
mysme with that gay shit

@akatsukigadaisuki / akatsukigadaisuki.tumblr.com

gaming and anime nerd ☆ nagito komaeda & kokichi ouma are my loves and my life ♡ college student ☂ gay ship enthusiast ❀ mega danganronpa stan ❧

Living with mental illness feels like you need at least double the strength to get anything done. Getting through the day feels like a full time job already and then there’s also work… to make money, you know…? I often feel like a lazy bum for not working full time but then I have to remind myself that my day has way less active hours compared to healthy people. Since it takes more strength to do things, it also takes longer to recover. I think it’s important to know your limitations and to adjust accordingly. To accept that your best looks different from other people’s. To give yourself credit for doing things, even if they’re done in your own weird way. And to forgive yourself for not doing or having things that are the norm for others.


i don’t want to be rich i don’t want to be famous i don’t want a million tiktok followers or what the fuck ever i just want a one bedroom apartment in a walkable community with neighbors i could borrow sugar from or bring cookies to when i bake extra and a job that i enjoy and that helps someone and pays me enough to afford my silly little one bedroom and groceries and something fun too at the end of the day and enough free time to sing and dance and read and write and spend time with the people i love and maybe have a dog and some plants to water and a shelf of books to read and a thrift store where i can buy weird clothes and faded denim jackets like i am not asking for anything big or grand or exciting i just want peace i want contentment i want just a little love how the fuck is this too much to ask for


langa is such a wonderful testament to the fact that quiet, reserved people are not always unfriendly or apathetic. they can smile and laugh and make jokes just the same, they are loyal and loving and trustworthy! quiet people are not always cold!

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