
The Witch


I'm a new witch and I'm trying to learn a lot I will be posting mostly witch stuff but sometimes just randomness lol
I would love if you would follow me! I follow back mostly witch blogs ( ^ω^ )

Spice Rack Magick:

Allspice: money and good luck

Basil: wealth and good luck

Bay Leaf: purification, health, and strength

Chives: protection, absorbs bad vibes

Cinnamon: prosperity, happy homes

Cloves: protection, stops gossip

Dill: security, money; frightens away unwanted creatures

Garlic: protection, purification, exorcism

Ginger: power and prosperity

Lemon/Lemon Rind: breaks up negativity, healing

Mace: increases psychic powers

Mint (Leaves): prosperity and protection

Mustard Seed: fertility and safe houses

Orange Rind: energy, vitality, and health

Parsley: purification, protection

Peppermint Extract: cleansing, purification, and protection

Rosemary: healing, love

Sage: wisdom

Thyme: sleep, courage; promotes good health

Vanilla Extract: love, passion; stimulates mental powers


Mermaid's Kiss

The Mermaid’s Kiss spell is designed to enchant to user’s lips to administer a kiss that can serve various purposes.  It could be used to put a victim under the user’s control, it could be used as a healing method, it could even be used as a boost for the siren song.  In this case, let’s say that the Mermaid’s Kiss will be one of seduction, to increase sex drive in a partner.  

Things you will need:  a bowl of water, flower petals, three offerings and a good pair of lips.


  1. Fill the bowl with fresh seawater (you could also use freshwater, bottled water or even tap water).  This bowl will serve as a portal for the mermaid’s energy to flow.  Remember, this energy is very temperamental so we have to appease the mermaid first.  
  2. After we fill the bowl, we must make it a portal.  Place a ring of flowers around the bowl and say the following phrase:  "Of storm and gales, of ancient tales, I call forth the maid from beneath the waves.  I call up the energy of the devilfish, of she who sings into the storm.  I summon the mermaid,“
  3. Now we have to appease the mermaid.  Offer the first two gifts; they should be something of great beauty and related to the sea (an unscathed seashell, a pretty stone found in the water, etc.)  Place the gifts inside the circle of petals and next to the bowl.
  4. Next state the intent of your enchantment, in this case our enchantment is to grace our lips with the gift of seduction.
  5. Now offer her the third gift.  This gift should be something of great beauty that is not found in the sea (a perfectly preserved flower for instance).  Place said offering inside the circle of flowers.  
  6. Now gently blow on the surface of the water and wait a few minutes.  Then with your forefinger touch the water and trace your lips.  This puts the enchantment on them.  
  7. Finally, put the offerings into the water and dump the water out into a body of water, or a dump into the ground when there is a storm.  
  8. As you do this, thank the mermaid for her energy.  

💄Seductive Words Glamour 👄

a lipstick/chapstick glamour to make your words extra convincing/persuasive

💄 gather: chapstick/lipstick of your choice (though red would work best) moon water, a basil leaf, a spring of rosemary

👄 soak the basil leaf and sprig of rosemary for an hour in the moon water. 

💄 put a drop of moon water on the lipstick

👄 if you want to make the spell for something/someone specific, add a sigil to the lipstick before you put it on.


Tari’s Spellbook Masterpost

My Spellbook is a sorted collection of all of the spells and spell ideas that I have reblogged or posted here on Tumblr.  The Spellbook is constantly under construction, with new categories being added, so please click here to see the updated version of this on my blog ^_^

NOTE: Please open this post in a separate tag, as the links are to tag groups and will not be supported in the sidebar blog format on Tumblr.  If you open this post in a sidebar, the links will bring you to my blog’s homepage.  

Spells Sorted By General Intent

Spells Sorted By Type of Witchcraft & Magick

Spells Sorted By Specific Desire

Spells Sorted by Kitchen Ingredient

I will always reblog this


I wanna get into seacraft!!

If anyone could recommend me some blogs, or if you run a seacraft blog yourself, please send me a message or reblog this and let me know!


Basic Sigil Activation

A number of people have written me to ask about activating sigils, so I thought I’d post this simple, plain-English guide from the Sigil Daily website.

