
trash garlean

@shslivalice / shslivalice.tumblr.com

born 1993. i love ffxiv so much???

My old FFXIV Mods.

Note that they’re disorganized like fuck. I pulled them down from XMA because. You know. Shudders. I’ve done smaller personal things since then, but legit? Full Of Fear.

The ones I like the most:

Gender Sweaters: i jokingly call myself the sunderer of modsites.

Eden 8 Covered Up: While I’m aware that nudity is seen as an innocence thing in JP, I still feel a lot more comfy with this then canon.

Morbox and Spider Orb: To hide Morbol and Spiders from peoples clients.

Lupin Head: AWOO. This was done before item conversion was a Thing.


I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.

- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.

- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.

- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.

That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️

cats are so very unclear on what is wrong with us but they want to help

Last time I had a really bad migraine my cat curled herself round my head and purred sympathetically, and actually stayed there through two of her normal mealtimes. It wasn't until I was able to stagger to the kitchen and grab a protein bar for myself that she gave a very small, polite miaow to the effect of "while you're up... could you get something for me too?"


Extremely Important Update: in April 2023 the World Bird Sanctuary had an orphaned eagle chick in need of care, so they decided to see if Murphy could live up to his parental ambitions.

He successfully raised the chick, which is now thriving with the other juvenile eaglets!

Congrats Murphy, you made it happen through sheer determination.

(Pictures are from the Facebook page of the World Bird Sanctuary; I can’t link them directly because I don’t have a FB account and the site is a nightmare to interact with if you’re not logged in, constantly resetting and kicking you to registration pages.)


Still reeling from the realization that bullet journaling was essentially created to be a disability aid and got legit fuckin gentrified

Like I'm at work and don't have the time to properly organize my thoughts atm but like.

-bullet journalling was invented by a man with a learning disability (99% sure it was ADHD but his website now just says learning disability so I can't be 100%) as a system for organizing his life/way to work WITH his learning disability

-the general concept is bullet point the important things you need to do and use a simple system of symbols to mark whether it's done, rescheduled, cancelled, etc. with very little fanfare, keeping it all in one notebook so you know where to easily find the information at a glance

-people pick it up and it starts getting popular

-bullet journaling becomes an aesthetic movement largely populated by white neurotypicals

-bullet journaling has turned into creating an extremely pretty notebook that has some function, but largely depends on complicated decoration and aesthetic function that takes more time to set up than is tenable for the people it was created for

-new entries to bullet journaling feel pressure to shop at particular stores, use particular brands, purchase lots of stationery purely for its aesthetic value, and prioritize the artistry of the pages rather than the information being stored on them

-people who would massively benefit from the original system can only really find information on it from members of the aesthetic movement. There is now a barrier to entry for ppl with ADHD and other similar conditions, as bullet journaling now requires a focus and motivation to start that these same people often lack or struggle to maintain consistently

-bullet journaling is no longer a disability aid and has become an aesthetic movement largely for middle class white neurotypicals, pushing out the people who the system was created for to begin with


This is the original guide from the person who made bullet journalling. Super simple. Not at all high maintenance.

It was eye-opening to rewatch this after getting used to bullet journal meaning "work of highly decorative art you might journal in if it doesn't detract from the decoration" everywhere online.


This story went and said the woman is 5'1" (155cm) and then referenced her "long legs" in the next sentence. How you gonna have long legs if you're only 5'1"? Is she just legs and a head?

Ok I am now 100% sure this author isn't used to imperial units. The first hint is that all the numbers have too many digits of precision. Like, a 6.29" penis? Too many digits! But it's exactly 16cm.

But the second hint, the one that proves it: they say the guy with that 6.29" penis weighs 13.62 lb, or 6.178 kg. Which is a bit low for a grown man.

But maybe exactly the kind of thing you'd miss if you don't have any kind of idea how much 13.62 pounds is.

Also, suspicious: this author has six stories posted. This is the only one that isn't trans.

So why was I reading it? So many questions


The Complete Home Office, Alvin Rosenbaum, 1995

the dream of the 90s




i am thinking about perrin, my courier six, who is very lucasarts adventure game protag. very guybrush threepwood. complete dork.

no god, no masters, no canon


No robot design will ever surpass these two, I'm afraid. You simply cannot innovate upon perfection

I love you so much, one wheeled wavy-arm refrigerators.


sketch while working on a new commission. is this anything also idgaf if it's not even an antenna or anything adjacent. just need them gay bonus: post that gave me brain worms


While we're discussing thematic failings and racism in fallout stories, I'd like to link a very good essay on the presence (and lackthereof) of indigenous people in New Vegas.

Please please please give this a read. I know it's an ao3 link, so it may seem less serious, but it's very well done and 100% worth the look.

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