Untitled; The Blog

@lookatmoiploix / lookatmoiploix.tumblr.com

Just a side blog, travel-sick is my main.

@ladymdc commissioned me for some Cullen in a slightly AU Dragon Age world. The idea here was to balance resignation about a grim world with a staunch resolution to protect hope and love.

Bouncing between lighter and darker elements like this was very interesting and it’s not something I’ve had an excuse to do much. Thanks again for commissioning me! <3 <3 <3 <3

Source: Bandcamp

i sincerely apologize for offending you with my post, that wasn't my intent. i reacted mainly to the way you worded your statement, so i wasn't able to make the intent of my post come out clearer. i do understand that you're coming from a far different point of view, but i wasn't able to make that come across more than my own opinion, and i'm really sorry for that too. i'll try to do better next time when expressing my own thoughts. i'm very sorry.


I really appreciate your apology, it's water under the bridge. One of the things that made me so annoyed was how many people are reblogging your posts, it just makes me feel like crap and annoyed that so many people are being so ignorant and taking what I said out of context. If it was just you I don't think I wouldn't have taken it as badly as I did but the fact that so many are supporting the attitude you had really upset me because it's just spreading the ignorance about what a lesbian can and can't be, like how I am as a lesbian is wrong. So I really appreciate your apology and I am sorry for getting so aggressive.


someone LEGITIMATELY just said in my post about richlee,

"i don’t like to fantasize about them or think about them having sex mainly because i’m a lesbian haha"

and i’M?????? JUST????? SO CONFUSED?????? like idk how does that make sense coz it’s almost like you don’t want to see two hot men...

How about instead of making assumptions on your blog you just ask me? If you had of just asked me I wouldn't have been offended but you post it on your blog like my feelings and who I am is strange and weird? I think that's just rude, I think not just coming to me first and instead making a deal out of it on your blog is rude. NO. I do not care for two hot men, I DO NOT. I do not like looking at penises, I do not like watching males in porn. I can appreciate the male form like a piece of artwork in a gallery, but I do not think of it sexually or otherwise in anyway. Seeing two men together does not do anything for me at all. I would prefer not to see it, doesn't mean I close my eyes during gay sex scenes in films but for me I feel nothing. Why is this such a new and confusing concept for you? I think as people Richard and Lee make a very nice couple but that's it and it does play a part in my reasoning because often shipping is based in some form no matter how small on attraction.  And now to this; "i mean i get that there are some lesbians who are honestly averse to men and sex with males for legitimate reasons but????? does that automatically mean two men can’t look good doing the nasty with each other????" For me? YES IT FUCKING DOES. How ignorant can you be? Do you think all gay men like looking at women having sex? I'd say the vast majority want nothing to do with females and sex. Just as I want nothing to do with males and sex. Like I said before, I do not fantasise about men because I am a lesbian, a lesbian that does not like dudes having sex AT ALL, and just because some of you lesbian friends like to ship two males does not mean that goes for every lesbian. It's so funny, I don't normally get this angry about crap on the internet but I guess it's never been personal before, and my god have you really, really pissed me off. I only added the lesbian bit to lighten the tone anyway because I was worried you'd feel like I was attacking you but now ironically I feel like I've been attacked. What I said still stands though, my sexual orientation does define how I perceive certain relationships. Key word; MY, ME. These are my feelings about myself. Educate yourself and don't go behind peoples backs. Just be up front next time, say I don't really get the lesbian part and I would have more than happy to explain it to you. But this post of yours was unacceptable. 


pirate bay user wants to know if former French President Sarkozy leaks music torrents


you know what i don’t even really mind if richlee was canon it’d be nice if it were but i wish the really hardcore, extreme shippers would stop trying to PROVE that it’s canon, like i would honestly prefer to ship them on my own terms than because shippers showed me a piece of tissue that they...

The thing is though, I don't "ship" them, when I first heard the rumours I laughed, it sounded so weird and far fetched. And then as time went on it became clearer to me that there was some truth to this until eventually I was convinced they are actually a couple.