When you create a sigil, you’re investing it with a certain amount of emotional importance. When you hear practitioners of magick referring to the “energy” of a sigil, ritual or spell, this emotional investment is often what they’re talking about. For a sigil to be effective, however, it requires more than just the energy invested in the creation. It needs to be “activated.”

In the creation process, you’ve built up a substantial amount of psychological, emotional and creative tension, all around a symbol. For the sigil (and your subconscious) to do its work, you have to release that tension. This is called “activating” the sigil, although you’ll sometimes hear this referred to as “consecrating,” “charging” or “discharging.” There are as many methods for activating a sigil as their are practitioners of sigil magick, but they all share a common theme of buildup and release.

As with the sigil creation, we’re presenting the most newcomer-friendly version of the activation process. It’s something anyone with access to basic household items can do in just a few minutes. We’ve also written the steps out in plain English, and with a bit of context for why you’re doing these specific actions. This isn’t intended to take the mystery or the “magic” out of the experience, it’s just to give you some basic idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, and to make you as comfortable as possible with the process.

You will need:

  • Something to write with. Any normal pen or pencil will work.
  • Blank paper, or tracing paper.
  • A candle, fireplace, or other safe, standing flame.*
  • A metal or ceramic bowl suitable for safely burning a small piece of paper.
  • A comfortable, distraction-free place to work.
  • About 30 minutes, including prep time.

Step 1: Create a quiet, distraction-free environment. There’s a simple reason why traditional magick rituals are done at night, by candlelight, or under the light of the moon. It’s not that one time of day is inherently more powerful than another, it’s simply because it’s easier to focus your attention when you’re not distracted by the normal activities of daily life. Chaos magick is all about bringing a desire or intention one step closer to reality, and the less distracted you are when you’re activating the sigil, the better the results will be. Turn off your phone and your TV. Turn down the lights. Unplug or cover up anything you find distracting. This method of Sigil activation should only take about 15 minutes, so don’t worry about missing anything important.

Optional: Create a focus area. One of the practical reasons for things like the “protection circles” you see in popular occult fiction has very little to do with anything supernatural. It’s about creating a physical area where everything around you reinforces the mood and emotional state you’re trying to evoke. Creating a rough circle around you composed of things that are important to you, or which strongly relate to the sigil you are about activate, helps keep your mind focused during the activation process. Along the same lines, turning off the room lights and working under the light of a few nearby candles helps to keep all of the distracting everyday world in the shadows, at least for the duration of the ritual. Some people find that certain kinds of music or incense helps them focus, while others find these too distracting. You’re doing it right as long as you can completely focus on the activation.

Step 2: Quiet your mind. Just like you’ve removed the distractions from your environment, you must now to the same for your mind. You don’t need to meditate or go into a trance (although feel free to do so if this is a normal practice for you). You just need to close your eyes, and take a dozen or so deep breaths. Clear your mind of all thoughts, just for a moment or two. Once you’re done, you should be able to focus a bit more on the task at hand.

Step 3: Light the candle, ready the bowl. You’ll want the candle burning and the fire-safe bowl within easy reach as you go into the next phase of the activation. Make sure to remove anything flammable from the area.

Step 4: “Invoke” the sigil. This isn’t as arcane or mystical as it probably sounds. If you already have the sigil you created in hand (if you’ve just created it, for instance), you’ve already “invoked” it. If not, you’ll simply want to draw the sigil again on a new piece of paper. You can use a pen or pencil, although some people prefer the look of charcoals, crayons or oil pastels for visual effect. Don’t worry if you’re not much of an artist, this is about the intent behind the sigil, not being a perfect calligrapher. As long as it looks right to you, it’ll work just fine. You can also trace an existing sigil, which is a great way to activate a sigil that you didn’t draw yourself. (If you bought one from Sigil Daily, or found a perfect example in a book, for instance.) The act of redrawing the sigil helps to bring all of the emotional investment — the “energy” — back from your subconscious to the forefront of your mind.

Optional: Tear away the edges of the paper around the sigil. Don’t worry if you accidentally rip the sigil, or tear a small piece off of the drawing. Your goal here is to end up with a piece of paper that “fits” the sigil, and to reduce the smoke and flame for the next step.

