
Hell's Messenger

@inevitablyapropos / inevitablyapropos.tumblr.com

Yo! I'm Jam. This is a multi-fandom blog. NOT NSFW-FREE. Children beware. >:) Also, find me on twitter! @bloodyjammy
Anonymous asked:

What's the real thing the 3am text/creepy grandma at your door prompt is based on!?!? Please, I need details!!! 💙

A friend got a text from an unknown number that said “do NOT answer the door” during a sleepover, which was instantly followed by someone knocking at the door and an elderly woman calling out, asking if any of us had any honey to spare. Given the fact they lived up a crazy long driveway, surrounded by forest, and it was 3 am, it was pretty sus.

Our small group kind of freaked out, and naturally I was delighted.

It was at this point that I remembered we had gone shopping for sleepover provisions earlier in the day, and had mistakenly bought honey instead of syrup, and no one liked honey (there was much complaining). So I did a dash for the kitchen and snatched the honey, then rather gleefully bounded over to the door, much to my friends horror.

Sure enough, very old lady is standing at the door, looking like every grandma stereotype you’ve ever heard of. I looked rather manic myself, with what my friends called, “That freaky unhinged grin you do.”, and handed her the whole thing of honey, and told her she could have it.

She looked genuinely surprised and kind of straightened a bit, then got this glint in her eyes and started fighting a grin. 

We stood there and bantered for a while as my friends freaked the fuck out inside, before she finally said goodbye, told me to “Keep making mischief” and then strode off down the drive with a walk that was very much at odds with her hunched “feeble” appearance from a few moments earlier.

None of my friends slept that night, and I took particular glee in making strange noises whenever they would start to calm down. I was always a little shit like that.

Never saw her again, but I was gifted a rather beaten looking metal (Brass maybe?) flute the next evening on the doorstep with a simple “Thank you” written on a leaf of all things. None of my friends wanted to go anywhere near it, and I still have it to this day.


This is the bitch I’m talking about. Simple and banged up looking.

Bruh…You met a faerie.





@write-it-motherfuckers Just for this I had to follow you.

My condolences. 

This shit the reason why I follow this motherfucker. The awesomeness never dwindles. ALL HAIL!


“Why are you doing this?”

The demon paused in their cooking as they heard the hesitant question, lifting their head as they turned to look at their nervous charge. Instantly the child dipped their head again, fiddling with the untouched plate in front of them as their shoulders drew up defensively.

It was obviously they expected some kind of punishment for the innocent question.

The sight was enough to make the demons rage flare again, though they were quick to reign it back in with a few controlled breaths, not wanting to frighten them any further than they already had. Taking in a deep breath, they forced their shoulders to relax, turning their attention back to the food in front of them as they answered, tone purposefully gentle.

They had known this question was coming.

“Because, I am your assigned Guardian, little one.”

The answer obviously wasn’t what they had been expecting, their expression filled with confusion as they looked up at the demon once more, their curiosity temporarily overwhelming the fear they felt.

“But….you’re a Demon.” They spluttered incredulously, wincing and curling in on themselves slightly when they realised how rude they had sounded.

Instead of getting angry however, the demon only nodded.

“Yes, but I’m sure you’ve heard of the term Guardian Angel?”

At the child’s hesitant nod, they continued.

“All angels are expected to watch over humanity, guiding and protecting them where they can, but high ranking angels are somewhat different. Whilst most angels are expected to spread their watch over any human they come across, never picking favourites or giving one human more attention over another, the highest ranking angels, have what is called a Bonded.”

Seeing the child’s confusion only grow, the demon sighed and elaborated, their voice patient despite their nature.

“A Bonded, is a specific human that an angel of high rank, is assigned upon their creation. Unlike other angels, once the bond activates, which can happen at any stage during a humans life, they are expected to watch over and protect that human above all else….. You, are my Bonded.”

Somewhat overwhelmed, the kid spent a few minutes absorbing this, watching as the demon finally came over and added more food to their plate, before speaking quietly, their voice small as realisation slowly dawned.

“Then….you were once a….?” 

Instantly they regretted the question, letting their words trail off quietly as the rest remained unspoken. Wisely, they chose not to mention the way the demons movements momentarily faltered, and after a few moments of awkward silence, they continued, both of them pretending the previous words had never been spoken.

“So…. do all ang-….. Guardians, do this kind of thing?”

Instantly the demon scoffed and sneered, setting aside the empty pan and regaining their former demeanour as they settled in the chair across from them, their tone full of scorn as they replied, though they could tell it wasn’t directed at them.

“Of course not, those uptight puppets are too unshakably obedient to break or bend the rules, and the rules state that one must remain detached, and never reveal themselves to their bonded, no matter how dire the situation.”

