
Remember: You Are Not Alone

@just-a-skinny-boy / just-a-skinny-boy.tumblr.com

Hi! My name is Elijah, I'm 25 years old, I'm from Minnesota, and I'm probably one of the strangest people you will ever meet. This blog is about my journey towards recovery from my depression and eating struggles. Follow me on my journey...

Lately I’ve been getting most of my pep talks from Mister Rogers.

Great. Now I’m disappointing Mr. Rogers.

Mr. Rogers is not disappointed in you.  He’s proud of you for listening and thinking about what he said, and he hopes it plants a seed where sometimes maybe you notice yourself making an unhealthy choice and recognize it, because that’s the first step towards growth towards your best and healthiest self, which is a journey and a process, not an ideal state of which you are falling short.

Mr. Rogers loves you for just your being you.


With some of this stuff it’s hard to tell if it’s ironic detachment or genuine racism, but at some point, what’s the f***king difference?

Wtf is this? Anyone else never heard or seen any of these “racist code words”? this made no sense… is this satire?

Sadly, no; I got called a “Skype promoting lies” last week for posting about how my congregation made support for Black Lives Matter an important component of our Rosh Hashanah services. And make no mistake—these white supremacists specifically chose “Skype” to be their word for Jews because of its linguistic similarity to “Kike.” The code words are a new but very real thing.


The fact that these scum sucking fuckers chose, of all the runes, Algiz…which stands for protection from harm…as one of the ones they specifically use…fills me with seething rage.

Get your white supremacy out of my futhark you fucking shitstains. 

am reblogging because i am legitimately clueless and want to help other clueless individuals who might spot these symbols and now be able to recognize and report/flag them and block individuals who knowingly use them



I’m beyond angry right now ugh

My great grandparents didn’t sit through fucking internment camps in WWII for this

Male your kids aware that bad people are using these things! Google, Yahoo, Skype. There is no room for “They’re too young” or “I don’t want to scare them” because I can guarantee the other side doesn’t have those reservations about their kids


This is fucking terrifying


They’re words used on Twitter and 4chan and some popped up on Tumblr. He’s making people aware of the symbols and words. Recognize them.

I’m especially pissed about the Elder Futhark runes that were used, like what the fuck?? Why would they take symbols of peace and perfectly innocuous things and turns their meanings into something terrible and ugly??


It’s important to keep these symbols in mind, but remember to think of the context they’re used in. Some people may not know about these stolen symbol meanings, others might use these symbols for something else OR their original meaning. Not everyone who uses these is a white supremacist, they might just be unaware they were stolen or using them in their original context, not the shitty stolen one.


Source: youtu.be

shoutout to the people who text me first, hit me up with plans, or check up on me from time to time 

y'all a real one


I have exactly one (1) lifehack for every adult thing and that is “admit your ignorance to customer service people”

no, seriously! I know how nothing in adult life works, but I have learned it by calling up the customer service division of whatever agency I am having a problem with and then just asking about whatever the problem is, emphasizing my complete lack of knowledge about the thing.

my actual literal script for these interactions: “Hi, my name is [name]. This is my problem: [problem]. I don’t know how [adult thing] works. could you explain how [adult thing] works?” it fucking works every time.

me: I keep getting conflicting information as to whether my therapist is covered by my health insurance. I don’t know anything about health insurance, so this is very confusing to me. could you explain why this might be happening? health insurance customer service: it’s because your normal health insurance is X company but your mental healthcare is subcontracted out to Y company, and Y covers your therapist but X doesn’t. just always bill Y when you go to your therapist and you’ll be fine.

me: I accidentally put the wrong date to pay my credit card off and I’m afraid it will post before I get paid. this is my first credit card so I don’t know what I’m doing. could you tell me when it will post? customer service person: it will send a message to your bank today, but your bank won’t respond to it until tomorrow when you get paid, so you’re fine. and even if it does bounce, the fee is only $25 and you qualify for a waiver.

me: I went to an urgent care place that said they’d take my health insurance, but now i have a big bill. I don’t know how billing works: can you explain why the amount is so much for such a routine trip? customer service person: it’s because you were out of network at the time. however, since your insurance hasn’t covered the cost of care, the urgent care people should refund you for the cost of the services you paid for. me: [gets actual check in mail for the $200 I spent on testing my pee]

I would not recommend this method for retail (for the love of god, do not tell a sleazy car dealer that you don’t know how cars work), and sure, sometimes you have to speak to the manager or threaten a credit card chargeback or whatever you need to do. but 99% of the time, speaking nicely and admitting to needing help has worked wonders for me, and means I don’t have to stew in terror over doing some adult thing Wrong.

This 100% goes for appliance support as well. If you dont have your instructions or don’t understand how the appliance works or have forgotten the customer service person will CHEERFULLY go through step by step if you admit you don’t know and don’t shout. Usually we can solve the issue, unless you cut your dishdrawer in half so it’ll fit on your boat then i can’t help I’m afraid.


that… that sounds like an awfully specific example 👀


I decided to create a masterpost that would help you with what you are struggling with. Hopefully any of the links below will help you! Reminder; You’re going to be okay. What you are going through will pass, just remember to breathe. 



Here are some distractions to help keep your mind occupied so you aren’t too focused on your thoughts. 

