



This is the most punk rock thing I’ve ever seen


What gets me is that initial pause. The bird knows this song. He knows when the drum comes in. Being able to anticipate musical rhythm is a form of intelligence very few species have, and this is the most remarkable example of it I’ve ever seen in a bird. The cockatoo knew to wait for the drums.


Hand kissing is sacred, high romance and I think we need to revive it


im in philosophy and were talking about how you can doubt everything’s existence except for your own consciousness and the guy that sits in front of me just turns around tears streaming down his face and goes “i am on so many drugs”


Albert Einstein teaching a physics class at Lincoln university (HCBU in Pennsylvania) in 1946

Sure as hell never mention that about him.



He knew more than just physics and relativity.

He was a Jew who fled nazi germany, who coudn’t get a damn job anywhere near his field bc of being Jewish, but people are shocked he was against racism. of course he was. he lived being a victim of it.

lbr 50% of the time most overviews don’t even mention that he was a jew

  • The South Asian Americans Leading Together published a report on Wednesday documenting hate violence against South Asian, Arab, Middle Eastern, Sikh, Hindu and Muslim communities from November 2015 to November 2016. 
  • SAALT reported 207 instances of hate violence and xenophobic political rhetoric.
  • That’s an alarming 34% increase within less than one-third of the time covered in their 2011-2014 report Under Suspicion, Under Attack.
  • The new report found:
  • 140 incidents of hate violence of which 94% were influenced by anti-Muslim sentiment.
  • 67 instances of xenophobic political rhetoric used by key political figures and presidential candidates; 1 in 5 of these documented comments were by President-elect Donald Trump. 
  • 96% of all incidents of xenophobic political rhetoric were motivated by anti-Muslim sentiment.
  • A total of 196 incidents, or 95%, of all documented hate violence and xenophobic political rhetoric were motivated by anti-Muslim sentiment. Read more
Source: mic.com
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