
Whims and Witchery

@historywitch / historywitch.tumblr.com

26, she/her. Village witch.Fair-cheeked devotee, clever and earnest as a bee

Is there a word for that like, “bright darkness” you get in winter?? When it’s been snowing or it’s supposed to snow past sunset and the sky isn’t Dark Enough. One of my favorite things

Thanks to @raindropwindow and a handful of articles, it’s called snow albedo, skyglow, snowglow, or just light scattering! It’s the result of moon- or artificial light reflecting off ground snow, low clouds, or ice crystals.


that nsfw snow…


LADY BURTON’S EDITION OF HER HUSBAND’S ARABIAN NIGHTS TRANSLATED LITERALLY FROM THE ARABIC by Sir Richard Burton. Prepared for Household Reading by Justin Huntly McCarthy, M.P.; 6 vols.; (London: Waterlow, 1896)

‘This edition is ostensibly the “family” version of Burton's translation. (In her "Preface", Lady Burton guarantees that "no mother shall regret her girl's reading this Arabian Nights".) It is a much bowdlerized version of the original edition and was not a commercial success. It excises 215 of the original 3,215 pages, including Burton's defense of turpiloquium in his "Foreword", all sexually explicit commentary, and the two final essays on "Pornography" and "Pederasty." Lady Burton merely lent her name to this expurgated edition. As she stated before his death, "I have never read, nor do I intend to read, at his own request, and to be true to my promise to him, my husband's Arabian Nights."’ — Wikipedia

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