
Sabrina Cognata

@sabrinasee / sabrinasee.tumblr.com

Once upon a time, I was a professional. I spent my nights secretly partying away my life. I'd come to before dawn in places so seedy my bad girl parts tingled. Rinse. Repeat. Kill myself. But as everyone knows, all bad girls fade out just like their...

nothing makes me blush quite like a michael leonard painting

just the way these paintings sit in the center of some precarious intersection of mundanity, voyeurism, casual nudity, and unassuming sexuality. each inhabits one of those moments where you steal a glance and then quickly force yourself to look away, except now the moment is lovingly rendered as a lush, warm vignette that invites you to look longer because of its very nature as a painting. the tension, the drama, the mystique. dare i say... exquisite


my favorite work memory from this store will always be “hey remember when the subway inside the store closed down and they let me take a bunch of their shit for free and now it lives inside my house?”

my life is a joke


The One Where I Pimp My Patreon (& Social Media)

I don't really use Tumblr that much anymore. I am seeing a lot of followers these days. Who can tell if it's just bots or actual humans looking to make a connection?

If you're the latter, you can always follow me where I am more active: Instagram @sabrinasee and Twitter @sabrinasee. Most of my longform writing, the revival of Dickoupage and longform video updates and photos can be found on My Patreon.

I miss the old days of Tumblr. I am not really even sure what is left without the weird sex memes and totally unhinged off-the-wall shit. If there's some secret place we go for that, tell me.


Anonymous asked:

What does it mean when my north node is in Leo (SN in Aquarius) but my NN is also in the 4th house (SN 10th House), I'm really confused on which aspects I should be focusing on? Thank you!

Hey there! 💕❤️ Ah! 💕❤️I think the thing that’s confusing is the house positions right? 💕❤️ 

Leo NN - Aquarius SN (4th/10th) ⬇️

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