Frowning, the kid spoke up quickly in confusion, absently beginning to eat as the demon across from them subtly pushed their plate a little closer.

“Then… why did you…” 

Quickly they trailed off, flushing at the reprimanding look they received for speaking with a full mouth, focusing on chewing instead. Now that they had actually tasted the food, they realised how hungry they were, quickly beginning to dig into their meal in earnest, though their attention remained on their Guardian.

Content that their charge was finally eating, the demon leaned back in their chair, ignoring the slight flicker of warmth they felt in their chest at the sight of them enjoying themselves. Despite the warmth in their gaze, their voice was still hard as they spoke, their words cutting through the air like a whip, sharp and angry.

“Because unlike those shortsighted pawns, I’m not afraid to directly interfere…”

Anger simmered in the demons gaze as they spoke, their eyes burning brightly, and sharp teeth glinting as their lips pulled into a sneer, though somehow the sight was starting to become more comforting than frightening.

“I refuse to let you remain with that filth any longer…. from now on, you will live with ME.”

Oh gosh oh gosh OH MY FUCKING GOSH!! This is the tea I like the most! OMG I’m itching to write something about this. 


Hello! I hope you're doing fine amidst this pandemic we have. I love all your prompts and I always gets inspiration from them. Tho I have noticed you don't have much fluff tag posts? I'm not sure I saw one? I hope I can see of them in the future. I'm not really good at writing fluff and I wanna be better in it. Good luck with the notifications. Lol. I hope you read this message before it gets buried. XD


Honestly Darling, I think it’s more because I’m terrible at tagging, and keep forgetting to use the fluff or fluffy tags. I’ve been trying to be better at it since I got this message, so you should be able to find a few under those tags now.

Either way, thank you for dropping in and being so sweet, I’m glad you enjoy this place so much. Please try to remain safe Darling one~


AHHHHHH.. I feel so happy you replied to my post. OMG. I AM HONORED. OMAGAH. Thank you for adding the fluff tags!! XD


It’s midnight and I’m finna found-family trope the absolute ever-living FUCK out of these four

>Aunt Delta would take Hickory and Dickory in despite them not being real country trolls, and treats them  as her sons >Clampers however sees Hickory and Dickory as her Uncle-figures >Hickory would be a wonderful avuncular figure to Clampers, and would spend as much time with her as possible and consider her his niece >Dickory would be the bad influence, while Hickory tries his best to be the better role model for both Clampers and his brother and keep the two of them out of trouble in general also seeing the image of the three of them getting into trouble and Aunt Delta yelling at her boys for misbehaving when Hickory tried to be the voice of reason is just TOO GOOD- “Uncle” Hickory and Dickory would 100000% try to teach Clampers how to yodel. Dickory would be more strict with teaching, but when Clampers puts in her best efforts, Hickory would praise her for doing such a good job Feel free to add more C:<


