
Pedxing Photography and Design

@pedestrianphoto / pedestrianphoto.tumblr.com

-This blog is still under maintenance- Cosplay Photography Blog. Until I organize everything, please check my main blog, pedx-ing for updated cosplay and photography.

Cannot believe I didn’t post these ;;^;; I could have sworn I did.. might have just been Facebook only. Well really over due tokyo ghoul shoot from katsu con. Had sooo much fun doing this shoot. ^w^ 

Kaneki ken: angryjaeger

Hideyoshi nagachika: me 

Photogropher: pedestrianphotograpy


Katsucon 2014 Private Photoshoot Bookings - Pedxing Photography

I hope everyone is looking forward to Katsucon 2014 as much as I am~! Best of luck with last minute Katsu prep and packing everything up to head to National Harbor!
With Katsu right around the corner, I have a handful of timeslots still open. Times and rates under the cut. *Cosplayers in the photos above are credited in the annotations. 
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