
just so you know if this blog ever deactivates it was the killer


whoever first decided that talking to yourself is weird was literally just a hater

like what's wrong? are you bothered because i'm having a conversation that doesn't involve you? mad because i have shit to say? jealous because i'm interesting and sexy enough to hold a discussion with myself? huh? bitch?


all the new fuckers: don’t censor words in ur post with numbers, @ and punctuation signs, different letters, shit like that. not just cuz it’s absolutely fine to say weird shit and things that other places generally censor on tumblr, but also cuz there are people with screen readers, and when u unnecessarily censor things like that, it really fucks with screen readers and makes it very difficult to read.

this isn’t just a “you don’t have to” thing, it’s a “you shouldn’t”.


also it makes the blacklist function useless

pretend the word "bananas" is a common trigger and i don't want to see posts with that word, so i add it to my blacklist. if you make posts spelling it "b4n@n4$", my blacklist won't block it and i will see your triggering post.

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