Step 5: Focus on what the sigil represents. Look at the symbol you’ve created, and remember the reason you wanted it. Look at all of the shapes and angles. Does it speak to your core goal, desire or ambition? Now that you’ve identified what it is you want, are you ready to release that “energy” — as well as the psychological, creative and emotional tension it represents — and let the magick do its work? Listen to your emotions. There’s always a chance that what you actually want isn’t what the sigil represents, in which case there’s little point in activating it. (If that happens, use what you’ve learned and repeat the sigil creation process to create a new sigil. It should only take a few moments, and you can do it right on the spot.) Once it all feels right, move on to the next step.

Step 6: “Discharge” the Sigil. There are lots of ways to “discharge” the emotional investment of the sigil, and in this case you’re simply going to be burning the paper you’ve drawn it on. Light one side of it, and then place it carefully in the bowl, making sure not to singe yourself in the process. Watch as it burns, and imagine that all of the emotional investment you’ve placed in the sigil, as well as the idea it represents, is being transformed into a new form made of the universal forces of light and heat. Imagine that light and heat radiating out from this moment, into your past and future. Imagine the glow of the sigil’s tiny light spreading across your entire life. Watch it until the flame goes out.

Note: Don’t worry if the flame accidentally goes out during this process. It doesn’t mean that the sigil activation has has failed, or anything supernatural. Some paper burns better than others. Simply relight the remaining paper. The power of this step comes from the intention to release the tension behind the sigil, not on whether or not some wood pulp catches fire.

Step 7: Let it go. Once the flame of the sigil’s paper has gone out, the sigil is discharged. While the sigil may still be a fun thing to look at or think about, the magick itself has already happened. The process has started, and it no longer needs you attention. Let the sigil and what it represents go. It will work the exact same, even if you never think about it again. That doesn’t mean that you should avoid the sigil or anything. It’s a piece of art, and you made it! But now that it has been discharged, think of it as something like a souvenir.

Take a nice, deep breath, and then congratulate yourself. You just worked actual magick! If you feel the urge to laugh at how strange the whole idea was, do it. Put one some music or something, just to change your state of mind. Now it’s time to return to the world. You’ll probably feel a little lighter, and you may even notice that the world around you looks a little different. That’s perfectly normal, so enjoy the feeling.

Additional: Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride. In the coming days, you’ll start to see little things that are eerily evocative of the sigil you activated. Don’t deny these. Don’t dismiss them, even if they seem minor. This is the process starting to work, bit by bit, to bring your intention into reality. The more open you are to these changes, the faster the magick will come into effect.

It’s important, however, to note that your decisions play a hugely important part in how effective the sigil will be. If your sigil is about meeting a new romantic partner, for instance, you might want to think about going out to a place where that could plausibly happen. Staying inside your home, with curtains drawn and lights out, not answering the door, is actively working against the thing you want. Don’t count on the sigil to do the work for you. You’ve already bought the ticket, now you have to take that next step and take the ride.

If you’re uncertain about the whole “magick thing,” start with something minor and irrelevant. In fact, a great way to test the effectiveness of sigil magick is simply to create an activate a sigil that is of both fairly unlikely and of absolutely no consequence. “I will meet a jolly man wearing a furry hat,” for instance, or “I will overhear someone humming ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson.” You’ll soon be surprised at how utterly powerful sigils can be.


Ohhhhh lovey 😍


he looks fly as hell in all of them

1940s tho.

That 1940′s look had me feeling some kinda way 


My ULTIMATE Witchy Masterpost of Masterposts

Getting Started:


Astral Travel




Bathroom Magic


Crystals and Stones



Herbs and Gardening


God(dess) Communication

Hellenic Polytheism

Nordic Polytheism


Anxious/Depressed Witchery


Domestic Witch Tips/Ideas

Home Witchery



Sea Witchery

Storm Witchery


Spell Bundles





I don’t want to be a nag, but definitely look into this more if you are truly seeking to contact spirits :)



Other Masterposts and Resources

Reblog If You’re a Witch Posts

Other Nice Witches!!!

I hope you are having a lovely day!