Sleep issues; 

  Uncomfortable with silence; 


Sad, angry and depressed/depression; 

Isolation and loneliness; 



  Eating disorders; 

  Dealing with self-hatred;  




Borderline personality disorder; 



  Loss and grief; 

(Other loss and grief)

  Getting help; 

Things you need to remember; 

  • - Don’t stress about being fixed because you’re not broken.
  • -Remember to remind yourself of your accomplishments. Tell yourself that you’re proud of yourself, even if you’re not. 
  • - This is temporary. You won’t always feel like this. 
  • -You are not alone. 
  • -You are enough. 
  • -You are important. 
  • -You are worth it. 
  • -You are strong. 
  • -You are not a failure, 
  • -Good people exist. 
  • -Reaching out shows strength. 
  • -Breathe. 
  • -Don’t listen to the thoughts that are not helping you. 
  • -Give yourself credit. 
  • -Don’t be ashamed of your emotions, for the good or bad ones. 
  • -Treat yourself the same way as you would treat a good friend. 
  • -Focus on the things you can change. 
  • -Let go of toxic people. 
  • -You don’t need to hide, you’re allowed to feel the way you do. 
  • -Try not to beat yourself up. 
  • -Something is always happening, you don’t want to miss out on what’s going to happen next. 
  • -You are not a bother.
  • -Your existence is more than your appearance. 
  • -You are smart. 
  • -You are loved. 
  • -You are wanted. 
  • -You are needed. 
  • -Better days are coming. 
  • -Just because your past is dark, doesn’t mean your future isn’t bright. 
  • -You have more potential than you think. 
  • - Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.

Please remember to look after yourself and know that you are more than worth it and you deserve to be happy. Keep smiling butterflies x

God bless the person who made this

It makes me happy to think how much time this person put into making sure strangers were okay. Now it’d just be rude not to even try it, wouldn’t it.

Wow… this is so amazing. Thank you.



there are several posts going around about how to best help if you witness an ICE raid/arrest as a (white) citizen. many of them are filled with extremely bad, LARP-y advice such as screaming at agents and getting physically close to them. in most cases, this is just going to make things worse for everyone at risk (including yourself). you need to stay calm, and avoid getting someone accused of resisting arrest.

to be clear: most of these fascists dont care about the law. “illegal” is not a magic word you can say to make them stop. and, being a white citizen is not an impenetrable shield. you can still be arrested, so be prepared for that. you are, however, less likely to be arrested, and MUCH less likely to be killed or held extralegally.

here is what you should actually do to help:

record, and make sure your phone auto-backups to a cloud. streaming can be problematic because its best to have lawyers look over the footage first. be aware they might also grab your phone, even without a warrant. if they’re grabbing it out of your hands, try to lock it. make sure you have a pin lock, not pattern or fingerprint. here’s some other ways to protect your phone from cops.

if you are able to film, and have determined it won’t escalate the situation, make it obvious you are doing so, because secretly recording is illegal in several states. narrate any violation of rights you see. here is a Q&A about filming ICE.

stay several feet back from agents, because they can claim you’re impeding them. if you’re recording and they claim this, take several steps back, and announce it as you’re doing so, if you’re filming.

ask if they are free to go, if someone is being approached. if ICE insists on the person asking for themself, and they speak spanish*, tell them “por favor repita: ‘am i free to go?’” (this just means “please repeat”) if the agent says yes, tell them “usted puede dejar”. if not..

calmly inform people of their rights if they are being arrested. they do not have to speak at all to agents, answer any questions without a lawyer, or sign anything. they do have to show their paperwork if they have it, but do NOT have to hand over the paperwork/passport, or consent to a search of themselves/belongings, without a judicial warrant (not administrative! here’s the difference). it is crucial that they give as little information as possible to ICE.

if you speak spanish, list their rights in spanish as well, and translate what the agents are saying. if not, keep the google translate app on your phone – it’s not perfect, but it’s quick/accessible and can download languages for offline use. you can also memorize this sentence: “no tiene que responder/dar su consentimiento” - “you dont have to respond/consent”

get their lawyer’s contact info, if they have one and are being taken away by ICE. many people carry a card with emergency contact info on it, including childcare info and loved ones, so you can offer to call those numbers for them.

call for legal help. do not call the ACLU or other big organizations for immediate help, call your local immigration help center (for New York State, contact IDP at 212-725-6422. for California, call the TRUST hotline at 844-878-7801). United We Dream is an immigrant-lead organization that provides aid nationwide, and can be reached at 844-363-1423. please save these numbers in your phone!

know the ICE rapid response network in your town, and keep their number on hand. if there isn’t one close to you, here’s how to make one.

finally, here are some useful toolkits:

know your rights posters for in-home raid readiness, community flyers, and informative videos

ACLU videos explaining what to do in various situations with ICE

*of course not every immigrant speaks spanish; people from south america are being targeted en masse right now, but may speak many indigenous languages as well as portuguese. so ask if you dont know what language someone speaks, and see if google translate can help.


“As the fight for LGBTQ rights became more mainstream, corporations have latched onto Pride Month as a way of courting the LGBTQ community, an important source of customers and skilled employees.

But do these corporations really support the LGBTQ movement? Popular Information has identified nine rainbow flag-waving corporations that gave $1 million or more to anti-gay politicians in the last election cycle.

Deconstructing corporate pride

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the most prominent organization dedicated to LGBTQ rights, produces a “Corporate Equality Index.” In 2019, 572 companies earned a perfect score. HRC says these companies are the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.”

Popular Information identified nine corporations that received a perfect score from HRC but donated $1 million or more in the last election cycle to politicians that received a zero on the HRC Congressional scorecard. The donations were all from corporate PACs to politicians or their leadership PACs.”

Read the full piece here

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