
Thranduils lovers


pseudo artist / Germany Here you find pics and posts about Thranduil and Barduil. I like Thrandiel as well. Enjoy!

thank god they didn’t use that ugly slice of life looking animation they used on tri lol

the new digimon adventure made the characters look the same as the old adventure but it looks so much more beautiful i could cry


My mom once asked me why I like Digimon. I just told her that the story is very interesting.


He's hot 😍😍😍


Sometimes I imagine if it could be that a digimon race a human up. Is this possible?


Can I just say that this scene in Digimon Tri Ep 3 really gets to me:

Like, Taichi really doesn’t know what he’s doing is right or wrong anymore. I’m sure he understands that his role as the Digi-Destined is destined to save the world and the lives of many innocent people, but with all that has happened and the destruction that he witnessed with his own eyes in the first episode, really made him doubt that although what they’re doing is the right thing, but it doesn’t prevent unfortunate accidents from happening, which is in some-way contradict how he used to be, because he fights for his friend, and fight to protect the others. Maybe now that he’s grown up more, he felt that although what they are doing is the right thing, it doesn’t really change the fact that they also caused the destruction as well? Showing he is taking responsibility for what his Digimon did. He’s not blaming Agumon ofcourse, but he blames himself here. 

I actually find it sad here because he feel lost/confused and he even understands why Yamato(Matt) was mad with him, yet he can’t shake of that fear that one day his fear will come to surface. He doesn’t want to see anymore destruction/humans being killed in that process. He doesn’t want it to be ‘sacrifice 1 person to save the rest of the people’, he’s not that kind of character (with what is being portrayed here being his fears). At this scene, he didn’t tell anyone these feelings, except his partner Agumon *cries*. He’s asking Agumon if how he feels is wrong; and when Agumon said:

And then proceed to giving Taichi a hug,

It just melted my heart ;_; , because like I said, I love the bond between Agumon and Taichi the most, since they are my favourite in the original series afterall, and when I think back to all the countless obstacles to come to where they are today, just makes me see that their development between ‘Humans and their Digimon’ is strong/true.

Taichi told Agumon his inner feelings, which hasn’t even told any of his friends, not even Kari as yet:

And Agumon knows how Taichi is feeling here, and you can just see the genuine concern look on his face, Taichi is doubting himself and his capabilities as the Digi-Destined, which felt like it’s a test that he needs to overcome his inner fears/doubts. I actually love the genuine concern here, because Agumon is so close to Taichi that he wanted to be there for him, he wanted to reassure him that in a sense that he will always be there for him; no matter the ups/downs; even when Taichi felt that he’s not a good Digi-Destined to be feeling this way, to let his friends down, and to have this weakness, but to Agumon (in his eyes), he will always be the the best Digi-Destined suited because he understands what Taichi is going through, and he just wanted to be there for him, to make him feel that he’s still needed:

And he hugs Taichi again ‘there there, he really needs that hug’ because it felt like he’s really conflicted deep down (almost like he is about to cry) T.T

And I just love that they gave this moment to Taichi & Agumon, because I love this whole scene where Agumon is here to listen to him because I love their bond the most. I’m actually sad considering I know what’s going to happen later on, and when he’s gone, it makes it more the heart-breaking T_T I am not ready for that…. 


We just recorded Episode 52. Here’s a preview of Jay’s thoughts…

Also the episode 52 recording and notes will be out to Patreon’s shortly.

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