
Future Argentine Vet


I'm not a vet, but I will be.

holy fuck! so how did the penguins taste?????

this is the cutest video in the entire world. this seal is just so afraid for this dumb weird baby she thinks she’s found out in the ocean. have a bird. have another bird. no, see, eat the bird! the bird is food! why won’t this stupid baby eat. open your mouth you idiot baby i will feed you bird if it’s the last thing i do


This is bloody fantastic and the last comment made it so much better.


My dog had his other leg fixed today. I picked out a dog who has needed 2 cruciate patella repairs, a tooth pulled, and is going to need an FHO and most likely a foreign body surgery in the future….lucky me. I wish I could have been there for the surgery but since I’m in school the doctor sent me a lot of pictures while she was working and updated me on everything. I’m so lucky to have worked at that hospital otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten to know everything that was going on while it was happening. Tank is waking up from surgery now and has a long recovery ahead of him but he’s been through it once, he can do it again.

The first x-ryan of his entire pelvis was taken before the surgery and you can see the tubing and clips from his first surgery, the last x-ray is from the one he just had and his brand new knee!


Life threw a curveball at me this summer and my plans to do research kind of fell through. SO, I ended up having to scramble to get something to do with my summer because I of course was not just going to sit around. So I ended up e-mailing Brandon Equine Medical center, and I was lucky enough to actually know the volunteer coordinator for them! She took a couple days to answer me, but when she finally did I was so excited because I really don’t have a lot of equine medicine knowledge. The only extensive veterinary time I’ve had has been with a small animal vet, so most of this stuff is new to me. 

So I woke myself up at 6 AM this morning and headed over there. I ended up getting there a half hour early because I anticipated traffic and there wasn’t any… so I got out of my car completely lost because I had no idea where to go. Everything there just looks like a shed or a barn. Eventually, I found someone and they pointed where the office was. 

So I met up with the head tech and she gave me a rundown of what was happening for the day. I listened in on rounds, watched a castration of a horse that was cryptorchid ( I could barely see anything through because I had to watch through an observation window and the horses legs and the drapes blocked everything). But I still got to see how they got a 1,000 pound horse on a surgical table so that was cool. Then I watched a lameness exam, and I made the stupid mistake of thinking they where done and they weren’t and I walked in the middle of the circle the tech was trotting the horse in. The vet was nice and said “we usually stay in the circle or outside the circle, usually outside”. I felt so stupid omg, I had been there for an hour and I already annoyed someone. I’m not sure if I annoyed her or not. 

After that not much was going on, so I helped one of the workers with some barn chores like weeding and cleaning the shed, we also groomed a horse. An appointment came in for an eye exam and I watched that, and then one of the techs called me over and taught me how to read a horse fecal. That was cool I had never actually counted and found all the eggs! When we came out another doctor was doing an ultrasound on a mare so I got to see that, and another appointment came in and I watched that too. 

Overall I learned a lot today! More then I knew yesterday about equine medicine. There are just so many doctors there and I’m sure they’re very used to having people stand and stare at them but I still feel a little awkward because they don’t know me. Hopefully as my time there progresses I’ll feel more comfortable. 


Common Endocrinopathies in Exotic Pets

Ferret → Hyperadrenocorticism, Insulinoma, Persistent Oestrus, Diabetes mellitus, Hypothyroidism, Phaeochromocytoma

Guinea Pig → Cystic Ovaries, Alopecia of pregnancy and lactation, Diabetes mellitus, Hyperthyroidism, Hyperadrenocorticism

Rat → Pituitary Gland Adenoma

Syrian Hamster → Hyperadrenocorticism

Chinese Hamster → Diabetes mellitus

Degu → Diabetes mellitus

Chinchilla → Diabetes mellitus

Gerbil → Cystic ovaries, Diabetes mellitus, HAC

Rabbit → Diabetes mellitus, Adrenal gland tumours


I really like this blog! Hope it keeps things going!