Trolls, Polaris Heart Prompt

This is a fan fic idea for the movie series Trolls

Do not own Trolls

Anyone can use this prompt

  • Happens after Trolls World Tour
  • Creek managed to survive Chef and tries to figure out where to go when he is met by a pure white troll, who manipulates him into hating Poppy and the other Trolls, and try to become the leader of all living things
  • Creek then is told to seek out the Map of the first Kingdom of Trolls, Orchestra Garden
  • In Bergen Town, an archaeologist Bergan, Dr. Spit’n’Gargle found the map as she tried to explain about the lost history of the trolls and their world
  • When the world was new, there was barely anything, just water and earth but one day the sky blessed the world and its creatures with a magical gift, the first Troll, a rainbow haired Troll Queen named Polaris
  • Polaris sang a paradise of a world for all living things and was beloved by all
  • Queen Polaris created a kingdom where the sun and moon would both shine and sang more Trolls to life to spread joy to the world, though none of them had her music abilities
  • Wanting to know more, Poppy and Branch with the gang decided to go with Dr. Spit’n’Gargle to find their lost history
  • On the way there, they encountered dangerous monsters, weathers, and a strange group of creatures called the Hobgoblins, once Trolls with rotten hearts that worship an evil King Troll called Cycloso, searching for a missing two shards of the Heart of Polaris
  • They also make new friends, the Nymphs the talking tree people, the Cloud Warriors sworn to keep the Heart of Polaris safe, and many other interesting characters
  • They soon learned the rest of the history from the Cloud Warrior Bliss
  • It seemed that Polaris fell in love with an injured one-eyed Troll who lost his name, after healing him with her music, the nameless troll chose the name Cycloso
  • Polaris and Cycloso fell in love and became King and Queen as Cycloso was her royal lyricist
  • It was soon learned that the Lyrics created could bring wonders than just singing ever did and the first lyrics was the song of Hope, a song that can restore anything, even if dead completely
  • But Cycloso hated the other creatures as he knew that they were using Polaris and her voice, in anger he made a song that change everything, the Melody of Doom
  • The Song destroyed and took as the creatures of the world fear Polaris, to the Queen’s horror
  • Cycloso wanted to use the evil songs to rule over all as he thought that they were meant to, but Polaris refused and wanted no more part of this
  • Angered, Cycloso tried to trick her into singing, causing Polaris to see that his heart was turning dark
  • She banished Cycloso into the dark world, hid all his magical Lyrics, and vowed to never sing again, leaving the world fractured and disfigured
  • On her deathbed, she had her hair cut and given to her six children so there would be music again and her Heart, which had her magical voice broke into two and given to her most trustworthy servants to keep hidden across the globe
  • Cycloso through a projection of himself, manipulated his son who loved Pop music into stealing the strings that were her hair to continue his plans
  • He failed as Cycloso refused to give up to this day
  • It was soon learned that Branch’s family were the descendants of one of the servants that hid the Heart Shard of Creation as his lucky pendent was the shard
  • Branch saw through the shard the memories of Polaris sending Cycloso, who looked like Creek and Branch mixed but pure white with black hair in the final moments before Polaris, heart-breakingly sang her banishment song
  • Poppy believed if the hearts were united, it could restore the world as it was, thought Branch was reluctant he agreed to help
  • But before they could get it, Creek took the Heart Shard of Destruction and vowed to end the Troll’s rule and become the one true king as he was a direct descendant of Cycloso
  • Creek escaped with the Shard Heart and planned for his rule, thinking that the trolls and Poppy betrayed him thanks to the see-through white troll
  • Soon it’s a race for the lyrics and protection of their shards

This is actually very promising!

Someone tag me when someone writes about this. PLEASE!


You’ve always loved to sing. As a child, you could be found singing almost constantly, something that people found adorable and annoying in equal measure. Even once you became an adult, your urge to sing never faltered, many people even called your voice hypnotising. As you felt quite plain in all other aspects, you never took for granted your ability to sing.

When you moved out of your parents home, you chose to move to a sweet little old cottage, outside the city, it was rather beat up but you were patient and adored its potential. It came with its own greenhouse, and a lovely little area that backed onto the forest where you could grow things. And grow things you did.

It took quite a bit of work to clean out the weeds and trash, but soon enough you had it clear, ready to bring life to this dreary place. Each day, you would make your way into your garden and greenhouse, lovingly planting anything you desired. Now that you no longer had to censor yourself, you sang freely, voice carrying itself loud and clear as a bell, on the wind. 

You didn’t notice them at first, though you felt their gaze, but after some time, you started to notice the tiny creatures in the forest, watching and listening to you sing. One day, you locked eyes with one, watching them freeze in fear and uncertainty. Your heart fluttered in awe, and your voice faltered for a moment, but you quickly regained your composure and with a smile, began singing directly to them. 

From that day on, the creatures got more and more bold, gradually following you into your little garden and green house themselves. They would listen to you sing, sometimes joining you with their bell like voices. Eventually they began to dance to the sound of your voice, and you got the chance to see them fully for the first time. Faeries you realised. Their tiny bodies glowed faintly, shimmering wings fluttering at their backs. Each of them was unique, but just as beautiful. 

For months you continued, adoring your strange new friends, your heart soaring  at how much they adored your voice. They came to trust you, no longer keeping distance, and instead becoming bold enough to touch you, riding on your shoulders or head, or dancing around you as you went about your day. Sometimes they would wind flowers into your hair, or place crowns of flowers atop your head. You loved them dearly, loved listening to their tinkling laughs and bell like voices, they had become dear friends to you, and seemed rather flattered when you told them as much. They made certain to show that they cared for you too.

Kneeling in the earth, as you lovingly tended to the young saplings you had planted only a few days ago, you admired the beauty of your garden, surprised by how well and fast, it had grown. Feeling a song bubble up in your chest, you smiled and started to sing again, laughing as your little friends fluttered their wings in excitement. They seemed even more eager for you to sing than usual today, glancing to each other in excitement, as if they were waiting for something. Smiling warmly at them, you paused in your gardening, fingers still pressed into the earth as you closed your eyes and began to pour your heart into your new song.

They were strangely silent this time as you sang, and eventually your song came to its end. Opening your eyes, you froze, breath hitching. Before you, kneeling in the dirt, despite their expensive, regal looking clothing, was someone you had never met. 

