
Hello it is me again. I’m back w my update post which no one even asked for. I got a damn B in my math a level and a C in my physics a level so i got into uni!!! I’ve already started and its been 2 months its not that bad so far, I’m kind of getting the hang of it. I made some new friends which I’m happy about so theres that. Oh ye how could I not mention that i met my girlfriend in June, it was seriously the best week ever and the highlight of my whole life so far i swear fgjhkjfg. I know she’s prob reading this (literally the only person who does) but anyway i love her alot and our 1 year anniversary is in 4 days goddamn time goes by fast. Idk when I’ll update again, maybe if something big happens again cos rn nothing exciting is going on other than what i mentioned. uhhh bye


Me writing these is so stupid but whatever I’ll enjoy looking back at these when I’m older. My A levels were a disaster and I worked so hard for them so I feel really disappointed in myself for showing such a weak performance. My results will come back in like 3 months so I’ll have fun waiting for those. I’m not used to doing this bad ever so I’ve been having a non stop really bad gut feeling so that’s really fun. My mom is being really homophobic to me I hope her views will change soon I don’t think she realises how bad it affects me and she keeps threatening me which has brought me down this exam season which I really didn’t need so that might have affected me in some way in my exams who knows. This is just a waiting game from now on so I’ll post again probably when I get my results... or when I meet my girlfriend in 5 weeks hehe I’m so excited for that I’ll have the best time. anyway cawww


Oo i forgot tumblr existed so I’m doing another update thing... Turns out I did amazing in my Italian exam!! don’t kno how since i was in the hospital and all but i got a B. I’m shocked too I really didn’t expect it I cried little tears haha. School started also which is shit cos I don’t have anyone to hang around w so I’m alone most of the time... I do have friends but I don’t feel happy with them so I guess I made myself think being alone is better which it is right....? idk what’s done is done anyway too late to change anything now cos I’ve been like this for quite a while now. I need to get my shit together so I can study for my super important exams coming up which are my A-levels. Ora parlero in Italiano perche non voglio che tutti voi mi capiresti? Mi sono innamorato per qualcuno per la prima volta mi sento cosi felice, e una persona tanto tanto bella non posso aspettera alla giornata che lo incontrero. Come e possibile per una persona di essere cosi perfetta non capisco davvero. Mi dispiace perche il mio italiano e cosi grave ma faccio il mio meglio. Anyway gonna sign off and watch twd gameplay w the person haha goodbye

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