
La Oreja de Alejandra

@alealanis / alealanis.tumblr.com

"Lo que te conté mientras dormías"

Can we talk about how in zombie shows/movies/books they always find a veterinarian and not a surgeon? Are veterinarians deemed more likely to survive the apocalypse?



  • One of our professional skills is ‘not being bitten by patients’
  • We actually have a good broad knowledge base for both surgical, medical, and GP things
  • We’re used to improvising equipment because a lot of stuff is just not made for animals
  • Meat safety is part of our training
  • Our cars are often full of equipment, especially in mixed practice
  • We probably weren’t in the human hospital at the initial outbreak

I like how the confidence of this answer implies that we as vets have at some point sat down and discussed why and how we would survive the apocalypse 

You mean you haven’t?

Ámame, cariño. Lee mi cuerpo, como los ciegos leen sus libros detente y admírame, como un pintor admira su obra preferida, posa tu mirada sobre mí, como si fuese una de las 7 maravillas del mundo sosténme, como si me fuese a esfumar  trátame como si fuésemos todo, aunque no seamos nada ámame, cariño, como yo quisiera amarte.

My Favorite Japanese Dramas

I always see people all over Japanese langblr asking about J-drama and I LOVE J-drama so I wanted to share some of my favorite dramas and some info on where to find them all.  I typically don’t torrent because I could fuck up my school stuff if I torrent and also I have a PC so I’m a lot more susceptible to viruses, so I included only streaming services.  You can actually download some of the SARS Fansubs dramas I mention through their website if you can’t find them online.  

If anyone wants to Rabb.it like J-dramas together I’m totally down just like message me or something.

J-dramas are REALLY difficult to find because most Japanese networks don’t want to sell the rights I guess.  You can find J-drama almost anywhere you can find K-drama, you just have to search for it. 


There are a lot of J-dramas on YouTube but you have to know what you’re looking for.  Pretty much anything subbed by SARS Fansubs in the 2000s can be found on YouTube somewhere, especially the classic J-Dramas.

Hana Yori Dango

A lot of people know this as the Korean drama Boys Over Flowers.  Affectionately known as HanaDan, the show is the second and most accurate adaptation of the manga of the same name.  It launched the careers of Matsumoto Jun (as well as his entire band, Arashi), Inoue Mao, Matsuda Shota, and Oguri Shun. When I tell you that you will see at least three of those names at lest two more times, you better believe it.  There are two seasons and a full length movie all of which you can probably find on Youtube.  This show is spectacular.  It’s set in Tokyo and centers around the life of a teenaged girl named Tsukushi Makino.  She’s super smart and is a second year scholarship student at a private school full of snotty rich kids.  BUT THE GAG IS, she’s poor and she doesn’t fit in with any of the other students.  The school is run by a gang of four third year boys known as The Flower Four (F4) headed by the ruthless, filthy rich, and kind of dumb Doumyouji Tsukasa.  They run the school, usually by rallying the entire school into ostracizing single students.  When she stands up for a new friend as lunch, she finds herself the target of their harassment and suddenly becomes a person of interest for Doumyouji.  It’s very very similar to Ouran High School Host Club. 

If you’ve seen the Korean drama, you pretty much know the entire progression of the story, but its worth noting that if you’re studying Japanese this drama is fantastic. There are a ton of idioms and puns including the title.  If you’re new to J-drama you should make yourself watch this.  

Words I learned: ありえないっつの (I think) 

Liar Game (2007)

So if you lowkey can’t stand shoujo drama, Liar Game might be for you.  This drama is also highly highly recommended and features Matsuda Shota (of the previously mentioned HanaDan) and another really famous actress form the 2000s, Toda Erika.  This show was also turned into a k-drama of the same name, but again nothing beats the Japanese original. This is more of a mystery/suspense/thriller show about a nice girl named Kanzaki Nao who gets dragged into a game known only as the Liar Game where a pair of players must compete to steal $1,000,000 from their opponent while risk losing that money themselves.  She enlists the help of a recently released mastermind ex-con to help her.  It’s SOO good.  The theme song is by CAPSULE I think and it’s so like high tension and the music is super good and its just so dramatic and uGH i love it.  Like most super popular dramas, there is also a second season and a movie.

Words I learned: 一億円、リストラー

Gokusen (2009)

I just started watching this. This one is one of those classic as fuck 2000s dramas with Matsumoto Jun about a woman named Yamaguchi Kumiko who is finally following her dreams and has become a teacher at an all boys school.  However, she’s put in charge of the students of class 3-D, a bunch of rowdy boys who are the worst in the school.  But that’s nothing she can’t handle because it turns out she’s the granddaughter of a powerful yakuza. It’s good and pretty funny and I really really reccomend it. 

Words I learned: てめ、ちこく、おじょう


Sed de ti.

Y esa mirada fue lo único que alcance a rescatar antes de perderme entre tus brazos, los petalos que se desprendieron de tus labios, el olor de lo profundo de tu ser y todo en mi tembló, se desbordó a través de mis venas. Me elevaste en silencio, todos los sentidos al límite. Y todo se oscurecio. Sólo estabas tu frente a mí. Permíteme huir. Déjame ir y olvidarme.




