
Spring And A Storm

@viciousmenhavemanymasters / viciousmenhavemanymasters.tumblr.com

INTJ in denial.
Machine of Death: "POISON"

“I think I should warn you all, when a vampire bites it, it’s never a pretty sight. No two bloodsuckers go the same way. Some yell and scream, some go quietly, some explode, some implode, but all will try to take you with them.“


*Wil Wheaton and some of his pals created an artisanal beer that describes itself as “an anthology of beer science fiction.”  I bought one and drank it.  As expensive fancy beers go, it was pretty good beer

Jesus Christ

Yknow they say beer causes hormonal imbalances in men. I can believe this one would.

Which is why I become somewhat incensed when flippant people talk about how Rick & Morty is bad because it doesn't aptly "punish" Rick and therefore communicate that he's bad. There is probably no comment on the internet that could make me more frustrated. Because if you watch this show and can't understand how it's blatantly condemning even the most "successful" version of Rick's psychology and still tearing it to shreds, then I don't really know what to say. For it's not even the simple confusing depiction and endorsement, nor is it part of the horrid need for abject moralizing in our media... It's just not seeing what's there. And thus it's being mad at the deeply uncomfortable feeling that the show provokes. And as such, like Rick himself, it is just another form of displacement. We want the show to punish someone so we don't have to, and more importantly, not punish ourselves. It is to demand both false truth and false catharsis, all while the show would much rather lay the poisonous truth into us with all the subtleness of a dagger.

Hulk has made the same point about Scorcese’s work, and I think it’s a very powerful statement.

I don’t like when minorities tell me that I can’t understand racism because I’m white. No, you can’t understand racism because you are not white. I hear the shit that they say about you, when you leave the room.

Doug Stanhope (via iamdougstanhope)


A nice bit of refactoring

Just wanted to share a little success story. I spent a couple hours during my final project trying to refactor a lengthy if/else statement. I spent another couple hours last week, once the project was over, going back to it and trying to fix this method, but still not getting anywhere with it. But I went back to it again yesterday and finally cracked it.

It's actually a very simple solution, and I'm not certain why it took me so long to get to it. I think in large part it was a matter of being like... a bit intimidated by the language, I guess? I knew how to do what I wanted in Ruby, but I'd hit so many roadblocks where Swift didn't work like I expected, I didn't think I really understood how "for" loops work... except they work pretty much like you'd expect them to, so... what was my problem? I'm not sure.

So I went from this:

Where updateFoodMenuBar( ) acts as a manager, choosing what arguments to pass to the fillIceCreamArray( ) renderer, to this:

So, to break it down quite simply: this is for a virtual pet, and we have a bar on the screen that indicates hunger for that pet. If it is silhouettes of ice creams, the cat is hungry:


As you feed it, it populates that bar with a coloured in ice cream:


In terms of code, there is a StomachContents array inside the Cat class. When you feed the cat, it inserts an element into that array. The Controller looks at that, counts the contents, and renders that many ice creams on the screen.

The way it was working before was to go "Ok... IF there is X number of StomachContents, then I will render THIS *very specific* set of images".

And I just changed it to two arrays - an Array of the Image *elements* and an Arrya of the actual Image *files* that would be rendered inside those elements. And then just iterated over the former, inserting the latter into it, up to the range of the StomachContents

The only thing I don't like is that it re-renders every time. Well, I don't think anything really happens that's *visible* to a human, but... it is going over elements that have already be rendered properly, every time it gets called... so I might change it to an associative array, so that it only renders things that don't have, like... whatever Value associated with them


Taylor and I are announcing the official end of Every Frame a Painting. Nothing sinister; we just wanted it to end rather than have it continue as some weird zombie version of itself. The existing videos will, of course, stay online. Just nothing new, that’s all.

medium.com/@tonyszhou/postmortem-1b338537fabc The above link is to a Medium post that includes the script to our final unmade video. Anyways, thank you all for watching and supporting all these years. It’s been a blast.

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