
Vegan Vet-Student

@veganvetlife / veganvetlife.tumblr.com


Just saying hi because vegan vet students are so rare and I feel alone in my vet school all the time! I have been vegan since 2006 and I'm a 2nd year veterinary student at University of Illinois - I see you're in Spain for school! That's very cool! No matter where we work, vegan vets are desperately needed to speak up for our patients, when others aren't willing to!


Aw thank you so much thats so sweet❤ and yes, we vegan vets need to stick together to make the industry a better place for our patients and other animals ☺

Anonymous asked:

I'm 14, vegan, and a prospective vet student. Recently I was put off by euthanasia but I am feeling more comfortable about it now. What morally conflicting situations are included in the course and are any of these optional? Thank you :)

Many. I face moral dilemmas on a weekly basis. You can name any subject I've ever taken in vet school and I can give you a list of moral dilemmas I've had in that class. Pharmacology: we only give the most effective treatment to small animals because it's too expensive to pay for the best treatment for a cow, so it's "better" to give an older medicine because it's cheaper, even if it has more side effects. Anatomy: animals were euthanized specifically for me to learn and practice on. Nutrition: calculate the least amount of feed necessary to make an animal grow the biggest as fast as possible. The list is endless. You just have to accept it as societal propaganda and try to pull useful information from what you're taught. I remind myself why I'm doing this and I tell myself it's okay to feel upset, but to just keep working at it because vets like us are who will change the world for animals for the better. If people as passionate about animals as us give up, who will be working for the animals?


Various Varieties of Vegans

Ethical vegan: Doesn't eat or use anything that came from or harmed an animal.
"Plant based" vegan: Doesn't eat anything that came from an animal, or anything processed or "unhealthy," but might still wear leather or use beeswax or ride horses, etc. Probably is vegan just for health reasons.
Environmental vegan: because that pound of beef used as much water as six months worth of showers. and did you even think about the amount of greenhouse gasses involved?
Raw vegan: fruit + raw veggies + sunlight + magic vibes
Gourmet raw vegan: poster child of raw food. eats raw dehydrated cashew kale chips, raw spaghetti noodles with raw cashew pesto and raw walnut sausage, and raw cashew cheesecake.
Raw til 4 vegan: smash in the carbs. nice cream. pasta.
Low carb vegan: similar to bigfoot in that its existence is whispered of but unconfirmed. probably eats lots of nuts and avocado. is suspected to be moody and undercarbed, so if you encounter one please watch out.
Junk food vegan: Oreos, potato chips, vegan pizza, just about anything the plant based or raw vegan would avoid, but at least it didn't kill any animals!
Hipster vegan: organic veggies and rainforest certified fair trade coffee. cooler than you. probably works at the farmers market or the local vegan cafe. wears bamboo fiber flannels and tshirts with inspirational quotes or funny media references.
Hippie vegan: not to be confused with the hipster vegan. this variety spends more time out doors with dreadlocks and pot. could possibly be a raw vegan.
Punk vegan: wants to abolish animal abuse. defies the capital system. wears black and cruelty free hair dye. anarchy.
Athletic vegan: bodybuilding/marathoning/intense everything sporty all the time. super fit, obv. either loves or hates peanut butter. there is no in between.
High school vegan: probably alone at the lunch table. constantly made fun of or interrogated about veganism and whether a food is vegan or not.
College vegan: usually locked in one of the deeper states of deprivation. stocking up vegan recipes to wait until they have a proper kitchen. having to turn down beer because it's not vegan. crying over finals into a bowl of plain potatoes or instant ramen
Emotional vegan: oh my god did you see earthlings. did you SEE earthlings. omg i love the beautiful animals so much HOW CAN WE EAT THEM I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. i have a pet chicken. look at the chicken. ITS SO CUTE LOVE ALL COMPANION ANIMALS PLSSSSS
Purist vegan: no. can't eat that. that has honey in it. nope, not that either, the sugar isn't certified vegan so it was probably charred with animal bones. are you kidding me. of course i can't eat THAT. that is supplemented with vitamin D from animal sources. oh those tortillas don't have any non vegan ingredients? sorry just to be safe i'm getting the certified vegan ones instead.
Aspiring vegan: not actually vegan. typically speaks very loudly and says things such as "i would be vegan but cheese"
New vegan: i don't know what im doing but im just gonna eat this peanut butter and hope purist vegan doesn't yell at me
Lucky vegan: lives in a place where there are lots of health food stores and vegan restaurants and vegan people and vegan stuff in general. i envy you.
Vegan guy: usually sought after in the vegan community. hard to find in real life.
Vegan girl: take up the majority of the vegan community. yet they are still hard to find in real life. the struggle.
Hot vegan: all vegans. wtf did you think. gorgeous creatures

Gooey homemade vegan brownies with oreo crumbs on top ☺️☺️ easy and delicious!


Do you ever just stop and really think about how absurd it is that we’re still eating animal products??

Like you could grow some almonds, blend them up, put them through a seive and use that in your cereal

or you could raise a cow for years, waste thousands of gallons of food and water, impregnate her, remove and possibly kill her calf, drain the milk from her body with a machine for hours every day, and drink that. 

