

@savebybobrovsky / savebybobrovsky.tumblr.com

sunflowerdaisyhippie is my new blog. Still hockey so go check it out.


This blog has been inactive for a while now and I have since moved to sunflowerdaisyhippie. Still hockey though. I had to move accounts because of some toxic people in my life coming to this blog and harassing me. So to be clear savebybobrovsky has moved to sunflowerdaisyhippie. Thank you. Love you guys.


I’m a trash heap who forgot to do this

tagged by @maplerosekisses ! Thank you, dear! Let’s catch up soon <3

thing: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better (oh God I don’t pay enough attention to anything but that fine ass content. Ok but tagging mutuals. Love y’all)

nicknames: Katie-kins, Katie-bird, little Tuna, Bubby Friend  (oh dear, Dad) and yes I’m stuck in italics because I’m an old lady who doesn’t understand Tumblr.

time right now: 1:58pm, skiving off from the work I’m meant to be doing.

last thing i googled: I was trying to remember the word “dysnomia” so I googled “dyslexia for numbers,” but it didn’t give me my answer so I had to sit here until the damned word came to me.

fave music artist: Arctic Monkeys, The Last Shadow Puppets (anything Alex Turner tbh), Pete Doherty (The Libertines, Babyshambles, etc), various classic rock bands, used to be obsessed with FOB and The Kooks :)

song stuck in my head: Nothing for once? I usually have something stuck up there, but maybe I’m in the clear because of this fantastic Miles Davis live album I’m listening to

last movie i watched: The Decoy Bride because I love David Tennant on a truly stupid level.

last tv show i watched: That cheesy “Death Comes to Pemberley” show they popped up on Netflix.

what i’m wearing now: Old Uggs my friend gave me, black sweatpants, definitely not a real bra, a grey t shirt, and a furry VS hoodie that the same friend gave me (okay she’s basically my big sister so I get all her hand-me-downs, which is super cool because she’s a shopaholic)

when i created this blog: Spring of 2012. Wow that’s an age ago!

the kind of stuff i post: a lot of hockey and Alex Turner, but I try to chuck some artsy things/general interest. I really don’t have a particular alliance. I use this blog to make myself happy

do i have other blogs: Yes but I used them for half a day soooo.

do i get asks regularly: noooo

why did i choose my url: It’s an old joke from when I was in community college because I loved the hell out of my geology class but I also love rock music. Yeah, that’s the dorkiest thing ever.

hogwarts house: Hufflepuff (and Pukwudgie, way to leave the US out, guys)

pokemon team: dude I think I picked yellow? Who knows

fave colours: Blue, blue, and more blue. But also purple and non-yellowy shades of green. And bluish-reds. Yeah, cool tones essentially.

average hours of sleep: Used to be a healthy amount, but I haven’t really slept in about a month

lucky number: I just go with 21 because of my birthday, but I have no evidence of its level of luckiness

favorite characters: Holy hell, where do I even begin? The entirety of The Boys in the Band, Oliver Tate, Eleanor Dashwood, Emma Woodhouse, about a trillion others

dream job: Probably just writing or doing something artistic. Location is more important tbh. #takemebacktoengland

number of blankets i sleep with: Usually just one. But it has to be super soft and wonderful, even if it’s the summer. Can’t be cuddly without a blanket!


Happy 29th birthday to my absolute fav and s'cute defenseman and Canadian, Phillip “The Thrillip” Jordan “Jordie” Ellis Benn AKA Darth, Juice’s Daddy, Jobenn (the best Benn), and by far the most attractive man in Dallas. Forever in awe of your beard.


glamorize going to bed early, like, 8pm early

instead of making high stress levels a competition, brag about feeling whole and at peace.

make it cool as hell to take 2pm naps and go on mindful walks by yourself.

talk about mental health and normalize visits to counselors or support systems

teach kids that being different is beautiful and that it’s healthy to love what makes us who we are.

make #selflove and #selfcare the most common hashtags

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