

@transfixe-d / transfixe-d.tumblr.com

I like most tv shows, trashy music, cute butts, big shirts and underwear, feminism, human rights, collarbones, celebrities, and doing nothing ever. 😊😊

how come there isnt a single college professor out there that realizes the address bar on chrome doubles as a google search. every time i see a professor open chrome and then type in google.com i lose 2 days off my life span

this post is making college professors mad every time i get a notification on this post and its a professor upset that theyve been Called Out i just gain back 2 days of my lifespan so keep it up, i might eventually regain all the days i lost watching yall try to figure out how to use The Internet


have i told you guys about the time that i classically conditioned my kindergarten class

I got like 4 anons asking about this so I guess I didn’t:

Β  Β  Β omg. okay, so basically, I was a β€œgifted kid” which was code for fucken nerd ass bitch, so i would constantly just stare off into space during class while everyone else was tryna figure out what the fuck our teacher was tryna say. Anyway, I was learning about chemistry and biology outside of school(i know what a fucking nerd amirite ladies), and my dad got me a book that talked about all these famous psychological experiments.

Β  Β  So chapter one was, would you have guessed it, Pavlov’s dog. I thought it my be fun to try something to that extent with my classmates. Now, keep in mind, being a nerdy ass brown kid in a school full of white ppl meant that I wasn’t exactly popular, and no one really talked to me in class or cared what I was doing.

Β  Β Everyday, at 9:45 am, our teacher would announce that it was snacktime, and everyone would fucking sprint to their cubbies to grab their lunchboxes like it was the goddamn hunger games. Kindergarten kids didn’t really have a concept of time, so i used this to my advantage. At 9:45 as my teacher would walk up to announce snacktime, I would knock on my desk really quickly three times. It was rly subtle, and I wasn’t sure that it would work.

Β  Β So after two or three weeks, I decided to have some fun. Thirty minutes after school began at like 8:30 or something, I tapped knocked on the desk. Half the class turned their heads and looked straight at the cubbies. 3 boys got up and were about to run to get their lunchbox. One girls stomach started growling REALLY loudly. The teacher had to take 5 minutes to get everyone to calm down and one kid started crying because he thought it was snacktime and he was so shocked and destroyed.

Β  Β Realizing that I had basically dog trained the whole class, I burst out laughing so hard I fell out of my chair and cut my head on the tile floor and got sent home early because I was laughing so hard they thought I had a concussion or something. When I explained what happened to my dad he left the room, but I could hear him losing it in the hallway.Β 

Β  Β So everytime now that I learn about classical conditioning in my Neuroscience classes, I have to fight to keep a straight face


weird/scary that the KKK can announce a come back or whatever and the govt doesn’t acknowledge it as like… a huge terrorist risk like it’s trending on twitter or some shit like its nothing


idk why this needs to be said but don’t reblog people’s posts when they’re having a mental breakdown? mentally ill people aren’t your scapegoats for β€œrelatable” feelings, if someone posts they wanna kill themselves or that they wanna cut don’t reblog it to your blog just because you feel the same way lmfao like it’s not funny it’s irritating we don’t want our posts floating around like leave us alone and stop romanticizing how our brains work because depression and anxiety and bpd and every other mood disorder isn’t a fucking game! stop gawking at us!!!


When you realize you’re about to die out and join the other memes


This meme is too self aware

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