
so I finally know why my posts weren’t showing up in the tags

at first I believed that my blog could have been flagged as NSFW and that my posts were hidden for that reason but I never received any sort of notification that my blog had been flagged

after contacting tumblr support and waiting for a response I finally got my answer. If you include a link to an external website (like patreon, etsy, deviantart) on your posts, it most likely will be marked as spam and will not show up in the tags. that makes a lot of sense as to why my posts were not showing up since I usually include a link to my patreon. 

I do not know if this is already common knowledge but I thought it was worth a share since I personally had no idea until now


PSA regarding the “see all” Tumblr tag update

Tags that fall behind the cut do not seem to be blocked by either Tumblr Savior or XKit’s blacklist function (granted, I only tested the latter briefly). Please use caution if you either tag for or utilize blacklists on your dash.


hey guys! i just wanted to share a neat thing i know how to do! i know that a lot of rpers like to change their tags for stuff, for aesthetic reasons or just because their old tagging system is no-go for them. well, i know a pretty good, simple way to do that, without having to go through posts one by one!

you’re going to need a tumblr script called Mass Post Features, which you can add using either greasemonkey or tampermonkey


My Master Post on the Porn Bot Pandemic on Tumblr: Why I’m Tired of The Problem, Tumblr’s Lack of Action, and Hope For a Solution Soon.

  So for over a year (if not longer), I’ve had issues with random blogs full of hardcore pornography follow my account.  At one time, I had ten follow me in a week, and on average, I’ll get two to three a week.  They come in spurts, with some weeks seeing zero follows, and others seeing one to two a day.  These blogs seem to contain either banners with pornographic images, pornographic names, descriptions with Snapchat information, or a combination of these things.  Overall, these are things I DO NOT want to see, and many times I get disgusted at the material on these blogs despite being into sexual material myself.  Just because I like porn doesn’t mean I want to see a pic of people screwing or getting rimmed or whatever appears on them.  It’s enraging, sometimes to the point where I want to leave Tumblr altogether over the frustration of these blogs coming nonstop.

  I’m not alone in getting plagued with these bots.  Many other Tumblrs talk about them.  My friends on Tumblr mention them.  The question of “Why do porn bots keep following me?” keeps getting asked on other sites.  It’s a pandemic.  It’s a plague.  It’s a problem that Tumblr staff seemingly has zero interest in resolving for some reason or another despite it being one of the largest issues on their website.

  So why do these porn bots exist?  Simple.  They exist to exploit the site to drum up traffic for their content.  Instead of getting people to follow them, they use automated scripts to mass-follow blogs in the hopes that some will follow back.  These script sometimes look at likes, reblogs, and tags, so what you do on the site might increase your chances of getting seen and followed by these blogs.  Evidence of this fact can be found in this post from Quora, which has made the rounds on the site.  To quote from it directly:

These kind of authors own hundreds of blogs. They also use click farms to get fake fans and all of that. Still, it’s users like yourself that may make a difference. After all, you’re real. So they follow users to get followers back. 

Another user theorizes these bots exist courtesy of SEO companies trying to promote content they’re paid to promote:

Nah, the people you want to point a finger at here is actually a third/fourth (I’ll expand on that in a second) party: SEO Companies that handle social media for other companies/corporations…
…Anyway, at some point in this process Aetna has hired a person or persons who has promised to grow their brand on tumblr.  The thing is, most SEO is complete bullshit.  They make promises that they really can’t fulfill because the truth is that MOST corporations running social media accounts can’t actually provide any kind of content that a real human being would ever give a shit about.  Everyone who is a real human knows Aetna is a soulless corporation producing garbage social media posts hoping that someone will somehow relate to that, so of course they don’t bother.
  But the SEO guys need to get paid and to get paid they need to provide stats that make it look like they’re doing shit.  So THEY are the ones running the spam blogs, or even hiring out to a fourth party, probably based somewhere in a developing country with a strong tech base (the SEO company I used to work for sourced their shit in the Philipines because they could get a well educated labor force for really fucking cheap - it’s just as scummy as you think). There’s an elaborate web there, which I don’t fully know the details of how it operates, but my point is that this is where those spam blogs are coming from…

  In fact, this is such an issue, porn bots have their own Know Your Meme entry.

  So what’s the solution?  Well, the most popular one is “Just block them.”  Well, blocking porn bots is equivalent to killing a nest of ants by squishing them one at a time.  Blocking porn bots has not stopped the overall problem, and I can argue that it even has a negligible effect on the problem.  Ending porn bots becomes a war of attrition that many people I feel are sick of.  Personally, I’m sick of them, and I’m sick of how I fear promoting anything even mildly sexual over the fear of more porn bots full of highly-explicit material tainting my follower count and exposing me to more graphic material when I have to block and report them.  In short, blocking them doesn’t work, and it gets tedious.

