
*1-800-contacts voice* my brand

@lincolnlooker-blues / lincolnlooker-blues.tumblr.com

(he/they) latinx raised in texas go figure ✨'97 liner✨ it's a random bag of interests so browse at your leisure 👉🏼👉🏼




This orangutan had lots of fun with the sunglasses and the zookeepers managed to get her to trade the sunglasses for some leafy greens when she was done with them. Items like this are not ideal in primate enclosures because they can break and/or ingest pieces, so the orangutan got to have her fun and (not) eat it too.


As a Jew I wholeheartedly believe that, folks who are pretending nothing is wrong and Palestinians aren't being murdered every day would have absolutely ignored the Holocaust and let my folks get killed without blinking an eye.

Americans have a lot of heroic fantasies about what they would have done during the Holocaust or chattel slavery, and the answer for a lot of them is absolutely nothing. They would have complained about the people actually doing things for being too disruptive. We Jews did the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, and they would have called this terrorism. They would have also complained about MLK and Malcolm X, the former of which took the economies of entire cities hostage. Modern day disruptions don't hold a candle to historical disruptions.

In a two of more decades, people are going to use excuses like "I didn't know!" or pretend they were supportive all along, making tear jerking films about the Palestinian plight. We need to not let them do this.

I'm also not asking people to be action heroes or anything, since it takes a very specific kind of person to do that sort of direct resistance. I'm asking for people to actually acknowledge and discuss the fact that there is a genocide going on, and to not pretend things are fine. (This applies to all social justice struggles. Acknowledgement helps normal conversations about it, and de-normalize the ignoring of it like we do for many social problems.)

Also there are many ways to support efforts for justice! The people doing direct action require people to support with costs, food, care supplies, etc. For everyone in a visible position, there are a lot of folks cooking as well.

[Slightly belated] Yom haShoah reblog. Never Again means Never Again for anyone, and I am especially going to be harsh on other Jews on the above points going into the future for as long as I can still speak and constantly remind people of this failure and never let it go or be forgotten.


Eurovision is the absolute easiest thing in the world to boycott. It's not food owned by one of 5 food conglomerates. It's not tech that corporations have made essential. There's no "support the devs" logic to be even considered. It's literally just noise that is forgotten in a week.

This year it's noise that will be forgotten in a week that is actively supporting one state that's committing genocide to another state they're actively suppressing any discussion about.


if you were trapped in a time loop how many repetitions do you think it would take for you to willingly kill another person, knowing there would be no consequences

I so badly want to ask this question at a party or something where I can set parameters and ask follow up questions gfdgsd people saying "I just can't see myself doing it" I genuinely want to know why. There are no material consequences, there could be temporary benefits, so what would hold you back?

Official Time Loop Post


Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.

Yes, nonblack people can reblog. I'd appreciate it, in fact, if y'all took the time to vocally support your Black friends/fans in fandom.

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