
It's Gonna Be Fantastic

@tinyconfusion / tinyconfusion.tumblr.com

jenny .. in her 30s and okay with it .. billie lover .. rose defender .. doctor & rose shipper .. tentoo protector .. tennant appreciator .. tall dude aficionado .. gorgeous ladies enthusiast

An icon.

on that very iconic note, there is a refuser solidarity network in israel :)

i am subscribed to their mailing list but if you can help donate or anything, i am sure it will help a lot!

here is a little part from a recent email :

on instagram documenting settlers and protests :


Wanted to make a post about what's going on in turkey but I'm so fucking tired

Please reblog this. They unlawfully stopped showing the live feeds and ordered all news channels to stop filming

All news channels are banned

It is also forbidden to enter and leave Istanbul

They're still torturing and detaining people, getting more violent every hour because the cameras are off

This is a coup d'etat.

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