  The only other option is to ignore them, but not everyone wants to be associated with graphic pornography in any way nor have their follower count made meaningless with bots that don’t care about the material someone posted.  I imagine its frustrating for those that use Tumblr to promote their creative works and consider a follower count a measure of popularity and skill.  To them, 1000 followers is meaningless when 25% of them are blogs of smut from some sleazy person looking to get their anal sex blog hits.  It can even be an insult to them as it seem to them like the only people who care about Tumblr are those looking for fap material or to promote it.  Even people who like mild pornography don’t want to see graphic sex.  I’m personally someone that likes NSFW in some forms but can’t stand graphic real-life pornography.  Drawn or written sexual content isn’t the same as real-life sexual content.  They illicit different responses and thus can’t be compared.

What has Tumblr done to address and resolve the porn bot problem?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing at all.  The best you get from @staff​ is a generic “Thank you for being vigilant” letter from them if you talk about the problem to them.  Either @staff​ doesn’t care, they don’t have time, they don’t want to ban NSFW to stop the bots, they don’t know what to do, or they’re just too incompetent.  I don’t see this problem being addressed by Tumblr or Yahoo! any time soon, or if they do, they could very well ban NSFW or do something draconian not knowing any better solution and make things worse.

  I guess the only solution is for users to find a solution, such as XKit plugins to detect and automatically block porn bots, a tool to block and report blogs without having to look at their contents, or create ways to hide your blog from porn bot programs.  Porn bots are programs, and programs run on predictable patterns.  Once someone finds these patterns, or better yet knows what programs these bots use, it’s potentially trivial to find a solution to stop them without punishing users legitimate that post NSFW content or banning NSFW altogether.

  I hope a solution is found soon because my tolerance for porn bots is pretty low, and it only gets lower as this problem continues without resolve.  I know I’m not alone, so something has to be done.

  Heck, maybe I’ll end up writing the anti-porn bot script one day soon.


WARNING: Don’t “download” Firefox from Tumblr!!

My Tumblr tab has been getting hijacked in the last few days, taking me to a FAKE Firefox download page. Please, if you get this, CLOSE THE TAB and do not download anything! It’s NOT FIREFOX, it’s going to be something really bad. Unfortunately, it’s more than likely an ad-based issue and Tumblr will have to find out who is doing it and block them. Until then, protect yourself!


RPThreadTracker QuickAdd For Firefox Released!

Hello, tracker users! For those of you who wanted a version of the QuickAdd extension for Firefox, the wait is over! You can install the add-on to your browser at:

The extension’s usage is identical to the Chrome extension; here is the tutorial video I posted when that was released:

The one difference is that instead of appearing at the far right of the browser toolbar, the QuickAdd icon will appear as a page action in your Firefox URL bar:

As always, feel free to let me know if you encounter any issues or have any questions or suggestions by sending me an ask at @tblrthreadtracker. Thanks and have a great day!


RPThreadTracker QuickAdd Browser Extension for Chrome

Hey, folks! I’ve been teasing it a while and now it’s here; I’ve just released the initial version of a new extension for Chrome. RPThreadTracker QuickAdd gives you a one-click tool to add threads to your tracker account straight from the post page of your blog. (There’s a Firefox version coming as well; I just haven’t finished it yet.)

The extension can be downloaded here:

And here’s a demo video for how it works:

As always, feel free to let me know if you encounter any issues or have any questions or suggestions by sending me an ask at @tblrthreadtracker​. Thanks and have a great day!


Free beta access sign-ups!

Hello everyone! As promised, you can now sign up for the waiting list to be in the next wave of beta users! No donations necessary– everyone who signs up on this list will eventually be admitted. Ideally we will be able to take in everyone who signs up all at once, though if we get a lot of sign ups we may have to split it up into stages (i.e. only take the first 1,000 people who sign up, then the next 1,000, etc.)– we will let you know. We also don’t have an exact date yet for when the next wave will be admitted, since we have to iron out a few bugs and increase the efficiency of the app first, but we will keep you all posted!

Also, we’ve had people ask if they can donate to us anyway even though the Indiegogo campaign is over, which you can now do at our PayPal! Note that donations will not effect your position on the beta wait list– everyone will either be admitted at the same time, or split up into rounds based purely on what order they signed up in. However, if you do donate we will appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts!

Thanks again for all your support!


No next page button/arrow on dashboard -how to fix!

