
Stuff and Things

@nameislooney / nameislooney.tumblr.com

My name is Jessica, I'm 33, married and I live in the US. This will pretty much be my personal gaming/other random shit I like blog. Plus a place to put my many game characters. My game obsessions currently include Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout, VTMB, Skyrim, Saints Row, Witcher, Stardew Valley and SWTOR.

The most embarrassing thing In my life is whenever I see people and they ask what I’ve been up to . Literally nothing ever . Im like ohh you know this and that …. The usual ..

Places in Mass Effect - The Normandy The Normandy is a prototype starship, developed by the human Systems Alliance with the assistance of the Citadel Council. It is optimized for scouting and reconnaissance missions in unstable regions, using state-of-the-art stealth technology.
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