This senior female Chihuahua mix was presented for vomiting of a few days’ duration. The owner mentioned she also seemed to be urinating larger amounts. She had no appetite and was quiet but alert on exam with no fever. She did, however, have a very doughy, distended abdomen. Per the owner she had had a heat cycle a few weeks prior.

Older female dog + vomiting + loss of appetite + polydipsia + distended abdomen + recent estrus —> classic pyometra presentation!

Pyometra, or a pus-filled uterus, was confirmed on radiographs exhibiting the “triple bladder” sign - on the lateral view it looks like the dog has 3 giant bladders, at least!

In vet school we learned the saying “Never let the sun set on a pyometra,” but the owner declined to take the dog to an emergency hospital for immediate surgery. The 10 pound dog was taken into surgery the next day, which proceeded uneventfully. An enormous segmented uterus was removed and found to weigh 10 ounces. She’s feeling much better without it!

Spaying your female pet if you do not intend to breed her can prevent this potentially fatal condition 100%. Pyometra can kill if not discovered in time, similar to appendicitis. It’s also much less expensive to prevent this than spaying her when she’s sick and facing a life or death diagnosis.


Things Not to Do to People with Service Dogs, Please, I’m Begging You

  • Immediately assume they are pets without looking
  • Pet them, ESPECIALLY without asking
  • Ask their owners to leave without checking to see if the dog is a service animal
  • Roll your eyes when the dog is a service animal
  • Ask whether the dog is a service animal when they are clearly wearing a service coat
  • stop????????????? questioning my wife’s fucking service dog
  • It doesn’t matter if “other people have tried to bring pets inside,” that doesn’t give you the right to ask illegal questions??
  • That’s like saying, “Someone hit me with a stick once, so no one can use a walking cane in my establishment because they might hit me with it.”
  • if you see a dog wearing all of these:

Helpful Facts About Service Dogs

  • They can be any breed.
  • They may even be other species, such as miniature horses.
  • They are allowed anywhere the human public is allowed, such as restaurants, stores, markets, hotels, bathrooms, etc.
  • You do not need to ask if a dog is a service dog, as long as the dog is wearing a clearly-visible jacket.
  • As an owner/employee of an establishment that someone brings a dog to, you are only entitled to ask two questions. You don’t NEED to ask any. You are allowed to ask two.
  • The first question: “Is the animal required because of a disability?” NOTE: If it is obvious what the dog does and why it is required, you ARE NOT allowed to ask this question (for example, if the handler is in a wheelchair or also using a red-tipped white cane).
  • The second question: “What task does this animal perform?” ALSO not required if it’s obvious.
  • That’s it.
  • Any more and you are violating the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), opening yourself and your business up for a hefty lawsuit.
  • There are two times you are allowed to ask a service animal to leave. You are NEVER allowed to ask the dog’s handler to leave, no matter what the animal is doing.
  • The first time you are allowed to ask the animal to step outside: if it is not housebroken, and poses a sanitary risk.
  • The second time you are allowed to ask the animal to step outside: if it is acting aggressive towards or endangering other patrons.
  • That’s it.
  • You are only allowed to charge a cleaning fee if you would normally charge a human for the same fee. In other words, if the dog leaves hair on the floor and you wouldn’t charge a human for shedding on the floor, you can’t charge. If it’s a hotel and you wouldn’t charge a human for peeing in the tub, you cannot legally charge the dog for the same.
  • You are never allowed to ask for documentation that an animal is a legitimate service animal. This is in part to protect many people who don’t have access to medically-provided dogs, who have trained their own service dogs (perfectly legal and fine), or who can’t carry papers around with them at all times.
  • You may not ask that the animal perform their task for you. What the fuck, don’t do this. Think of allergy alert dogs—are you really going to wave an allergen in front of someone that might have a deadly allergy just to prove that the dog is “real?” congratulations, your ass is sued.

If you want more helpful facts please hit me up, I’m just really sick and tired of going places with my wife and her service dog only to get the message loud and clear that everyone is nervous and we’re unwelcome, when her dog is the most polite, well-trained, well-MARKED animal you’ve ever seen.