So I don't ship them, they're not my otp, I don't want them to be canon because this is life and not a film. I don't think about cutesy little scenarios involving their domestic life. I just believe they're a couple and that's all it is to me. I'm not in anyway emotionally invested in their relationship. And it's totally fine if you just see them as a ship, I'm not trying to take that away from you, I just wanted to put in my 2 cents about how I perceive this situation and say this isn't something I enjoy fantasising about, mainly because I'm a lesbian and I don't want to think about them having sex, haha. I just think they're a nice gay couple :)


East of Kensington is a dark introspective look into the tale of Peter Pan. It shows us the grim reality of this fairy tale. It’s 20 minutes long. When I was 10, I was obsessed with Peter Pan (mostly Jeremy Sumpter from Peter Pan 2003). If an attractive male showed up at my window and whisked me away to a magical land full of fairies, mermaids, and pirates, I would be ecstatic. But this short film makes me doubt all of it. (Watch it here) (Masterpost of creepy short films)


I’m sooo not gonna support that petition to get Richard a wax figure if the picture they’re gonna use for it acts like Miley Cyrus is poison and doesn’t deserve 2 wax figures as if that has anything to do with Richard. I don’t even like her or her music but wtf? Like, she has nothing to do with...

A great point, I think it's a ridiculous petition anyway. Benedict Cumberbatch only just got his and he is far more famous the Richard, if and when he reaches those dizzying heights of fame he'll get one and not before. No petition is going to convince Tussauds to spend all that time on a figure that won't bring all that many people through the door. Hiddleston is more likely to get one before Armitage,


Can you guess who will survive? If you can, you could win a BOAT LOAD of Creepypasta Swag!  Check out wellheyproductions for all the details!


An Attempt to Eff the Ineffable - Transcript of “Knock, knock. Who’s There? Benedict Cumberbatch.” from BBC comedy sketch show “Lewis Macleod is Not Himself ” S1E01  (x)

It does a great job with imitating Benedict’s and Martin’s voice and delivery - and its observations are hilariously absurd yet not untrue at the same time. 

“Ricky Gervais” [as David Brent] : Morning, Tim! Tim Bowler, Timbory-Tim, Timbory, Tim, Timbory Tim, Timboree! What are you doing?

“Martin”: Oh, er, you know, I’m just, you know, er … gazing despairingly at the camera like a perplexed hamster, as is my duty as the put-upon everyman character.

“Ricky Gervais” [as David Brent]: Well, well, you know, just to whisper in your shell-like [?] *laughs raucously* - the new guy starts today. I said you could show him the ropes.

“Martin”: Fine, er … when’s he coming?

“Benedict”: [Sherlock voice] I’ve been observing you from the reception area for the last half an hour. That is to say, I’m already here. Don’t feel bad for not noticing me sooner. When I stand very still and don’t speak, I can easily be mistaken for an incredibly ornate and attractive hat stand. The kind you find in an antique shop that doesn’t have any price tags. Don’t touch - you can’t afford. Hello.

“Martin”: Good … er … yeah, good gracious. Erm, what are you?

“Benedict”: My name is long and ridiculous, like my face. They call me Benedict Cumberbatch.

*fairy tale harp chords* [medieval choral chant] Ben-ne-dict Cum-ber-baaatch!

“Benedict”: Don’t worry, that always happens.

“Martin”: Uh, OK, right, yeah. Um, OK, well, so, let’s give you the tour. Well, we’ve got, you know, the photocopier here …

“Benedict”: Pish, posh, and Duchy biscuits. You don’t think I actually care about your tedious office, do you?

“Martin”: Well, no, but I sort of imagined you’re here because -

“Benedict”: Oh, you beautifully obtuse little turnip of a man. I’m here because after Sherlock and the Hobbit, I’m now contractually obliged to appear in everything you ever do, shall do, have done, have so much as considered doing – don’t you understand, we go together like bangers and mash, like cream tea and scones, like a put-upon everyman character actor and a big posh flamboyant manic pixie dream boy with cheekbones you could balance a BAFTA on.

Is it a man? Is it several hyper-intelligent cats sitting on one another’s shoulders wearing a latex man-suit? Or is it an incredibly sexy horse that’s learned to walk on its hind legs and talk very very very fast?

