Farewell, my Shadow

@sibyl-of-space / sibyl-of-space.tumblr.com

~*~ Ionian Sergeant Anise Tatlin Oracle Knights Fon Master Guard ~*~

Leo’s Game Dev/ROMHack Projects Masterpost

(Most of my ROMHacking projects are on hold as I focus on Amadeus development... but I will finish them. Trust.)


Amadeus: A Riddle for Thee

An original visual novel/narrative point-and-click game I’m solo developing. It’s about a werewolf. Inspired by Umineko, Professor Layton, and Final Fantasy VIII.


Ghost Trick:

Tales of Symphonia:

Panel de Pon:

Tales of the Abyss (Complete):

Documents and Other Resources:


April 22 Amadeus Progress Update

Last week's accomplishments:

  • Finalized mechanic that induces pauses mid-text-appearance. Now fully works and can be used for varying pause lengths.
  • (non-Amadeus) Did a ton of dialogue + narrative work for my team's Mystery Jam game. May mention this in the month's devlog because I've learned a lot about my writing process from it.

Progress on Amadeus was briefly paused because I was suddenly, violently possessed by the need to work more on my (extremely spoilery do not click unless you have beaten the game) ROMhack of Ghost Trick Phantom Detective. I started this hack 3 years ago, and it's now actually almost completely finished. Ghost Trick is a huge influence on Amadeus's mechanics--doing this hack actually informed how I built my text/portrait sprite system. It's also a banger so if you haven't already, you should play it.

(If this sounds like "I procrastinated," that's because I did, but I just wrote a devlog last month about how letting myself do random shit has helped in the long run. So I'm leaning into it.)

I will continue to post updates here at least weekly, in addition to a monthly longer development log.

Demo, discord server, and more: linktr.ee/amadeusgame


I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I think I know where the "last" scene I need to edit in the Ghost Trick ROM is to complete my hack.

So far I've edited:

- every single scene's localization file (over 100 of these but I was able to script the edits, reinserting was annoying because I didn't look into automate that) (this was the first thing I did and took care of about 90% of what I wanted to do in one sweep)

- one of the arm9 overlay files (this was so annoying to figure out)

- database/system files

And I assumed that this last scene I needed to edit would be in one singular place. There were a lot of reasons I made this assumption, and it was pretty evidence-based, but unfortunately I think it's wrong. I think this last "scene" is actually coded individually in every single scene in the game that references it as a duplicate.

And in my own defense I had originally thought this was the case! If the sprites in the scene were coded the way they are everywhere else then I would have caught this years ago. But because the sprites are implemented differently my script doesn't catch them, and by the time I learned that the pointers might be different, I had gone way past that script and was looking at overlay files and a ton of way deeper stuff about how the game runs. The text for the scene is pulled from one single place, too. But I think the rendering instructions... Might not be.

I haven't actually confirmed this. But I'm preparing myself for the possibility. It will be nice to have solved the last puzzle I need for this hack but also like.... bro I don't want to have to batch edit another 100+ files I thought I was almost done with this shit SJDHDKDHDJDH

I'm definitely going to have to learn how to automate extraction and reinsertion if this is the case because I'm NOT doing all that manually again. On the plus side if I have to figure that out anyway then I might as well run my scripts on the other language localization files and make the hack compatible with all of the other languages (right now it's just English)


April 22 Amadeus Progress Update

Last week's accomplishments:

  • Finalized mechanic that induces pauses mid-text-appearance. Now fully works and can be used for varying pause lengths.
  • (non-Amadeus) Did a ton of dialogue + narrative work for my team's Mystery Jam game. May mention this in the month's devlog because I've learned a lot about my writing process from it.

Progress on Amadeus was briefly paused because I was suddenly, violently possessed by the need to work more on my (extremely spoilery do not click unless you have beaten the game) ROMhack of Ghost Trick Phantom Detective. I started this hack 3 years ago, and it's now actually almost completely finished. Ghost Trick is a huge influence on Amadeus's mechanics--doing this hack actually informed how I built my text/portrait sprite system. It's also a banger so if you haven't already, you should play it.

(If this sounds like "I procrastinated," that's because I did, but I just wrote a devlog last month about how letting myself do random shit has helped in the long run. So I'm leaning into it.)

I will continue to post updates here at least weekly, in addition to a monthly longer development log.

Demo, discord server, and more: linktr.ee/amadeusgame


I'm writing the narrative + dialogue for my team's game for the Mystery Game Jam, and it's finally getting to the point where I'm having a lot of fun.

I've done a shitload of game jams before, but always as an audio person, and always on those shorter weekend-long jams. This is my first time doing a month-long jam, and my first time taking on a narrative + project management role. I specifically chose that role because I want more experience doing these things (Amadeus is my only experience doing these things, and I literally just wrote a long sappy devlog last month about how much it has helped me to have done a lot of other random fun stuff for experience).