A typical conversation entering 2/3 businesses we went into today:

Person: Ma’am, you can’t have a pet in here. You have to leave. Wife: She’s a service dog. She’s wearing her coat. Person: Oh, sorry. We have to ask. People bring their pets in here sometimes, and we have to ask them to leave, because they’re not allowed. Wife: She’s not a pet, she’s a service animal.

Please spread this. Some people just don’t know. Others think that if they can’t see a disability, it doesn’t exist or need treatment.


Octopus changes colour outside the water

It looks like it’s dying


Waaaaait whoa. Guys. He’s also changing the texture of his skin, along with attempting to match the tone of the ship’s(?) floor.




We literally have a shape shifting animal with the best camouflage mechanism in nature and nobody thinks that’s the coolest shit like what the fuck we could learn so much from it’s biology everyone needs to get outta my face cause this creature is metal as fuck

There’s one better than this. It’s the cuttlefish. (I watch a lot of animal documentaries, okay?)


No but you have to post a gif of the cuttlefish now. Animal shows are the best shows because nature


the ninjas of the sea

y’all see this motherfucker right here?

this is the Indonesian Mimic Octopus.


This cool little guy can mimic a crab, lionfish, sea snake, flatfish, and jellyfish. He uses these amazing disguise techniques to avoid and deter predators, and also to attract possible meals.

he is the sneakiest ninja of the sea


what the fuck is happening underwater to create these fucking things

Time and space is happening.

Animals lived on ground for only 550,000,000 years, while underwater life existed for billions of years. Also the ground is only 30% of the Earth and height wise it’s only as tall as some tall trees unless you’re flying. Also many places on the ground are deserts and thus don’t have water to support much life.

The ocean on the other hand is 70% of the Earth’s surface, has depths of down to 10+ kms, and most of those depths can support life, so there’s a lot more variety in the types of animals you can see while on the ground most animals stick to 20-30 different basic survival strategies.

This is why as a child instead of watching cartoons, I watched animal documentaries*-*



Eponychium of the newborn foal’s hooves, which protects the uterus of the dam (from the foal’s hooves) during gestation. (Picture Source)

I had no idea what these were when I saw my first foaling! Didn’t take much to context clue it together but at first I was like what in hell is wrong with those hoooooves?!


Weird animal dicks? I learnt about echidna penises and a bit of Googling led me to huge blue whale dicks (and 20L of spunk). I figure you're gonna know much weirder and interesting ones.


To be honest those two are actually among the most extreme. There are duck penises (some of which are “shed” after each breeding season, and grow back according to the amount of competition in the previous season), but it’s not like older nature books took the care to illustrate them, whether out of a sense of propriety or just because they’re very rarely extended outside of the body.

Snake penises are also interesting, but bifurcated heads or hemipenes are nothing compared to a four-headed monstrosity.That said, old illustrations of whales had floppy dicks errywhere. Since they kind of just flopped out on their own after they were killed, they were a natural part of the whale, and not something that illustrators thought twice about putting in the illustration.


A frog in Ecuador’s western Andean cloud forest changes skin texture in minutes, appearing to mimic the texture it sits on.

Originally discovered by a Case Western Reserve University PhD student and her husband, a projects manager at Cleveland Metroparks’ Natural Resources Division, the amphibian is believed to be the first known to have this shape-shifting capability.

But the new species, called Pristimantis mutabilis, or mutable rainfrog, has company. Colleagues working with the couple recently found that a known relative of the frog shares the same texture-changing quality—but it was never reported before.

The frogs are found at Reserva Las Gralarias, a nature reserve originally created to protect endangered birds in the Parish of Mindo, in north-central Ecuador.

The researchers, Katherine and Tim Krynak, and colleagues from Universidad Indoamérica and Tropical Herping (Ecuador) co-authored a manuscript describing the new animal and skin texture plasticity in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society this week. They believe their findings have broad implications for how species are and have been identified. The process may now require photographs and longer observations in the field to ensure the one species is not mistakenly perceived as two because at least two species of rain frogs can change their appearance.

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