Food log

Calories that have stayed in my system: 32 calories from plan popcorn 200 calories from Greek "flip" yogurt 54 calories from 3 egg whites Total: 286 calories


my dad made hot and sour soup and i’m in love 🌶 Ingredients 1 oz package dried shitake mushrooms (or any shroom you want, dried or not) 3 cups hot water 4 cups no-chicken or vegetable broth 1 jalapeno, diced (with seeds) 1-2 tsp red pepper flakes (1 tsp if you like it less spicy, 2 if you’re adventurous) 6-8 oz extra firm tofu, cut into ½ inch matchsticks or cubes ½ of 8oz can sliced bamboo shoots, cut into matchsticks ½ of 8 oz can sliced and peeled water chestnuts ½ cup rice vinegar 3 tbsp lite soy sauce 3 tbsp cornstarch tbsp water (last step after veggies are cooked) 6-7 green onions, sliced ½ tbsp sesame oil cayenne to taste (optional) 1 cup cilantro plus extra for garnish (optional) (put all the liquid in the pot, get to a simmer while preparing veggies. Once simmering drop veggies in and simmer for 10 mins) He also added Bok Choy, add as much as you want.


Is he in love with you?

When you start dating, it often takes a while before you can figure out whether he really is as into you as you are to him. Fortunately, each of the zodiac signs has some tell tale behaviors which will clue you in to how he really feels about you.

Aries: Does your Aries guy let you make half of the decisions on where to go, what to do and when to do it? Or does he insist on taking control at all times? When an Aries man is truly in love, he will relinquish some of his need to be the boss. 

Taurus: Does your Taurus Man want to know where you are at every minute of the day? If he’s constantly in touch with you, it’s his possessive side coming out. Which could be tricky to handle, but it does show that he really, really cares for you.

Gemini: Can you get a word in edgeways with your Gemini guy? Or do you just listen and nod in approximately the right places? When a Gemini man is in love, he discovers the joys of listening instead of talking. The more he listens to you, the more he loves you. Cancer: Has your Cancer guy taken you home to meet his Mom? Or does he wriggle out of that with a constant supply of ready excuses? If he thinks you’re the one, your Cancer man will want to show you off (and get approval from his folks). Consider it a compliment. Leo: Does your Leo guy show you his vulnerabilities, or is he still portraying himself as Mr Perfect? When a Leo man is in love, his ego and his mask drop, and he reveals his inner insecurities. If your Leo guy asks for your help, you’re onto a winner.

Virgo: Does your Virgo man offer a constant stream of “helpful” suggestions? If he’s trying to improve you, it means he’s smitten. You might find it infuriating, but it’s what Virgo does. If he didn’t love you, he wouldn’t care either way. Libra: Libra guys fall in love at the drop of a hat, and can be very clingy. The key is whether he feels confident enough to let you go. Does your Libra man cope well if you don’t see him for a few days? If so, he trusts you, and that means he’s fallen for you. Scorpio: Does your Scorpio guy ask you join him on his roller coaster of emotions? Is he happy to show you his darker side? Loving a Scorpio means taking the lows with the highs, but if he’s not in love with you he’ll protect himself and won’t open up like this.

Sagittarius: Does your Sagittarius guy run a mile when you mention homes and children, or does he chatter excitedly about the possibilities? Your Sagittarius man doesn’t settle down easily, so if he’s not put off by future thoughts, then he’s probably a keeper. Capricorn: Is your Capricorn man happy to take you to work functions and to socialize with his colleagues? Image and career are everything for this guy, so he won’t risk this if he’s not smitten with you. The more open he is about his work, the more he’s fallen for you. Aquarius: Has your Aquarius guy said the magic words? If he says he loves you, he truly, madly, deeply means it. The Aquarius man is not one to toy with emotions, and he won’t utter this immortal line unless and until he is absolutely driven to by his feelings. Pisces: Does your Pisces guy turn up on time for your dates, or does he forget, or turn up late? He’s not the best organized man on the planet and timekeeping is actually tough for him – so if he’s punctual and present, you can be sure he thinks you’re worth it.

Source: Keen


Food log

I was able to keep down two eggs and a Reese’s peanut butter cup that’s all thought I puked up everything else Calories eaten and stayed in my system: 290 calories


A good friend knows when to hold you back.

best friend knows when to let go and let you rip into a bitch.




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