Their features were ethereal, regal and slightly sharp. They were clearly not human, holding a truly unnatural beauty. They looked spellbound however, their voice breathless as they spoke to you, eyes wide and full of awe. You barely noticed your tiny friends practically vibrating with excitement, watching everything happen with a sense of anticipation. The stranger looked as though they wanted to reach out for you, but held back by sheer force of will, one hand hovering mid motion, as if to reaching out slightly, imploring.

“Please…. Won’t you sing for me once more, little star?”

As a singer, this made me giddy inside💕💕

I’m glad Darling one 🖤🖤🖤

Every time I read something new from this blog, inspiration just suddenly explodes and these little snippets are just the thing I need.


Person A: “Hey, you remember that plant you gave me? The one you found in the cemetery?”

Person B: “Yeah?”

Person A: “Is it meant to… you know… Move n’ shit?”

Person B: “I….I don’t think so?”

Person A: “Because it…. it kinda is…. a lot actually”

Person B: “Shit! Are you ok? What is it doing right now?”

Person A: “Well it snatched my pen and now it’s correcting my work”

Person B: “…What?”

Person A: “It’s also using some pretty creative insults about my intelligence, and demanding I go eat, or else.”

Another prompt added to my list of prompts to work on.


Since TWT isn't available to watch in my country yet, I'm gonna cope by doodling these two dorks.

Have a human!Poppy thinkin of her boyfriend while he's busy with his part time job? Or maybe he's on field work for one of his bio majors? Idk all I've thought of with this au so far is that they're in college, they're in a theater club, and they're in luv

Beautiful ahhhhhhhhhhh~


Trolls' aesops

I think one of the things I love most about the franchise is the duality of their lessons. Something I think the writers try to reflect through Poppy and Branch.

In the first movie, the message was about happiness; how far some people will go to get it and how far others will go to get it back.

But when explaining the meaning of the message they didn't just show that anyone could or deserved to be happy (ideals represented by Poppy), they also showed that being happy actually takes time and work, it takes the strength to allow yourself to be happy and let others help you achieve it (what Branch represents).

At the beginning of the film, Poppy foreshadowed the plot: everyone deserves to be happy and anyone can be happy. And she was right! Branch deserved to be happy, the Bergens deserved to be happy, happiness was achievable for everyone! And it was that belief what ultimately saved the day.

But Branch was also right; bad things happen, and there's nothing you can do about it. Because Branch used to be happy and hopeful and a "normal" troll, but when his grandma was taken away, so was his happiness. It wasn't just that Branch didn't want to be happy (like Creek said), he was so haunted by his trauma that he simply couldn't! Which is what Poppy didn't understand.

But as their adventure brought them together, it also allowed them to see things from the other's point of view better. They completed the puzzle. Thanks to Poppy, Branch learned that he could still be happy. And thanks to Branch, Poppy realised the hardships we sometimes have to face in order to achieve said happiness.

In other words, the first movie's lesson is that while everyone deserves to be happy, it's not something you can get by external means, and that sadness is also a part of life that we have to face if we want to experience joy again.

As for Trolls World Tour (don't worry, I'll tag this as spoilers), the message is centred around differences and diversity.

Again, through Poppy and Branch we can see they're actually both right; differences don't matter (Poppy) and differences do matter (Branch).

As it was lampshaded in the movie, Poppy's problem wasn't that she was wrong—even her father admitted she was right in the end—, her problem was that she wasn't listening.

Because differences really don't matter to Poppy, especially considering she's grown up surrounded by trolls who couldn't be more different from each other, and because the one she's closest to happens to be her polar opposite. The problem appeared when she assumed others would share her point of view on things, instead of trying to understand theirs (i.e. the country trolls, her argument with Branch...).

It was when Branch finally called her out on it—a very direct approach— and when Barb shared the things they had in common when it comes to ruling that made her realise her mistake.

Branch, on the other hand, had spent years as an outcast, never trusting anyone until he joined Poppy in their adventure. So of course he'd believe differences do matter, especially when someone different from them wanted to destroy their way of living.

He is also right about it. We must be aware of how people are different from us to have a better relationship with them. But he also proved Poppy's point of view, albeit more subtly; by enjoying country music and dancing with the K-Pop Gang and the Reggaeton Trolls he demonstrated, and probably realised, that other types of music shouldn't be a reason to be hostile towards each other, that we should look past that. That probably made him understand Poppy.

In the end, both were right, but again, they still needed each other's influence to piece the whole lesson together. Because those two love each other, and they love being different.

The duality of Trolls World Tour is that, while we should be aware of our differences for a better understanding of others and celebrate said differences, they should never be enough to keep us apart.

And I truly think it takes a lot to achieve such depth in an animation movie.

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