

Forever is Composed of Nows - Emily Dickerson

Favorite parts of The Low Low Price Job:

-when they're arguing about whether or not they should take the client and Eliot points out they overthrew a foreign government and Nate's response is just that it was a small foreign country

-Sophie complaining about needing to learn fancy science words and saying something about how they're not real and that they're like the names of dinosaurs or something and Hardison having to say "dinosaurs were real"

-Nate putting on dramatic music while watching the camera feeds of the chaos they're sowing

-Sophie siccing her acting students on these people

-the haunted shopping cart prank

-Parker quitting her day job pretending to be dying

-the team sitting in the food court betting on how long it'll take for the mark to crack


It's all any of us wants, to find a nice person to hang out with 'til we drop dead. Not a lot to ask!

Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore in Gilmore Girls (2000-2007)


“that character is a war criminal” that character is from a fictional fantasy world and did not attend the geneva convention

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