Like we keep millions of chickens in cages, deny them light and movement, just so we can eat eggs?? We don’t need to eat eggs what the fuck?

You could eat mock meat made of grains, or you could raise millions of cows for years, feed them half of the world’s crops, and slaughter them horrifically for.. a steak? A burger? We don’t need to eat either? What the honest fuck?

How does this make sense to anybody? This system is beyond obsolete and should’ve died out a hundred fucking years ago. Why are we still okay with this?

“George is my pet goldfish. He was a birthday present, and over the past 10 years he’s lived a very privileged life, swimming in my backyard pond. One day I noticed a bump, and over the next few weeks the strange growth expanded to the size of an olive. Panicking, I told Tristan, the vet at my work, and he confirmed it was a tumour. ‘What can we do?’ I asked. ‘I can operate,’ Tristan said. Over 45 minutes, he cut away the tumour, using tiny stitches and glue to put the wound back together. Then, with bated breath, I waited while Tristan placed my little mate into the resuscitation bucket. Minutes later, his tail started swishing and, before I knew it, he was swimming around, alive and well! Some people wouldn’t consider going to such lengths for a goldfish, but George is family - and for family, we would do anything.”
- Lyn Orton, 50, Hoppers Crossing, Victoria, Australia 

Hi, I'm a pre-vet vegan, and I just saw the last ask about artificial insemination, and I was wondering what you thought about people calling it 'rape.' I don't know much about the whole process, but it seems like a bit of an exaggeration to me.


Good question! I've thought about this myself a bit but this is what I concluded:Let me just start by saying I under no circumstance think it's okay to artificially force a pregnancy upon another being - human or not. However, the definition of rape by the Oxford Dictionary states that rape is "the crime, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will" and artificial insemination just doesn't fit that definition. So while I disagree with artificial insemination for animal production purposes, it is not, by definition, rape. I hope this helped :)



What good is misery if you can’t milk a little humour out of it, right. Will probably make more of these, because if I’m not laughing I’d be sobbing instead!


I relate to these haha this is me every time I have a practical class at our hospital and an instructor / vet asks me a question... :p


Hey! I just read that you are studying vet in Spain -- can you do a DVM there?


Yes you can! However, it wont be recognized by the AVMA. I have family in both Europe and America so I had to do extra accreditation either way and just decided to go to a European school instead of an American one; however, what I didn't realize when I applied to vet school is that there *are* AVMA-accredited schools in Europe:VetArgo Sup in FranceU of London in EnglandU of Dublin in IrelandU of Utrecht in the NetherlandsU of Glasgow and Edinburgh, both in ScotlandIf you want an entire list of all schools accredited by the AVMA, go to avma.org :) I hope this helped and feel free to ask if you have any more questions or want more information, I'm always here to help the best I can :)

Anonymous asked:

Do you have to perform cow artificial insemination in vet school? I'm going to study veterinary and I'm currently going vegan, so all this rape thing is kinda scary. I do not want to perform that, but I don't want to fail my class either. Maybe you can tell about your experience? Thank you

Hey! Thank you so much for your question. I can't speak for all vet schools, but at my university, we are required to take animal production and production management courses. This will include rectal exams of cows, artificial insemination of cows, mares and sows, as well as learning how to calculate the proper time for slaughter to maximize profits. It's absolute hell, a living nightmare. But I wanted to go to school where I would be qualified to work with all domestic animals, and unfortunately the only way for me to learn about pigs (my fav animal) is to learn how to mass produce and kill them as well. I'd recommend contacting the school and then professors. My professors all know I'm sensitive to that kind of stuff and take it into consideration when giving me tasks at our farm. Sorry this was so long-winded... I have a lot to say about this. Hope this helped and feel free to ask me something else if you have more questions about it :)


Why I Almost Quit Vet School

For those of you who don’t know, I attend a university in Spain. Spain has a culture of bullfighting, which I obviously do not agree with. At a school organized event, veterinary students and apparently some professors were seen teasing, hitting and riling up young bulls in an arena by poking them with sticks, kicking them, throwing sand in their eyes, yelling at them, and playing ridiculously loud music to scare the young bulls. Many people have been upset with the school over this, which is why I didn’t leave. But for a brief few days, I was looking into taking a gap year and applying elsewhere for next year because this is absurd, outrageous and unacceptable from a veterinary school. The school has since apologized and the bull event is not supposed to happen next year. But it just goes to show that not even veterinarians all have the animals best interest at heart.


Why do so many of us veterinarians actually commit suicide?

Every few months another layperson, completely surprised about the high risk of mental illness and suicide in the veterinary profession, writes some opinion piece about how terrible it is, and about why they think we suffer the problem.

Well, that’s about as useful as telling someone having an anxiety attack to ‘calm down’. (Not Very.)


To all the vegans who take the time to do their research and make long and informative posts, whether to educate or inspire vegans and people deciding to make the change, or to shut carnists up, thank you. 

To the vegans who create and provide delicious recipes, you’re all wonderful. Carnism ruined my imagination and inspiration for food, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. You are so appreciated.

To all vegans: you are important. You are making a difference. You are making the world a better place.

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