

@earthinmywindow / earthinmywindow.tumblr.com

Ask me about my postmodern alienation. Or don't. It won't make any difference.

i propose for an “over 30yo fandom mom” field to be added

Tag yourself I’m ‘doesn’t write romance without sex’.

(Alternately, check if you can get a bingo!)


Just going through these one by one is a trip:

  • the vast majority of people who’ve written more than 5 slash fics have at least one without sex; I’m used to people writing more fics without sex than with, but I tend to go for writers of longer works
  • lots of people don’t follow lgbt+ news, including lots of lgbt+ people, and reading the news is not a requirement for writing
  • all romance is really terrible about consent, regardless of whether it’s fanfic, mainstream published, specialty published, or self-published original fiction, and regardless of who wrote it
  • you’re accusing people of doing things for sexual gratification and then getting angry at them for saying they’re not sexually attracted; also, aces aren’t straight
  • I’ve read lots of things written by straight girls with very good pacing; conversely, I’ve read almost nothing written by gay men with good pacing
  • I personally dislike omegaverse so I don’t know that much about it, but I’ve for sure seen lots of lgbt+ people writing it
  • fujoshis are not by definition straight and it’s wierd to imply they are
  • um, yes, people do write things exploring romance and sex to explore and express their own feelings and interactions with romance and sex
  • what’s wrong with kink?
  • everyone I’ve seen engaging in top/bottom discourse seriously has been mlm; even as a joke, it’s mostly mlm and occasionally wlw
  • lots of straight girls absolutely do read and/or write f/f, and even if they don’t, who cares?
  • most popular ships have fanonized dynamic that new writers in the fandom will adhere to, but it’s frequently the younger one who’s the top (power exchange), and not infrequently the younger one who’s the top (penis putter inner)
  • gay men are way more likely to ignore lesbians that straight women when writing m/m fic
  • we all know it’s lesbians who tag the most ships
  • literally any kind of artist putting literally any kind of art on the internet makes posts about how awkward and embarassed they are
  • lots of characters are very sexual in canon - this includes one of the most common character archetypes, the womanizer, as well as many canon mlm, like Jack Harkness
  • there’s nothing wrong with self-insert fic
  • there’s nothing wrong with being anti-anti, and in fact there’s probably something wrong if you aren’t
  • oh no being against hate however will we live
  • most slash writers I read are women in their mid twenties to late thirties, although I don’t keep track of their orientations; also, weren’t you guys trying to ban anyone older than 8th grade from fandom?
  • I see way more lgbt+ people using ‘sin’ than straight girls
  • it’s a bad thing to be an ally now? that sounds like…homophobia
  • personally I prefer angsty fics, and I find it tends to be 85% angst or 3% and not a lot in between - sex is almost never more than 5% except in smut fics, which are, well, smut
  • yes, m/m slash communities were created by and for women, and have conventionally been a place for women to explore their sexualities and their identities; you can easily find this information in any academic study of fandom

I’m just going to note for the record that the author of this chart literally thinks it’s OK to make fun of 13-year-olds for being 13 (bottom left).

Oh, wait, for being a 13-year-old girl who identifies as straight (because we all know everyone’s sorted out their sexual orientation by that age! /s) and writes fanfic.

And in context it’s even worse: OP is calling 13-year-olds on the carpet for their personal sexual thoughts, in really skeevy and inappropriate ways.

This sounds like some 4chan bullshit; and minors should be seriously wary of OP and anyone who reblogged this uncritically. Stay safe out there.

That last point about figuring out sexualities by that age hit me pretty hard. I didn’t get into fanfiction (of any genre) until I was about 16 or so. A lot of my family outside of my mom and brother is really homophobic, so I found a sort of odd comfort reading same sex fanfiction. I had thought about renting and/or buying actual LGBT novels as well, but I was afraid someone somehow might find out an it and disown me. So yeah, for a while fanfiction was a really, really big deal to me.

  • I haven’t posted or reblogged anything on tumblr in months but I can’t resist responding to this because the original post is so incredibly bad. The whole card is a disgusting mess, as others have already explained. But I want to focus on one thing in particular—well, actually three things that are basically the same thing.
  • “I just can’t relate to f/f ships like m/m or m/f”
  • wtf is a lesbian (free space)
  • only ships m/m and m/f

Whoever created this felt the need to use three different squares—including the free space—to shame women who are predominantly or exclusively attracted to men for preferring to read and write erotic/romantic fiction that feature men. I am quite confident that these anti-fujoshi folk wouldn’t berate gay men for not writing f/f ships yet they have no problem using it as a cudgel against “straight girls.’

And of course not all women who prefer m/m and m/f over f/f are heterosexual. There are plenty of reason why bisexual, lesbian, and otherwise non-hetero women might not want to write about f/f relationships. I include myself in this category.

There is no required minimum of m/m, m/f, and f/f pairings that a person must ship. No golden ratio. People can like whatever kinds of ships they want, regardless of gender and sexuality and it is nobody’s business but their own. Preferences are okay.



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