like, so maybe if you don’t want to be called a faggot you should stop saying your gay

“If you don’t want to be called a slur, stop saying your sexuality.”

Holy shit you sound like a conservative Christian.

Well when you take away a single quote from a larger thing it can sound bad without the rest for context, so if you were to look at my post more you would see how I’m referring if you push anything out a lot, especially to people on the internet you are basicly bound to be called something you wish not to be called, let’s take a popular game called “fortnite” for example, of you constantly say you play it people will call you things, like an addict or cringe, that is what I was referring to not if someone ask what sexuality are you and your gay you shouldn’t be worried about if you say the truth you will be called a something you don’t wish to be called, along with that, people are people and the freedom of speech does exist so they will say things like that.

Ah I see so I should be quiet if people call me “paki” “brownie curry” “cow worshiper” or “street shitter” because I’m not secretive about my religion or ethnicity. If I didn’t want to be called racist slurs, I should just not talk about my race at all.

That’s how you sound like.


“... if you constantly say [stupid things] people will call you things, like [fuckwit or moron]....”

Stupid argument is stupid.

This is kind of like arguing that a black person who talks about racial issues should be called the N-word.

> you shouldn’t be worried about if you say the truth you will be called a something you don’t wish to be called


I’m aware of the irony of the fact that this image about bias snipes at conservatives.

Some queer people prefer the term queer and are offended at any other term being used, and some have a different preferred term, and are offended at the word queer. 

If that’s where the discussion is, then I think it’s unimportant enough to ignore it and just roll the dice randomly every time I need to go search for an “alphabet soup category” kind of word. 

Queer has the advantage of being a real word that just means “strange”, or “different”, or “doesn’t follow the norm”. This is literally accurate. It’s also only a single syllable long, so it’s fast to say.

Any proposed alternative will have to contend with these variables. If the only consistent factor in “preferred terminology” is constant change, then you’ll never, ever be happy with it, so people will just stop caring entirely.


I learned about the Jonestown massacre today.....

300 children. 300 fucking children killed. And don't even get me started how i know damn fucking well a bunch of those people were coerced. There were so many people that wanted to leave too. A women killed her own children by stabbing them. I just can't. I fucking can't.

Also where the phrase "drank the kool-aid" originated from, which is probably the least dark thing to come out of that.

Jonestown was a blight on human history, and a stark warning to those who fail to critically think about their beliefs and those of others.

Fun fact: There was a tape recorder running when the kool-aid drinking was happening. The recording is available online. I think I found it on one of the various Internet Archive sites. There were comments and discussions of people who narrowly escaped Jonestown who went to find the recording to hear the event that they could easily have ended up in.

The tape was also recorded over top of a previous recording of music, and some of the imprints of the old music stuck around in the tape, if you listen closely.

Jonestown was a very progressive commune, and preached racial integration, which was very progressive for the time.


Growing up with your starters


The captions are also really cute, although they mostly describe what’s in each photo:

Bulbasaur: Somehow, nomming on my clothes… has become a weird habit of theirs.

Venusaur: That hasn’t changed now that they’ve grown, but they’re very gentle.

Charmander: It’s my first attempt, but I made a plushie so that he wouldn’t get lonely.

Charizard: That plushie seems to be his favorite even now.

Squirtle: Squirtle’s a bit timid and hides behind me at the smallest things.

Blastoise: Looks like they’re scared of the first Pichu they’ve seen. You’re not really hiding!

This is adorable

You forgot these!!!

I’m disappointed that these were left out


If I ever don’t reblog this, kill me

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