
news headline: Studies Show Millenials Wipe Their Ass More Than Any Other Generation someone in the comments: LOL did they develop an app for ass wiping now? Let me tell you something about the real world kids, it’s hard to find the time to wipe every time you have to go potty when you have a job and responsibilities! Sorry liberal loons, this asshole is not a “safe space”!


The continued coverage of Trump’s tweets trashing the media — and the media dutifully passing along his criticism to the general public —  will only further erode the public’s tenuous trust of the press and their reporting.

And if the public doesn’t trust the press, reports on any possible Trump scandals in the future will fall on deaf ears, giving Trump more leeway to defy the democratic norms that have developed over 200 years of constitutional government.

By getting the country to distrust the press, Trump could be inoculating himself from facing backlash from real issues the press may report down the line. He could also be softening the blow if he chooses to freeze the press out of his White House. The media needs to stop taking Trump’s bait, or this cycle will only continue. 

I really want a series of billboards to go up detailing all of his disgustingly unpresidential acts since being elected.

Source: mic.com

games that question morality

some guy: kill this guy

me: i don’t want to

some guy: you have to kill this guy or you can’t beat the game

me: ok *kills the guy*

some guy: why did you do that? you’re a monster


parents at my deathbed: shouldnt you be studying 

you dying cause you on that phone


Hero Rats


I’ll always reblog hero rats!

this same species is also trained to identify tuberculosis in samples by smell, meaning they can test for TB at a rapid rate with a high accuracy :)

The organization that trains the rats is APOPO 

You can sponsor a rat and you will get adorable personalized emails telling you how well “your” rat is doing! I did this for my sister a few years ago and she’s still getting emails about Martok the HeroRat’s mine-clearing successes and called it the best gift ever.

*hyperventilates* OH MY GOD I WANT AN ARMY OF THEM

Actual Pokemon

Rats scare me but this is a good post so I will reblog it.


I don’t know if you’ve actually seen this episode, but Pam invites the entire office to her art show that she’s been gearing up for for a really long time. Nobody shows up except for Oscar and his partner (and they critique her work, calling her “lacking in courage” among other things, not realizing she is standing right behind them) and then Michael. And Michael is the only one who tells her she is great just for putting herself out there, and the only one who places value on what she’s done, and he points out all the little details she got right and notices absolutely every bit of hard work she put into it. And then treats Pam like the artist she is by not just paying her for her art, but displaying it where literally everyone can see it.

It’s one of my favorite episodes.


Who wants to hear about the time my dad turned down a loan offer for Donald Trump, and Trump threw a total shit fest in the media?

Am really curious now.

Ok so when I lived in Texas my dad worked for this big finance company. One day Donald Trump/his people came to the building and were like “Hey! We want a loan! Sign this thing!” (For whatever reason they were building a casino, I think? I don’t know where or how it was legal but yeah) And everyone at my dad’s business was like ey it’s Donald Trump, why not. Except my dad. He looked over the loan’s terms and was like “Guys no this is not a good idea” so he went to his boss, who looked at it further and decided “Oh hey, you have a good point” so my dad’s team decided not to give Trump the loan. When the group’s decision had been reached, they notified Trump, who proceeded to go fucking ballistic. Trump called up the CEO of the company and was like “YOUR DUMB ASS EMPLOYEES WONT GIVE ME THIS LOAN” and at this point my dad and his boss were making crosses over their hearts because good lord were they gonna get fired. But the CEO looked at the loan’s terms and said “hey dude, I totally agree with what my employees said, and I’m gonna stick with their decision” And Trump threw this MAJOR SHIT STORM and got all over the media, calling out the company, telling them that he’s gonna get an even better deal at some other company. And my dad’s CEO was just like lol have fun. Trump never got a better deal and then his casino went out of business and my dad and his boss didn’t get fired and have really good jobs now. The End.

Moral of the story? Don’t give Donald Trump what he asks for and you’ll keep your job, your money and your integrity. In addition you get to watch a blowhard blow hard.

Remember this when it’s time to vote.

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