

@fakefemme / fakefemme.tumblr.com

ocean | 23 | she/they | your favorite internet trash bag

"oh yeah im just tired" ~ girl who is quickly unravelling at the seams and also just happens to be tired

  • yemen is the poorest nation in the arab world. but in two weeks time, it did what no oil or gas- rich arab nation could do. by seizing three ships and costing i****l more than 2 billion by forcing its ships to go around africa, yemen showed up.

Just a reminder that Yemen has risked it ALL for Palestine, as they are going through one of the worst humanitarian crisis' ever. Due to their resilience, the puppets at the UN have decided to exclude them from the world food program. Yemen is STARVING. Please consider donating towards their hunger crisis. Let's show up for Yemen.


“i’m a top” “i’m a bottom” well i am a forest fire and i am the fire and i am the forest and i am a witness watching it


note the reason you don't admit to buying in cash is because the salesperson makes commission off the amount of money you'd be expected to pay over the life of the loan, including the gargantuan interest amount, so they're incentivized to give you a much better price on the car knowing that the interest will more than make up the difference and help clinch the sale. if you say "I'm buying cash", no discount.

keep in mind that some purchase contracts are canny to this tactic and will make the discount only apply if you're financing, and the financing will renege on the discount if you pay off your loan within six months or some other fixed timeframe. read contracts carefully. you can still make out like a bandit if you time it carefully and never tell the salesperson what you're planning on doing


On the one hand, not having a Speaker of the House is indicative of very serious issues in the American populace. It shows a divisive political dialogue and a country in crisis. The last two times this happened both preceded horrible periods of disruption in our country by about 10 years, the Great Depression and the Civil War. So it's not a great look and does make one nervous about what is coming down the pipe On the other hand it is genuinely so fucking funny


We stan!!!!

chaotic good

There’s a happy ending to, because the robbery was unsuccessful, the couple ended up getting the money Eden needed from a movie inspired by em! Also John only had to serve part of his sentence. Check out their wedding photos btw they’re beautiful.


reblogging because I’ve seen this post a thousand times and I’ve never seen the happy ending!! 

Everyone go watch Dog Day Afternoon please please please it’s the movie mentioned in this thread it’s Sidney Lumet’s best imo and Al Pacino plays John and he is heartbreakingly good in it.


I mean Jesus fucking Christ this is not right


My friend told me the best example to explain the vast difference between a million and a billion

"A million seconds ago was last week. A billion seconds ago we were still dealing with the Soviet union."


This is why when we talk about “rich people” who aren’t paying taxes or who are wasting money, we’re not talking about the person who makes 1 or 2 grains of rice worth of money a year. We’re talking about the person who makes the giant fucking Costco sized pile of rice.

If you earned $10.000 per day, every single day, and you never spent a SINGLE CENT on anything, it would take you approximately 273 years to become a billionaire.

So, if you had started saving that money on the eve of the French Revolution... you would STILL have almost another forty years to go before you'd have your first billion.


i love you people still wearing face masks i love you people wearing them for strangers i love you people wearing them for themselves i love you people wearing them for family members i love you people wearing them for friends and coworkers i love you people wearing them despite it no longer being mandated i love you people wearing masks

I love you people who are reblogging this I love you people who are still wearing masks and encouraging others to do the same I love you people who care


Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care

Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck

Well, OP, I’m officially invested in this shit. Your whiny ass is doing self care if I have to drive to your goddamn house and do it for you.

By Talos this can't be happening

reblog this everyone i wanna see what happens when op’s reverse-hubris forces them to practice basic self care.

why? because it’s funny and completely possible actually so good fucking luck op

I figured out roughly how many notes it's been getting per day and multiplied that by the number of days left until the end of 2023

If we keep it going at this rate we'll be far past 666k


Okay so clearly I've underestimated y'all

So how about we make this more interesting?

I will practise self care if this post reaches 666k BY THE END OF 2022


Op you have fuckethed with the devil this post has gained 30,000 notes since I reblogged it last night

OP I hope you are ready to practice some self care because if there's one thing the gremlins of tumblr love it's a challenge.

i normally hate these "oh noo don't give me a ton of notes" posts but this one? this one i love.

posts that have 666k notes TO ME. and hopefully to you, too, OP. 💜


Let's all practice self care if this post hits the magic number…

Op telling us we'll never make it to 666k by the end of 2023 (only having to make it 2022 after all):




I was going to wait until y'all hit the mark, But I feel like I should say this now

When I made this post, it was supposed to be a joke

I mean, none of my posts ever get more than 20 notes if I'm lucky, so what are the odds of one reaching 666k? Impossible, haha

But then, something happened, something I didn't expect

People actually began to... like it? And... reblog? And comment?

Before I knew it, my notifications were swarmed with comments after comments after reblogs after comments all on this one post

Then, still in the mindset of this being a joke, I realised I'd made the goal too easy, so I upped the stakes

But... the notes just got more frequent from there

And it started to hit me just what was happening

For a while, I was overwhelmed with a feeling

A feeling I wasn't used to

It was like... all of a sudden... I mattered...

My existance was actually noteworthy

People actually... cared?

It wasn't a game anymore, it was a race to assure a stranger on the Internet that they were actually worth something

Hundreds of people all gathering in one online place to help out

Leaving messages and well wishes

Making me smile

Making me laugh

Funny comments


Fun facts

Even simple comments

It all suddenly felt so real

This was never a joke to you

This was important

And I won't let any of that go in vain

So... stay tuned I suppose

I'll look after myself, and I'll post proof of it too

I'll catalogue every time I put my health first

Physical and mental

I'll acknowledge my bad days and celebrate my good days

But most of all

I won't forget this

Any of this


(Tagging all the people in that screenshot)


zlibrary gone... FUCK TIKTOK FUCK BOOKTOK I hope that app burns in hell

library genesis is still up (very similar site) and r/freemediaheckyeah and r/piracy have lots of other alternatives. zlib was the GOAT though. fuck tiktok

(originally commented. putting as a reblog as its important)

for anyone that wants to know about other sites, I also didn't know so this is a big help!!! thank you!


some sites i use to read online: - https://libgen.li/ - https://www.pdfdrive.com/ - https://libretexts.org/ - https://openlibrary.org/ - https://novel80.com/ - https://www.allfreenovel.com/ - https://bookreadfree.com/ - https://allbookshub.com/ - http://thefreeonlinenovel.com/ - https://www.epub.pub/ - https://www.readingsanctuary.com/ - https://yes-pdf.com/ - https://www.booksfree.org/ if none of the links work if you just search up "(book title) read online free" there's almost always gonna be a pdf link and those are always good to read from too

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