Y así como el viento agita mi cabello intentaste entrar en mi corazón, enamorarme, esperando un gesto para alzar la mirada. Cuan egoísta fuiste al robarmelo, solo vi tus ojos llenos de pánico al ver la tristeza en mi cara. Solo dos en el mismo lugar sin poder avanzar. Tu encuentras en mi todo eso que esperas de ella y yo todo lo que espero de él. Se bien que quizá piensas en amor mas no es permanencia, piensas en momentos sin eternidad. Yo lo único que tengo son minutos no más. Terminó por querer entender qué es amor, qué es la felicidad y cuando podré salir con libertad sin peso en mi alma de todo esto.


Se siente que fracasas, que te falta algo, es doloroso y humillante. El dolor emocional es inmenso. Derrame unas lagrimas por coraje pero hoy le siguió la inmensa tristeza. Quiero esa fuerza, para levantarme de nuevo y decir NO. Ya fue suficiente. Mi corazón ya no lo soporta más. Terminó y doy gracias a Dios porque fui una persona terrible, dejame aprender para jamás volverlo a hacer. Tuve el valor de confesar un gusto pero fueron por las razones equivocadas y tu me lo demostraste, no sirve de nada mi orgullo pues solo eso me hirió no era amor solo quería saber si podría conquistar pero tu, mi Dios sos tan bueno y paciente con tu hija para demostrarme que no es el camino correcto. Duele pero lo agradezco.


Move on

“Aun no se cómo vivir sin tu amor”

 Me rompieron el corazón, yo misma lo hice añicos esperando encontrar cosas que en mi no existen. Avanzar en este mundo sin aprender un par de lecciones no es posible, a todos nos llega ese momento en la vida en el cual ese ser supremo nos sacude para que tomes el camino adecuado. Han sido tres golpes fuertes que me han hecho ver los diferentes estilos de amor que te puedes encontrar en el camino, a que tipo de lealtad es la que se adapta a ti, a conocerte hasta en los peores miedo, a tolerar las cosas adecuadas, pero enfrentarlas en los momentos mas oportunos, a saber que la felicidad existe en momentos cotidianos, a reconocer errores pero no adjuntarse aquellos que no son reales, a mejorar.

No morirás de amor, dolerá mucho, pero pasará mientras tu quieras que eso pasé, no te hundas en cosas que no están en tus manos cambiar. No intentes cambiar a la persona, si ella lo aprende solo se dará ese avance.

Ama tu ser, arréglate y cuida tu aspecto para ti, para que ese reflejo te provoque una sonrisa, haz las cosas por ti y si esa persona decide acompañarte, disfruta, pero no sufras sino esta. 

Te das cuenta que estas en otra linea cuando dejas de pelear por cosas que no puedes controlar, dejarlas ir es la mejor opción. Supera ese estigma, be brave and move on.


last night i went out to a bar with a few friends and i got in one of those situations where a guy introduced himself and offered to buy me a drink and everyone else just kind of fell away so it was me and this guy i’d just met at a table talking. i felt totally comfortable and didn’t visibly need an out or anything, but on FOUR separate occasions girls that i don’t even necessarily know that well came up to me and were like “hey, maddie’s looking for you! wanna come find her with me?” or “hey, we’re heading to the bathroom wanna come?”. and i was fine so i just said “no im good, thanks!!” but it helped me realize so much that that’s the shit we need more of: girls looking out for girls, for no reason other than to check in. i appreciated it so much, and it made me realize how nice it is to have the option to leave if you need it. i just thought it was really great and it made my heart happy and i wanted to share it with you all. check in on your girlies, always. we gotta be there for each other :) 


“The bromance. The captivating couple”

Dong Wook. It was so nice working with you.I hope we can work in another drama again. I miss you. - Mr Goblin, Gong Yoo hyung. We had beautiful days. I wasn’t lonely, thanks to you. If we could work together again. I think we can have more fun.


Los ame😍

Anonymous asked:

i wanna hear all about the cursed child when you finish it haha i've only seen spoilers so far but oh boy lol


a) everything Scorpius Malfoy says and does will make you want to strap on armour and charge into battle for love of him, 

b) one of Scorpius’s first lines is ‘I’ve always regarded the Pepper Imp as the king of the confectionary bag’, which renders the whole Everyone Thinks Scorpius Is Voldemort’s Son subplot/mystery UTTERLY UNNECESSARY because OF COURSE THIS RIDICULOUS CHILD IS THE FRUIT OF DRACO MALFOY’S LOINS, 

c) Draco gets some weighty shit to say/is just Redemption Arc AF all the way through, so 


e) Draco gets to join The Gang for World-Saving Hijinks, which means 

f) some scenes are DRARRY AF AS FUCK, but mainly 

g) everything about this play will make you Team Malfoy Forever, holy shit, like, wtf, 

h) at one point Harry and Draco are duelling and Draco goes ‘Keep up, old man’ and Harry’s like ‘WE’RE THE SAME AGE, DRACO’ which made me laugh so hard I had to put the book down for a good five minutes, 

