
Vibe w/ me


Lex | 24 | CA•PA 🏳️‍🌈

then again

the more things change….

The people making these memes obviously have never seen some of the weird ass shit in old-timey photos. A quick Google and:

Humans are basically a giant jumble of weirdos that try to belittle other weirdos…

That’s the most accurate and poignant description of human nature I’ve ever read

humanity has been shitposting since the very birth of photography, probably even earlier


“probably even earlier”

True shitposts, made by artisans, filled with blood, sweat, tears, and the dankest memes of early man.

Snemons, or snail demons.


Sokka and Suki absolutely deserve more time with each other

Suki made Sokka drink respect women juice one time and he proceeded to chug it for breakfast for the rest of his life

Makes me very happy they’ve put all of avatar on netflix I get to relive this cuteness again


This is the bare minimum of decent human behavior for ANY gender. If you are an adult and someone who is not an adult wants to have a relationship with you, it is your duty to, at bare minimum, turn them away.

and like... having crushes on adults is a Normal Adolescent Thing, but it doesn’t mean they’re ready for--or for that matter, want--an actual relationship with said adult. it’s a goddamn developmental phase for kids working out their sexuality, and treating it as a chance to get laid is fucking monstrous.

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