Marauders Era Network

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A network dedicated to the era of the Marauders and all of their friends, enemies, and classmates.

have mercy!

lily evans was no idiot. she was top of her class, star potions student, head girl, and a favorite of teachers and students alike. she prided herself on her intellect and wit, her sensitivity to both academic and emotional subjects. lily evans was exposed to, from a very young age, the cruelty of human nature. there were burgeoning signs, warning hints of deeper hurt–from tuney, from severus–and as she grew, as she married james potter and joined the order, she was exposed to even more. she suffered the treachery of peter pettigrew, mourned the loss of dead friends, and lived the last few months of her short life in hiding, in a remote, small home in godric’s hollow.

and yet.

when voldemort came for harry, she still screamed, have mercy! she must have known, logically, that there was no chance for such mercy, that her pounding heart was overpowering her level head. the last breath she had, the last thought she possessed, was a blind, desperate hope for lord voldemort, master of a cruel heart and an even colder soul.

and yet.

she believed, in higher things. in love, and mercy, and justice, somewhere, somehow, in the universe. maybe she was foolish, maybe she was young. but maybe, just maybe, she was so good and innately strong that in her last moments, her last, most terrifying times, she was able to beg for mercy. she was able to expect it. and though she would not be granted such mercy, she still believed in it. somewhere. somehow. there would be mercy in this world.


did you know sirius black, professor?, harry asks, quietly, as remus struggles for an answer, memories washing over him in painful waves.

sirius laughing on the couch, doubled over and too breathless to splutter out even a few words. sirius planning mischief with james, teasing professor mcgonagall and hatching plans for evans to notice prongs. sirius watching his little brother with furrowed brow and worry creasing his handsome face when he thinks no one notices. sirius running away to the potters’ house, bedraggled and breathing hard, suitcases and defiant determination in hand. 

sirius studying to become an animagus to ease remus’s transitions on the full moon. sirius stroking remus’s hair and soothing his aches and pains, brushing away moony’s worries one by one. sirius delightedly officiating at lily and james’s wedding, taking every opportunity he has to make jokes at james’s expense. sirius reverently taking little harry into his arms, cooing and suddenly looking years younger, vowing to protect and love him forever and ever and ever. sirius agreeing to be the potters’ secret keeper as he stands, strong, steady, before a pacing james and shaking lily. 

sirius betraying the potters, betraying peter, betraying remus. 

remus looks into harry’s wide, questioning eyes, heart breaking once more. 

i thought i did. 


james and lily’s wedding

There was his father waving up at him, beaming, the untidy black hair Harry had inherited standing up in all directions. There was his mother, alight with happiness, arm in arm with his dad.
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