i) it also bears mentioning that RON AND HERMIONE ARE IN LOVE IN EVERY TIMELINE, god bless @whoever the hell wrote this thing, 

j) speaking of whoever wrote this thing, they took the whole ‘Harry couldn’t really hear the commentary during the first Triwizard Task very well from his position in the Champions’ Tent’ and handed us Ludo Bagman yelling DOG DIGGITY, CEDRIC DIGGORY, YOU ARE A DOGGY DYNAMO! which I will be forever thankful for, 

k) Albus and Scorpius make their great escape off the Hogwarts Express while it’s in motion and the trolley witch turns into a terrifying Immortal Guardian of the Train and hurls explosive pasties at them, while casually dropping into the admittedly weird conversation that Fred’n’George and the Marauders all tried to get off the train while it was moving, EMPHASIS ON ‘TRIED’, 

l) turns out my SCORP LAD WOT LAD “joke” was completely inaccurate as, world-ending and illegal shenanigans aside, Scorpius and Albus are BORING NERDS, but 

m) their entire relationship is a personification of the ‘I would follow you to the ends of the earth with only mild complaining’ text post, and 

n) I am 100% positive that by the time they turn 16 they will be Experimenting and Laughing It Off while also Staring Wistfully At Each Other While The Other One’s Not Paying Attention, because oh my god, they are completely smitten with each other, LITERALLY, 

o) when plot things happen and Harry won’t let them see each other anymore, there’s an ENTIRE MONTAGE of them being DESOLATE AND DISTRAUGHT, the word “heartbroken” is used about both of them, Draco bursts into Harry and Ginny’s house like ‘MY SON IS IN TEARS POTTER, WTF’, it’s all very Fraught and Forbidden Romance-y, and when they’re allowed to be friends again they’re like ‘you’re… the best person I know… you… make me stronger…’ ‘…!! … that’s so nice… I didn’t like my life without you in it… !!!’ and then Albus tells Scorpius he’s kind from the depths of his belly to the tips of his fingers which is the most ROMANTIC SHIT I HAVE EVER READ IN MY LIFE, ALBUS POTTER GOT GAME SON, but anyway, they’re in love, fight me, WHAT ELSE? 

p) Harry does all the cooking, 

q) Draco gets excited about a farmer’s market, 

r) Ron is the fucking best person on planet earth, probably, 

s) Harry and Draco burst into Slytherin and try to get up to the dormitory to find Albus and Scorpius and this one kid is yelling at them like ‘PARENTS AREN’T ALLOWED IN THE HOUSE COMMON ROOMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF-’ and McGonagall just appears and says ‘Please don’t be tiresome, Craig’ and honestly if I was Craig I’d never show my face again, 

t) I forgot to mention that in the weird Voldemort Day Blood Ball Scorpion King AU Scorpius gets to talk to Snape and blah blah blah plot Snape is giving him a pep talk like ‘Think about Albus. You’re giving up your kingdom for Albus, right? One person. All it takes is one person.’ which is just… indescribably romo, and 

u) in the Voldemort Day Blood Ball Scorpion King AU dark Draco Malfoy is still better at dadding than regular timeline Harry Potter, which I don’t think any of us saw coming, 

v) Harry asks Draco what he wanted to do as a grown-up when he was a kid and Draco says ‘Quidditch. But I wasn’t good enough. Mainly I wanted to be happy.’ which is honestly just fucking savage and I can’t believe I lived through it, ALSO I had to read the line ‘It is exceptionally lonely, being Draco Malfoy’ with my own eyes, so I’m taking tomorrow off work, 

w) this incredibly soul-baring and candid convo comes on the heels of HARRY COMING FOR DUMBLEDORE(’S PORTRAIT) ABOUT HOW DUMBLEDORE TREATED HARRY AND I HAVE LITERALLY NEVER FELT MORE ALIVE. he yells at Dumbledore until Dumbledore is LITERALLY WEEPING. I don’t even want to tell you what he says because you all need to experience that moment of cleansing rightness in your lives, 

x) despite all the batshit plot things, the play actually deals with all the characters’ traumas FAR BETTER than the series ever did. we get actual GINNY and TOM RIDDLE shit in this play guys! it gets talked about! how it affected Ginny gets talked about! Harry has nightmares! Harry vents his feelings! Draco tells Harry about how alone he felt and how that sent him to such a bad place! Draco, Ginny and Harry understand each other and bond over shared trauma! who the fuck expected this! not fucking me! 

y) I was emotional as hell throughout because I’m nothing if not dramatic but there’s a bit towards the very end involving HAGRID, THE BEST DUDE, that legit made me sob my little heart out from the agony of two decades’ worth of accumulated feelings about this series, 

 z) so yeah. Harry has to watch his parents die because Albus is a rebellious little emo gobshite who got a crush on a live-action DeviantArt OC from 2005 called Delphi who has silvery-blue hair and is secretly Voldemort and Bellatrix’s lovechild, BUT WHO CARES, I FUCKING LOVE HARRY POTTER AND I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED CRACKFIC, 10/10, WOULD EXPERIENCE PURE JOY AGAIN!!!!!

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