“Martin”: Um … sorry, could you repeat all that please?

“Benedict”: No time, get down with me beneath this desk.

“Martin”: Why? Is there someone going to try to kill us or something? Or …

“Benedict”: [dramatic low voice] No, we just need to get uncomfortably close to one other and gaze homoerotically into each other’s eyes. Can you feel the tension? Can you? Can you … do you want to give me a little kiss? Oh you mustn’t - I’m an alabaster Adonis, don’t touch me!

“Martin”:  Um, yeah, OK.  Erm, bit weird, er … but still, less annoying than that Gervais guy. Erm, look, erm … how much longer is this going to go on for?

“Benedict”: For the rest of your life.

“Martin”:  What?

“Benedict”: Now, if you don’t mind, I have to exit dramatically through a window or something, for no reason other than it looks fantastic. Goodbye for now, put-upon everyman character actor. Remember my name.

“Martin”: *sighs* Ahhhh - I’ll never forget you, Bumblebee Cuttlefish! 

Many thanks and loaded gazes to Fuck Yeah Freebatch and anindoorkitty for identifying “David Brent” at the start, and “beneath the desk”.


For the record, David Brent’s 1st bit goes ‘Morning, Tim. Timbola. Tim Timmery Tim Timmery Tim Tim Teree’.

And there’s a couple of other sketches running with the gag in the episode, which people can listen to here http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04grrpq


I walked into a classroom where some young Tibetan students were practicing their chants, and all the kids suddenly grew very focused and well-behaved on account of the visitor. Except for this guy, who started laughing at me. Then he started laughing at himself laughing. Then he started laughing that he couldn’t stop laughing at himself laughing.

(Dharamshala, India)


Oh wow. I wish you all the luck in the world, stay safe, stay smart and remember, everyone in the army is here for you. If you need to talk or if you need help, we're all ready and willing to do what we can.


OMG! (x)


Yet Martins peen is nowhere near small, & BC’s rumored to be a bit small….so who’s right?

Wait, what? How do we know who has a big/small winkle? What’ve they been nekkid in?

Martin in Nightwatching & Ben in Frankenstein ;)

Ah thanks :). Oh dear, poor Benedict xD bet that’s shattered a few girls fantasies.

No, no, no. That's not how this works. Flaccid and erect are very different. Some grow, some don't but usually if they're smaller flaccid they'll grow more when erect. My ex is about 3 inches, once the blood starts flowing he becomes 6 and the guy before him was 7 flaccid and erect. They're both nice and average but I was happier with 6 than 7, 7 was a dick in bed and in general.

And I'll let you in on something about men with big dicks, they don't know what the fuck they're doing because they think size is the only factor. So often it can be either painful or boring. You've got to be lucky enough to get one that knows what he's doing and care about your pleasure, it's harder to find than you think.

So let's all stop talking about these guys dicks because a) it's kind if sexist and b) just go sleep with a woman; no matter how good a man is a woman is always better!


The naivete and also often the sense of entitlement these “confessions” reveal is mind-boggling. Richard is a grown-up man. He has lived 43 years and not under a rock. I am absolutely certain that he knows love and doesn’t need a fictional character to experience it. Since I personally am also convinced that he is in a very satisfying relationship as we speak, I am quite certain that he’ll “get over” Elizabeth pretty soon. 

You said it, and how often does the "I wonder if he's ever been in love" thing come up in these confessions? Too damn often, do they think he won't know real love until he's met them or do they hope he's never been in a relationship? It's very, very silly and slightly infuriating. People need to wake up and remember this is a real person with 43 years of experience, he went and joined the Budapest circus as a teenager, he's travelled the world and done a whole bunch of other amazing things we'll never know about because he's lived the majority of his life out of the spot light. People need to to stop acting like they know who he is because his public persona and his private life are two very different things. 



I saw Into the Storm yesterday and it was a really good laugh, particularly when one dude got sucked up into the fire tornado and was burnt alive as he twirled around the air and then again when Gary was giving CPR to his son. Looked like a bloody duck. My friend and I are very insensitive people. We laughed at everyone but the 2 dudes that were supposed to be funny.

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