Here’s my fix that gets you up to the next page (confirmed it was the same date, and used the now usable back arrow to check it was in fact the next page) Here’s what you do: 1) go to the last post on your dash page that has no arrows, and open it in a new tab in the person you follows blog (you can do this by simply clicking on their username on the top of the post) 2) Get the post’s identifier NUMBER from the URL bar (eg this post ‘http://orangedelusions.tumblr.com/post/116899768856’ number is the ‘116899768856’ ) 3) Now say you were up to page 9000 on your dash and that’s when the arrow dissapeared, now put in you URL bar 'https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/[DASH PAGE NUMBER YOU WERE ON]/[POST IDENTIFIER NUMBER]’ (which in this case would be 'https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/9000/116899768856’) And hey! should take you to the next page (it also has a functional back arrow you can use to check) HERE IS A PICTURE GUIDE

…And there you have it! This should take you to the next page of your dash, with functional ‘previous’ and ‘next’ buttons


Tumblr Sidebar v1.5

Pushed a small bugfix update to my sidebar script yesterday! Fixes a couple styling bugs on the Transparent and Dark versions, and should (hopefully) fix a bug where Chrome users are getting horizontal scrollbars in the sidebar in some situations.

Features over Xkit Plugin: - Small footprint (doesn’t require the whole Xkit framework if you don’t use it otherwise) - Proper layering (OneClickPostage and the recommended likes show on top of the sidebar instead of getting obscured underneath it) - Three flavors to choose from which should seamlessly blend with a wide variety of Stylish themes/styles for Tumblr


My friend and I got together and wrote a Firefox Add-on that lets you reblog from the source directly from your dashboard! This is great for crediting artists without keeping any extra comments people have added, or reblogging the money cat without all the extra stories.

This is currently for Firefox only, but be sure to like and share if you’re interested in seeing it for Chrome!

Install it here! (Scroll down for the link and installation instructions.)

This does not need XKit to run!

Right now, the only downside is that it opens a new page/tab to do this. Otherwise, it would reload your whole dashboard and nobody wants that. 

If you use it, want to use it, or think it’s a good idea, please share this post so others can see it! I can’t be the only one who was waiting for this feature.


Source: dodri0

Have you ever wanted to be able to sort your dashboard into different categories? Maybe you’d like to see only a certain type of post, such as art or posts from your friends.

Well check out torcado channels!

This is an extension for XKit that will let you sort your blogs into custom channels to manage what you want to see on your dashboard! Never miss a post again!

This extension will also color posts according to the channels they’re in, so you always know what you’re looking at.



I just updated my tumblr extension! Have fun with it. Some features are the ‘pinterest-like’ look of the posts, as you can see in the screenshot

Just visit the link and install: Tumblr - Tiled Dashboard from the Chrome-App-Store if you use Chrome for browsing.

A new options panel has been installed (see the icon in the top menu - the second from the right side), which means, the width of the posts, the width between the columns and a post-border can be defined now.

Let me know, if you like it :)


So I made a little extension thing

 So every now and then there are posts that use glitch text to flood outside of the boundaries of a post, right? Something like this:

If you find it annoying, you can block the post currently, but I’ve also made an extension that automatically contains the content of posts like that to within the confines of the post container, like so:

To install it:

  1. Go to the XKit Editor (click here or go to XKit > Other > Advanced Settings > XKit Editor)
  2. Click ‘New Extension’
  3. Title it ‘container’ (without the quotes)
  4. Go to the JSON tab
  5. Paste the content of this pastebin into it
  6. Click ‘Save’

Fix the bullshit blue tag update

1. Get Stylish if you don’t have it already (chrome | firefox)

2. From the toolbar button, go to “manage styles” and click “write new style”

3. Paste the following code in the box:


@-moz-document domain(“www.tumblr.com”) {
 .post_full .post_tags .post_tag.post_tag_color_4 {    color: #8f8f8f  }


.post_full .post_tags .post_tag.post_tag_color_4 {    color: #8f8f8f  }

4. Give it a name, save, and enjoy tumblr without staff’s latest fuckup!

Note: when you hover over the tag, it turns blue. I haven’t figured out how to keep it gray, and seeing as the tag changing color when i hover doesn’t bother me that much, i probably won’t try to, sorry


Re: Tumblr breaking description HTML

I’ve seen a lot of well-intentioned posts by now telling people to go into their code and paste all their description formatting there directly; while this definitely works, there’s a less tiresome alternative for those of you who’d rather not have to open up the theme HTML every single time you want to make a minor edit. It does need you to make a small change to the code, but only once - you’re just adding a new text field to the (usually) pre-existing list of customization options, which then retrieves the description code for you.

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