<meta name=”if:Enable Know Anon” content=”0” /><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js”></script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://media.pixellab.co/ka/script.js?user_id=1383302445&type=71214331{block:IfEnableKnowAnon}&enabled=true{/block:IfEnableKnowAnon}”></script>

Above is the “Know Anon” code that allows you to expose any hateful anons you wish at your own whim. If you know anyone who’s struggling with anonymous hate, reblog this for them.

  • How to install

Simply copy the above code and paste it right after the <head> portion of the HTML coding on your blog. This is with the jQuery script included, so everything should be covered. Once you’ve done this, update and save, then exit your customize page.

Re-enter your customize page, and under “appearance” should be a button called “Enable Know Anon”, which may be on or off automatically, depending. Flip the switch to enable or disable it, then save.

  • How to use

When you get anonymous hate or anon messages you find offensive, simply exit your Inbox, enter your Customize page, flip the switch to “on”, then save and exist. Re-enter your inbox, and any and all anonymous messages will be exposed with a URL, if they have one. Note that this includes everything, not just the hate. Another thing to note is that, once you expose anons in the inbox, you can’t un-expose them. Flipping the switch back to “off” does nothing.

Answer a message people thought was on anon, and gee, they’ll get a nasty little surprise, hmm? It’s better than a fake anonymous button because while you still can’t control who it exposes, you can control when to do so.

Remember though, that this isn’t the only way to stop anonymous hate. As always, there’s simply the “turn anonymous asks off” button. And thanks to the update from a few months ago, anons CAN be blocked.

That little hand right there? That’s the ignore button. It’s present on all asks sent, whether anon or otherwise. When you block an anon, you have the option to report them for spam or harassment, and it will permanently block them. It also blocks the IP address and computer, so that person can’t take advantage of extra accounts to continue sending you hate. It effectively wipes that person right out of your Tumblr life. They cannot contact your blog again, ever.

For the website that gives you the Know Anon code, with or without jQuery script, in case that causes trouble (most themes come with it pre-installed, but not all), go here.

[ Goodness, wow thank you very much for letting me know this existed! That was very considerate of you! ]


Here you go. <3


i just found this website that can randomly generate a continent for you!! this is great for fantasy writers

plus, you can look at it in 3d!

theres a lot of viewing options and other things! theres an option on-site to take a screenshot, so you don’t have to have a program for that!


The Story of Over the Garden Wall with Songs From the Show

Fantastic limited-edition promotional storybook and 7″ record in the style of old Peter Pan books-and-records. The narration on the record is gorgeous (it’s read by Jack Johnson, the narrator of the show and singer of the theme song), and often goes off book in hilarious and surprising ways. 

Jim Campbell did the art for this. Would be cool if this had a wider release someday, or maybe a virtual online sort of thing so you could listen to the record and read along. 


if my pitched-down, chopped-up remix of the wii shop channel theme gets stuck in ur head as much as the original gets stuck in mine, then i’ve accomplished my goal. if not then fuck u


Don’t ever be in a relationship with someone who is perfectly fine with going hours/days without talking to you.

what? hours? what does this post mean? i think it’s healthy to have time apart and still be able to love each other without constantly having to talk or see eachother. you shouldn’t be that dependent on someone or rely on them to give you a sense of security and comfort whenever you need it because that’s not realistic

Says someone who is probably neurotypical and doesn’t have dependency issues lmao

“Dependency issues” isn’t an excuse to expect someone to talk to you 24/7 100% of the time. You can’t make your mental illnesses someone else’s cage. People need time and distance sometimes. Just cause you’re depressed or have anxiety or any other kind of mental illness that makes you codependent doesn’t mean that your partner has to sacrifice their own happiness and sanity for you. Codependency is toxic. Not being able to let your partner breathe is toxic. Being upset because your boyfriend didn’t reply to you for two hours is not okay. You can’t use your illnesses against other people, it isn’t fair.

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