
Shit That I Like

@old-dirty-chinese-restaurant / old-dirty-chinese-restaurant.tumblr.com

Ga|Leo|Shit that I like.

The Scooby-Doo Project (1999)

fun fact this special scared so many kids so fucking badly (b/c the blair witch aspect was played weirdly straight) that CN never aired it again 

you’re telling me this is real and not a shitpost

I seriously thought this shit was fake until I looked it up


Re: the last post, the article mentions that some places use clams to test the toxicity of the water. It’s like that in Warsaw- we get our water from the river, and the main water pump has 8 clams that have triggers attached to their shells. If the water gets too toxic, they close, and the triggers shut off the city water supply automatically.  

The clams are just better at measuring the water quality than any man-made sensors.

Edit: check out this documentary trailer : https://vimeo.com/408820791

God Bless Our Troops


They hot glued a spring to a clam and gave it full control over the water supply


Lied about:

  1. Social Security Cuts
  2. Support for gay marriage
  3. NARAL rating
  4. Bernie’s non-existent “Super-Pacs”
  5. Iraq War
  6. Bernie’s vote on bail-outs
  7. Politifact calling Biden’s climate plan a “game-changer”
  8. bankrupcy bill
  9. claims that bernie doesn’t know how much M4a will cost or how to pay for it (fucking hell they’re STILL making this claim?)
  10. claims he was the first to support gay marriage?

What pisses me off the most about this, is that the mainstream media outlets don’t give a fuck that he lied. This isn’t getting even close to the right amount of traction. I hope Bernie runs this ad for the rest of the year and exposes this liar

Source: reddit.com

so it turns out great tits can and do kill and eat both other birds and small mice when food is scarce, particularly during winter, and i just cannot get over this picture. it looks like the kind of photo hunters take with their kills. i’m losing it

IIf anyone tells you birds aren’t theropods, show them this. Even the adorable passerines are channeling their inner T.rex.

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