
You’re not ill and I’m not dead Doesn’t that make us the perfect pair? You should sit with me and we’ll start again And you can tell me all about what you did today


if this website shuts down you can find me in the ordinary joys in life such as drinking a cup of coffee in the morning or watching a sunset or perhaps smelling a flower


suddenly remembered this poem as i was making breakfast this morning & frantically googled “poem remembered to buy eggs?????????” & somehow managed to find it & it utterly knocked the wind out of me just as much as when i first read it


sometimes unrequited love is good for you. like how I love the ocean and she don’t give a fuck about me. good for the soul.


The more despair I endure in life, the more I love Frodo. I'm just. I'm so glad that Tolkien wrote him like that. He was a hero and it broke him. He was given too much to carry. The circumstances were dire, everyone was doing the best they could, and Frodo tried so hard, for such a good cause, and he...broke. And the narrative has pity for him, the characters show him kindness. Even after victory, his hurts did not heal, and it isn't considered his fault. He must go to the undying lands, to seek out peace there. In universe, he is forgiven for being human - don't be pedantic - and his great torment is recognized. He fell. He could not have done it alone. He is still a hero.

And, I think that's important.

“We set out to save the Shire, and we did… but not for me.”


lifehack: randomly tell your friends how much you love them and how much u support them


don’t be a stranger! (please linger near the door uncomfortably instead of just leaving. please forget your scarf in my life and come back later for it)

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