Up until pretty much yesterday I was regretting this. Writing is harder for me than audio because I have significantly less experience in it, and I've spent over a year working on a single huge narrative that I will be working on for the next ~5 years, so I don't really know what my own process is for starting from scratch. I was trying to force myself to plan out all of the pieces of the big puzzle before writing actual dialogue, but that task was so daunting and hard to whittle down into something concrete that I procrastinated on it so hard this week I ended up almost finishing my Ghost Trick ROMhack instead of working on it.

But yesterday I decided to write the intro scene at least, and that turned into also writing the tutorial scene, and that turned into also writing the parts of the finale scene that I can write with what's been decided so far, and then at the end of it I had banged out 12 hours of dialogue and narrative text, and I was having SO MUCH fun.

So I got exactly what I wanted out of this game jam! I learned about my own narrative process.

I am not a writer who can map out all the pieces of a mystery puzzle meticulously and then flesh out the dialogue after the fact. I am the kind of writer who needs to really understand the characters I'm working with who are engaging with the mystery, and use those as the driving forces of the mystery. That kind of writing flows easily for me and is much more fun. I still have to come back to the mystery puzzle, but it's easier to finish the puzzle once I have all the characters as the biggest pieces.

I still need to write the meat of the investigation portion, but it's going so much more smoothly now that I have characters and not placeholder [WITNESS 1] cardboard cut-outs. I'm having a ton of fun writing this and getting invested. I didn't really expect to become invested! Certain dynamics between characters emerged as I was writing and now these feel like characters I care about and am rooting for. That actually shocked me. I didn't set out to write a game I was invested in, I set out to write a silly game jam mystery. But now I'm like, oh dang, I'm accidentally putting real emotions into our game. Whoops!

It's definitely not a Serious Game. It is a pretty silly game. But I am also putting a lot more actual heart into it than I expected to given our concept? It's very Ace Attorney vibes I think.

(Ace Attorney but written in a month so set your expectations accordingly.)


Skeletor has forever destroyed our ability to come up with voices for skeleton characters.


this is like saying NASA has forever destroyed our ability to wonder what it's like on the moon. like we can still use our powers of imagination if we want to but the question's pretty much fucking settled.


circling back around to the issue of writers being expected to do all their own goddamn marketing via social media these days, because it completely nixes the possibility of writers being weird shut ins, off-putting eccentrics, or misanthropes. 80% of the literary canon was written by weird shut ins, off-putting eccentrics, and misanthropes. if you weed out everyone who’s the wrong kind of insane to maintain a twitter presence, who on earth is left

i heard a talk about this by a terrific mystery novelist, John Straley, titled “In Defense of Misanthropes in the Arts.”

I’ll never forget him sharing his candid fear that authors like him, authors who did not want to post on Facebook or Twitter, authors who wanted to be curmudgeonly and left alone, were being steadily squeezed out of the writing world as publishers foisted more and more promotional work directly onto authors. Not everyone is cut out for the spotlight. Not everyone wants to be their own hype man. Not everyone presents well in 280 characters, especially in a space they don’t even want to be present. The time suck, the scrutiny, the punishment for making a “mistake” -- all this extracurricular work is so different from actual writing.

Make room for weird reclusive shut-in eccentric misanthropic artists and writers. Don’t forget those voices are worth your attention, too.


i need people do do me a favor and be absolutely normal about it

i have a completely normal coworker who does music and stuff and its good music and i want to send my army of followers to his video on yt and just +like it or something. something to boost him in the algorithm

the issue is no one can let him know this second life i live on the internet because if he finds out i have 25k followers on tumblr or 10k on twitter etc then the questions will flow and i will not be prepared for the conversation about werewolves that follows

Ok heres the video, just +like it and if you want to comment just say you're from reddit or facebook or somewhere

If someone DOES want to share it to reddit that'd be awesome and I'd love you but I dont have an active account there

Just enjoy the music yall. Its honestly really good if you like some classic sounding R&B. The man's voice reminds me of usher to some extent with a little more gravel. Its honestly just sex. Its really really good and he only have 114 subs and the video only has like 90ish likes or something. Honestly its sad. He sounds amazing.

Yes!! Hes REALLY good and his music is giving 90's RnB. It's fantastic and his voice is great and I really want him to blow up


Also here's his Spotify for those of you wanting to add it to your likes and your playlists

this is making me so happy im so proud of you guys i literally dont have words


i don't know what ghost trick is besides "the game that leo is romhacking" but i am proud of you nonetheless


THANK YOU but also you should play it. It's so good. It's made by Shu Takumi (Ace Attorney guy) and it's like if he stopped letting any degree of anime realism hold him back from making the funkiest mystery game of all time. The gameplay is haunting things as a ghost and making ridiculous Rube Goldberg machines to impact the land of the living. PLEASE play it

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